Morris, Leon, 1914-2006.,

The Gospel according to Matthew / [print] Leon Morris. - Grand Rapids, Michigan : William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company ; 1992. Leicester, England : Inter-Varsity Press, (c)1992. - xvii, 781 pages ; 24 cm. - The Pillar New Testament Commentary. . - Pillar New Testament Commentary. .

Jesus' journey to Jerusalem, 19:1-20:34 ; A. Teaching about divorce, 19:1-12 ; B. Jesus and the children, 19:13-15 ; C. Teaching and traveling, 19:16-20:34 ; 1. The peril of riches, 19:16-30 ; 2. The parable of the workers in the vineyard, 20:1-16 ; 3. A prediction of the Passion, 20:17-19 ; 4. Places for the sons of Zebedee, 20:20-28 ; 5. Two blind men of Jericho, 20:20-46. Jesus' ministry in Jerusalem, 21:1-25:46 ; A. Beginnings, 21:1-27 ; 1. The triumphal entry into Jerusalem, 21:1-11 ; 2. The cleansing of the temple, 21:12-17 ; 3. The fig tree, 21:18-22 ; 4. The question of authority, 21:23-27 ; B. Teaching in parables, 21:28-22:14 ; 1. The parable of the two sons, 21:28-32 ; 2. The parable of the tenants, 21:33-46 ; 3. The parable of the wedding feast, 22:1-14 ; C. Pharisees and Sadducees, 22:15-23:39 ; 1. Attempts to trap Jesus, 22:15-46 ; 2. Jesus' denunciation of the Pharisees, 23:1-39. Jesus' ministry of healing, 8:1-9:34 ; 1. Three healings, 8:1-17 ; a. Cleansing a leper, 8:1-4 ; born The centurion's servant, 8:5-13 ; c. Healing Peter's mother-in-law and others, 8:14-17 ; 2. The cost of discipleship, 8:18-22 ; 3. Three wonders, 8:23-9:8 ; a. Calming a storm, 8:23-27 ; born The Gadarene demoniacs, 8:28-34 ; c. Healing a paralytic, 9:1-8 ; 4. Discipleship, 9:9-17 ; a. The calling of Matthew, 9:9-13 ; born Fasting, 9:14-17 ; 5. Three stories of healings, 9:18-34 ; a. A sick woman and a dead girl, 9:18-26 ; born Two blind men, 9:27-31 ; c. A dumb demoniac, 9:32-34. Jesus' second discourse, 9:35-10:42 ; 1. The harvest and the workers, 9:35-38 ; 2. The mission of the twelve, 10:1-42 ; a. The twelve, 10:1-4 ; born The charge to the twelve, 10:5-15 ; c. Troubles ahead, 10:16-25 ; d. Fear and loyalty, 10:26-42 ; F. Responses to Jesus' activity, 11:1-12:50 ; 1. John the Baptist, 11:1-19 ; 2. Unrepentant cities, 11:20-24 ; 3. Jesus' invitation, 11:25-30 ; 4. The use of the Sabbath, 12:1-14 ; 5. Jesus fulfilling prophecy, 12:15-21 ; 6. Conflict with the Pharisees, 12:22-37 ; 7. The sign of Jonah, 12:38-42 ; 8. The return of the unclean spirit, 12:43-45 ; 9. Jesus' family, 12:46-50. Teaching in parables, 13:1-52 ; 1. The parable of the sower, 13:1-9 ; 2. The purpose of the parables, 13:10-17 ; 3. The meaning of the parable of the sower, 13:18-23 ; 4. The parable of the weeds, 13:24-30 ; 5. More parables of growth, 13:31-33 ; 6. Parables in prophecy, 13:34-35 ; 7. The meaning of the parable of the weeds, 13:36-43 ; 8. Three short parables, 13:44-50 ; 9. The householder, 13:51-52. Text, exposition, and notes ; I. The birth and infancy of Jesus, 1:1-2:23 ; A. The genealogy of Jesus, 1:2-17 ; B. The birth of Jesus, 2:1-23 ; C. The infant Jesus, 