Between dog and wolf /Sasha Sokolov ; translated and annotated by Alexander Boguslawski.
- New York : Columbia University Press, (c)2017.
- 1 online resource
- Russian library .
Includes bibliographical references.
Discords beyond the itil -- The trapper's tale -- Notes of the binging hunter -- Dzyndzyrela's discords beyond the itil -- The trapper's tale or pictures from an exhibition -- Accordin to Ilya Petrikeich -- Notes of the hunter -- Discords beyond the itil -- Pictures from an exhibition -- Dzynzyrella's -- Again the notes -- Discords beyond the itil -- Pictures from an exhibition -- Accordin to Ilya Petrikeich -- The binger's journal -- The trapper's tale -- The last remarks -- The note, sent in a separate bottle.