Walker, P. W. L.

Jesus and the Holy City : New Testament perspectives on Jerusalem / [print] Peter W.L. Walker. - Grand Rapids, Michigan : W.B. Eerdmans Pub., [(c)1996. - xiii, 370 pages ; 23 cm.

"What is the biblical significance of Jerusalem? What was Jesus' attitude toward the city and its temple? Did the New Testament writers see Jerusalem as being affected by the coming of Jesus? How should Christians view Jerusalem today? These are some of the questions raised in this important work, which is the first comprehensive study of New Testament teaching on Jerusalem. The book surveys the various landscapes portrayed by the different New Testament authors and draws these together into an overall biblical theology of Jerusalem, which impinges directly on the way Christians are to understand Jerusalem today. At the center of this theology stands the figure of Jesus, whose life and death in Jerusalem had significant repercussions for the city and for the subsequent New Testament understanding of Jerusalem." - Cover.

0802842879 9780802842879


Jesus Christ--Views on Jerusalem.

War--Religious aspects
Jerusalem in the Bible

Jerusalem--In the Bible.
Jerusalem--In Christianity--History of doctrines--Early church, ca. 30-600.
Jerusalem--History--Religious aspects.

BS2545.J478 1996 BS2545.J4.W183.J478 1996