Geometry / [print] Randall I. Charles ... [and others]. - Boston, Massachusetts : Pearson/Prentice Hall, (c)2011. - xxxvi, 963 pages : color illustrations ; 26 cm. - Prentice Hall mathematics . - Prentice Hall mathematics. .

Includes English and Spanish glossary.

Using your book for success Entry-level assessment Tools of geometry Reasoning and proof Parallel and perpendicular lines Congruent triangles Relationships within triangles Polygons and quadrilaterals Similarity Right triangles and trigonometry Transformations Area South Carolina topics Surface area and volume Circles End-of-course assessment Skills handbook Reference Visual glossary Selected answers.

Grades 9-12.

9780133629255 0133629252 9780133726435 0133726436 9780133726275 0133726274 9780133726282 0133726282 0133726398 9780133726398 9780132518055 0132518058

Geometry--Study and teaching (Middle school)
Geometry--Study and teaching (Secondary)

QA461.G466 2011