How was it possible? : a Holocaust reader / edited by Peter Hayes ; foreword by Harvey Schulweis. - Lincoln : University of Nebraska Press, (c)2015. - 1 online resource.

Includes bibliographies and index.

Ch. 1 The Context -- Introduction / Antisemitism -- horn Antisemitism: The Longest Hatred / Racism -- from The Racial State / Contradictions in Central Europe -- from The Pity of It All / Germany's Turmoil, 1918 -- 1933 -- from Nazi Germany: A New History / The Interwar Jewish Heartland -- from The Jews of East Central Europe Between the World Wars / chapter 2 Nazism in Power -- Introduction / Elite Cooperation -- from Das Amt und die Vergangenheit [The Office and the Past] / Street-Level Coercion -- from Defying Hitler / The Claims of Community -- from Belonging and Genocide / Aryanization -- from From Boycott to Annihilation / Talk of "Annihilation." Peter Hayes -- Robert S. Wistrich -- Wolfgang Wippermann -- Amos Elon -- Klaus P. Fischer -- Klaus P. Fischer -- Peter Hayes -- Eckart Conze -- Sebastian Haffner -- Thomas Kuhne -- Avraham Barkai -- Ernst von Weizsacker's Remarks to a Swiss Diplomat, November 15, 1938, from Documents Diplomatiques Suisses -- "Jews, What Now?" from Das Schwarze Korps, November 24, 1938 -- Hitler's Reichstag Speech, January 30, 1939, from Nazism 1939 -- 1945 -- chapter 3 Impediments to Escape -- Introduction / The United States and Refugees, 1933 -- 1940 -- from American Refugee Policy and European Jewry, 1933 -- 1945 / France: From Hospitality to Hostility -- from The Hollow Years / The Unreceptive British Empire -- from Whitehall and the Jews, 1933 -- 1948 / Switzerland -- Independent Commission of Experts Switzerland -- Second World War, from Switzerland, National Socialism, and the Second World War -- Palestine -- from Life and Loss in the Shadow of the Holocaust / Going and Staying -- from Between Dignity and Despair / chapter 4 The New Order in Europe -- Introduction / Peter Hayes -- Alan M. Kraut -- Eugen Weber -- Louise London -- Uta Larkey -- Marion Kaplan -- Peter Hayes. Culling the German Volk -- from Racial Hygiene / Rearranging Populations -- from Architects of Annihilation / Racial War in the East -- from Bloodlands / Plunder, Individual and Governmental -- from Hitler's Beneficiaries / Forced Labor -- from Hitler's Foreign Workers / chapter 5 Jews in the Nazi Grip -- Introduction / Indirect Rule -- from Judenrat / Isolation and Impoverishment -- from Scroll of Agony / Choiceless Choices -- from Ghettostadt: Lodz and the Making of a Nazi City / Leaving a Record -- from Who Will Write Our History? / Nothing to Lose -- from The Jews of Warsaw, 1939 -- 1943 / Women Slave Laborers -- from Women in the Holocaust / Robbery in the Netherlands -- from Robbing the Jews / Robert N. Proctor -- Suzanne Heim -- Timothy Snyder -- Gotz Aly -- Ulrich Herbert -- Peter Hayes -- Isaiah Trunk -- Chaim Kaplan -- Gordon J. Horwitz -- Samuel D. Kassow -- Yisrael Gutman -- Felicja Karay -- Martin Dean. Ch. 6 The German Killers and Their Methods -- Introduction / Deciding to Kill -- from The Wannsee Conference and the Final Solution / Bringing Death to Jews -- from Masters of Death / Bringing Jews to Death -- from The Destruction of the European Jews / Political Soldiers -- from Hitler's Police Battalions / The Fates of Gypsies -- from Anatomy of the Auschwitz Death Camp / Camp Labor -- from If This Is a Man (Survival in Auschwitz) / The Final Frenzy -- from The Death Marches / chapter 7 Collaboration and Its Limits -- Introduction / Poland: The Blue Police -- from Hunt for the Jews / Romania: Annihilation Aborted -- from The History of the Holocaust in Romania / Vichy France: "Our" Jews and the Rest. Peter Hayes -- Mark Roseman -- Richard Rhodes -- Raul Hilberg -- Edward B. Westermann -- Yehuda Bauer -- Primo Levi -- Daniel Blatman -- Peter Hayes -- Jan Grabowski -- Jean Ancel -- From The Years of Extermination: Nazi Germany and the Jews, 1939 -- 1945 / The Italian Paradox -- from The Italians and the Holocaust / The Hungarian Paroxysm -- from Studies on the Holocaust / Papal Priorities -- from The Catholic Church and the Holocaust, 1930 -- 1965 / Self-Serving Switzerland -- Independent Commission of Experts Switzerland -- Second World War, from Switzerland, National Socialism, and the Second World War -- chapter 8 Rescuing Jews -- Means and Obstacles -- Introduction / The Kovno Connection -- from Lessons and Legacies VI / The Good German of Vilna -- from The Search for Major Plagge / Collective Action in Vivarais-Lignon -- from We Only Know Men / The Hidden Jews of Warsaw -- from Secret City / Saving Jewish Children in Belgium -- from Survivors / Saul Friedlander -- Susan Zuccotti -- Randolph L. Braham -- Michael Phayer -- Peter Hayes -- Jonathan Goldstein -- Michael Good -- Patrick Henry -- Gunnar S. Paulsson -- Bob Moore. American Inhibitions -- from American Refugee Policy and European Jewry, 1933 -- 1945 / Sweden Expands Asylum -- from From Indifference to Activism / chapter 9 Aftermath -- Introduction / Survivors -- from DPs: Europe's Displaced Persons, 1945 -- 51 / Zion's Ambivalence -- from The Seventh Million / America's Incomprehension -- from Case Closed / The Great Reversal -- from Postwar / The Pathology of Denial -- from Lying about Hitler / Restitution and Its Discontents -- from Some Measure of Justice / After Such Knowledge -- from After Such Knowledge / Alan M. Kraut -- Paul A. Levine -- Peter Hayes -- Mark Wyman -- Tom Segev -- Beth B. Cohen -- Tony Judt -- Richard J. Evans -- Michael R. Marrus -- Eva Hoffman.


Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945)
Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945)--Causes.
Antisemitism--History--Germany--20th century.
Jews--History--Germany--20th century.

Electronic Books.

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