Teaching to transform not inform Foundational Principles for Making and Informational Sunday School Lesson... TRANSFORMATIONAL

Simon, W. Bradley.

Teaching to transform not inform Foundational Principles for Making and Informational Sunday School Lesson... TRANSFORMATIONAL [print] W. Bradley Simon - [Place of publication not identified], M28:20, (c)2016. - xvi, 120 : 22 cm - Teaching to transform not inform .

Volume 1 It's about Transformation, Not Simply Information and Explanation How to Transform Bot the Head and Heart How You Teach MissouriRE by Teaching Less (Part 1) How You Teach MissouriRE by Teaching Less (Part 2) Become One of the Imperfect People God Uses Create a Ripple That Continues into Eternity Volume 2 The Seven Ingredients The Sticky Proverb Avoid Ramblemation Captivating Introduction The Visual Anchor Here's-How Teaching Remove Roadblocks The Conclusion Challenge

When I first began teaching, I emulated my high school and college teachers. While this teaching style was great for teaching information, facts, theories, et cetera, I soon found it less effective at helping others grow in their character. As I searched for more effective teaching techniques, I found that most books and seminars focused on teaching information. Even so, over the years, I have figured out how to teach transformational, rather than informational, lessons. This series condenses 27 years of books, seminars, a Master of Divinity, and a Ph.D. into a simple, practical, step-by-step, transformational, teaching format. Book 1 lists several clear, easy-to-understand, practical foundational principles that make informational lessons, transformational. Then, Book 2 (Teaching To Transform Not Inform 2), provides the step-by-step process I follow when creating Transformational lessons. Here, I will help you integrate the 7 elements that should be in every lesson that has life-change as its primary goal. https://www.amazon.com/Teaching-Transform-Inform-Informational-TRANSFORMATIONAL/dp/1939257115/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=9781939257116&qid=1570813848&s=books&sr=1-1

Over the last 25 years, Dr. W. Bradley Simon has trained teachers in traditional and contemporary churches ranging from 50 to over 2000 members. He equips them to fulfill the Great Commission by helping them teach lessons that are not simply informational or educational, but transformational. Dr. Simon holds a Master of Divinity from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Deerfield, Illinois and a Ph.D. from Southern Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky. He and his wife have two sons and a daughter. For additional resources, training materials, or seminar scheduling information, visit www.M2820.com.

1939257115 9781939257116

Adult Christian Education
Religious Studies Education

Christian Pastoral Resource

S596.T433 2016

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