Victorian prose writers after 1867 /

Victorian prose writers after 1867 / [print] edited by William B. Thesing. - Detroit, Michigan : Gale Research Company, (c)1987. - xiii, 571 pages : illustrations ; 29 cm. - Dictionary of literary biography ; v. 57 . - A Bruccoli Clark layman book .

Ports. on lining papers.

Matthew Arnold Charles Bradlaugh Samuel Butler Charles Darwin Charles M. Doughty James Anthony Froude William Ewart Gladstone Edmund Gosse Frederic Harrison Gerard Manley Hopkins Richard Holt Hutton T. H. Huxley Vernon Lee (Violet Paget) ; W. H. Mallock George Meredith George Moore John Morley William Morris Walter Pater George Saintsbury Bernard Shaw Herbert Spencer Leslie Stephen Robert Louis Stevenson A. C. Swinburne John Addington Symonds Arthur Symons Anthony Trollope Edward Burnett Tylor Oscar Wilde Appendix: Victorians on Rhethoric and Prose style ; Richard Whately Thomas de Quincey Thomas Carlyle Herbert Spencer Cockburn Thomson William Forsyth Wilkie Collins Alexander Smith George Henry Lewes Alexander Bain T. H. Wright George Saintsbury Robert Louis Stevenson Walter Pater Oscar Wilde John Addington Symonds W. H. Mallock Walter Raleigh Frederic Harrison.



Authors, English--19th century--Biography--Dictionaries.
English prose literature--19th century--Bio-bibliography--Dictionaries.
English prose literature--19th century--Dictionaries.

PR781.T413.V538 1987 PR781.V645.V538 1987