Louth, Andrew,

Modern Orthodox thinkers : from the Philokalia to the present / [print] Andrew Louth. - Downer's Grove, Illinois : InterVarsity Press, [(c)2015. - xvi, 382 pages ; 23 cm

The Philokalia and its infuence Vladimir Solov'ev and Sophia Fr Pavel Florensky and the nature of reason Fr Sergii Bulgakov and the nature of theology Nikolai Berdyaev--creativity, freedom and the person Fr Georges Florovsky and the neo-patristic synthesis Apophatic theology and deification: Myrrha Lot-Borodine and Vladimir Lossky St Maria of Paris (Mother Maria Skobtsova) and Orthodoxy in the modern world Modern Orthodox dogmatic theology: 1 Fr Dumitru Staniloae Modern Orthodox dogmatic theology: 2 St Justin Popovic Paul Evdokimov and the love and beauty of God Neo-Palamaism: Fr John Meyendorff and some Greek neo-Palamites Liturgical theology: Fr Alexander Schmemann and the Greeks Ioannis Foundoulis and Fr Vasileios Theology of patristic renewal: Metropolitan John of Pergamon (Zizioulas) and Fr John Romanides Lay theologians: 1 Philip Sherrard Lay theologians: 2 Dimitris Koutroubis, Christos Yannaras, Stelios Ramfos Lay theologians: 3 Elisabeth Behr-Sigel, Olivier Clement Spiritual elders: 1 Mother Thekla (Sharf) and the English acculturation of Orthodoxy Spiritual elders: 2 St Silouan and Fr Sophrony : seeing God as he is Theology in Russia under communism: Fr Aleksandr Men' ; Metropolitan Kallistos and the theological vision of the Philokalia.

Andrew Louth, one of the most respected authorities on Orthodoxy, introduces us to twenty key thinkers from the last two centuries. He begins with the Philokalia, the influential Orthodox collection published in 1782 which marked so many subsequent writers. The colorful characters, poets and thinkers who populate this book range from Romania, Serbia, Greece, England, France and also include exiles from Communist Russia. Louth offers historical and biographical sketches that help us understand the thought and impact of these men and women. Only some of them belong to the ranks of professional theologians. Many were neither priests nor bishops, but influential laymen. The book concludes with an illuminating chapter on Metropolitan Kallistos and the theological vision of the Philokalia. Read more: http://www.ivpress.com/cgi-ivpress/book.pl/code=5121#ixzz3oT3S2dWV

9780830851218 0830851216


Orthodox Eastern Church--Doctrines.
Orthodox Eastern Church--History.

Theology, Doctrinal
Religious thought

Eastern Europe

BX320.3.M634 2015 BX320.3.L893.M634 2015