2:1-23 ; 1. The visit of the Magi, 2:1-12 ; 2. The flight into Egypt, 2:13-15 ; 3. The killing of the children of Bethlehem, 2:16-18 ; 4. The return from Egypt, 2:19-23 ; II. Preliminaries to Jesus' ministry, 3:1-4:11 ; A. John the Baptist, 3:1-17 ; 1. John's preaching, 3:1-12 ; 2. Jesus baptism, 3:13-17 ; B. Jesus' temptation, 4:1-11. =505 0\aJesus' ministry in Galilee, 4:12-13:52 ; A. Introduction, 4:12-17 ; B. The first disciples and the first teaching, 4:18-25 ; C. The Sermon on the Mount, 5:1-7:29 ; 1. Introduction, 5:1-2 ; 2. The Beatitudes, 5:13-16 ; 3. Salt and light, 5:13-16 ; 4. Fulfilling the Law, 5:17-20 ; 5. Applying the Law, 5:21-48 ; a. Murder, 5:21-26 ; born Adultery, 5:27-30 ; c. Divorce, 5:31-32 ; d. Oaths, 5:33-37 ; e. Retaliation, 5:38-42 ; f. Love for enemies, 5:43-48 ; 6. Practicing piety, 6:1-34 ; a. Almsgiving, 6:1-4 ; born Prayer, 6:5-15 ; c. Fasting, 6:16-18 ; d. Possessions, 6:19-24 ; e. Anxiety and trust, 6:25-34 ; 7. Judging, 7:1-6 ; 8. Prayer, 7:7-11 ; 9. The Golden Rule, 7:12 ; 10. True and false discipleship, 7:13-27 ; 11. Conclusion, 7:28-29. The Christ made known, 16:13-17:13 ; 1. Peter's confession, 16:13-28 ; 2. The Transfiguration, 17:1-13 ; F. The Christ at work, 17:14-18:35 ; 1. Casting out a devil, 17:14-20 ; 2. A prophecy of the passion, 17:22-23 ; 3. The temple tax, 17:24-27 ; 4. Life in the Messianic community, 18:1-35 The end of Jesus' ministry in Galilee, 13:53-18:35 ; A.A prophet without honor, 13:53-58 ; B. The death of John the Baptist, 14:1-12 ; C. Some miracles of Jesus, 14:13-36 ; 1. The feeding of the five thousand, 14:13-21 ; 2. Peter walking on water, 14:22-33 ; 3. Jesus healing, 14:34-36 ; D. Opposition and loyalty, 15:1-16:12 ; 1. Blind leaders of the blind, 15:1-20 ; 2. The Canaanite woman, 15:21-28 ; 3. The feeding of the four thousand, 15:29-39 ; 4. The leaven of the Pharisees and the Sadducees, 16:1-12. The Olivet Discourse, 24:1-25:46 ; 1. The destruction of the temple, 24:1-2 ; 2. The beginning of the troubles, 24:3-14 ; 3. The climax of the troubles, 24:3-14 ; 4. The coming of the Son of Man, 24:29-51 ; 5. The parable of the ten girls, 25:1-13 ; 6. The parable of the talents, 25:14-30 ; 7. The sheet and the goats, 25:31-46. The Passion story, 26:1-27:66 ; A. Preliminaries, 26:1-5 ; B. Jesus and His followers, 26:6-30 ; 1. The anointing at Bethany, 26:6-13 ; 2. Betrayal, 26:14-16 ; 3. The Last Supper, 26:17-30 ; C. Jesus brought to trial, 26:31-27:26 ; 1. Jesus in Gethsemane, 26:31-46 ; 2. Jesus arrested, 26:47-56 ; 3. Jesus tried before Caiaphas, 26:57-68 ; 4. Jesus denied by Peter, 26:69-75 ; 5. Jesus handed over to the Romans, 27:1-2 ; 6. The death of Judas, 27:3-10 ; 7. Jesus before Pilate, 27:11-26 ; D. The death of Jesus, 27:27-66 ; 1. The mockery, 27:27-31 ; 2. The crucifixion, 27:32-56 ; 3. The burial, 27:57-66. The Resurrection, 28:1-20 ; A. The women at the tomb, 28:1-10 ; B. The soldiers silenced, 28:11-15 ; C. The Great Commission, 28:16-20.

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