Philosophy for understanding theology /

Allen, Diogenes,

Philosophy for understanding theology / [print] Diogenes Allen and Eric O. Springsted. - second edition. - Louisville : Westminster John Knox Press, [(c)2007. - xxv, 267 pages ; 23 cm.

Plato: the world is the handiwork of a mind Plato: this world is not our home The platonic tradition: the stoics, plotinus, pseudo-dionysius Aristotle: his categories and the mystery of god Aristotle and the creation of scholastic theology Aquinas' program and two critics: karl barth and process theology The beginnings of the modem world: nominalism, humanism The scientific revolution Early modem philosophy: rationalism, empiricism, the enlightenment Kant and the limits of knowledge Hegel and the restoration of optimism The search for meaning in contemporary philosophy: ; Existentialism, phenomenology, and, hermeneutics Postmodernism: truth, objectivity and certainty Postmodernism: moral philosophy.

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Philosophical theology.

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