Westermann, Claus,

Genesis : a continental commentary / [print] Claus Westermann ; translated by John J. Scullion. - Minneapolis : Augsburg Pub. House, (c)1984. Minneapolis : Augsburg Pub. House, (c)1986. Minneapolis, Minnesota : Fortress Press, (c)1994. - 269 pages ; CHAPTERS 37-50. 25 cm 604 pages ; CHAPTERS 12-36. 25 cm. xii, 636 pages ; CHAPTERS 1-11. 25 cm. - A Continental commentary . - Continental commentary. .

CHAPTERS 1-11: Translator's preface ; Introduction to the story of primeval events (Genesis 1-11) ; The creation of the world (1:1-2:4a) ; The creation of man and woman and the expulsion from paradise (2:4b-3:24) ; Cain and Abel (4:1-16) ; The Cainites (4:17-26) ; The succession of generations in the primal period (5:1-32) ; The sons of the gods and the giants (6:1-4) ; The flood (6:5-8:22) ; Blessing and covenant (9:1-17, 28-29) ; Noah and his sons (9:18-27) ; The table of the nations (10:1-32) ; The Tower of Babel (11:1-9) ; The genealogy of Sham (11:10-26) ; The formation and theological meaning of the primeval story CHAPTERS 12-36: Translator's preface ; Introduction to the patriarchal story (Genesis 12-50) ; Structure and growth of Genesis (12-25) ; Transition to the story of Abraham (11:27-32) ; Promise to Abraham and migration (12:1-9) ; The ancestral mother in danger (12:10-20) ; Abraham and Lot on the way (13:1-18) ; Abraham and the kings (14:1-24) ; The promise to Abraham (15:1-21) ; Sarah and Hagar - flight and promise of a son (16:1-16) ; The covenant with Abraham (17:1-27) ; Abraham and the three guests (18:1-16a) ; Abraham queries and the destruction of Sodom (18:16b-33) ; The destruction of Sodom and the rescue of Lot (19:1-29) ; Lot's daughters (19:30-38) ; Abraham and Abimelech (20:1-18) ; The birth of Isaac (21:1-7) ; The expulsion and rescue of Hagar and her child (21:8-21) ; Dispute over the wells and treaty with Abimelech (21:22-24) ; Abraham's sacrifice (22:1-19) ; The descendants of Nahor (22:20-24) ; Sarah's death and the purchase of the burial cave (23:1-20) ; The wooing of Rebekah (24:1-67) ; Conclusion of the Abraham story (25:1-18) ; The Abraham story in retrospect ; Structure, origin, and growth (25:19-36:43) ; The birth of Esau and Jacob (25:19-28) ; The pot of lentil soup (25:19-28) ; Isaac and Abimelech (26:1-35) ; The firstborn cheated of his blessings (27:1-45) ; Jacob's departure and Esau's wives (26:34-35; 27:46; 28:1-9) ; Jacob's dream and vow at Bethel (28:10-22) ; Jacob and Laban - marriage with Leah and Rachel (29:1-30) ; The birth and naming of Jacob's sons (29:31-30:24) ; Jacob outwits Laban (30:25-43) ; Jacob's separation from Laban (31:1-54) ; Preparations for the meeting with Esau (32:1-22) ; The attack on Jacob at the Jabbok (32:23-33) ; The meeting of brothers (33:1-20) ; Dinah and the Shechemites (34:1-31) ; Jacob in Bethel and Hebron, Jacob's sons, Isaac's death (35:1-29) ; Esau's descendants (36:1-43) ; Conclusion to Genesis 12-36 CHAPTERS 37-50: Translator's preface Introduction to the Joseph story (Genesis 37-50) ; Joseph and his brothers (37:1-36) ; Judah and Tamar (38:1-30) ; Joseph and his master's wife (39:1-23) ; Joseph interprets the dreams of the cupbearer and the baker (40:1-23) ; Pharaoh's dreams and Joseph's elevation (41:1-57) ; The first journey of the brothers to Egypt (42:1-38) ; The second journey of the brothers to Egypt (43:1-34) ; The goblet (44:1-34) ; Joseph makes himself known to his brothers (45:1-28) ; Jacob's journey to Egypt : his reunion with Joseph (46:1-30) ; Joseph provides for his family ; Jacob blesses the Pharaoh ; Appendage (46:31-47:28) ; Jacob's testimony (47:29-48:22) ; Jacob's death and burial (49:1a, 28b-50:14) ; Confirmation of the reconciliation (50:15-21) ; Epilog : Joseph's old age and death (50:22-26) ; Genesis 46-50 (survey) ; The blessings of Jacob (49:1-28a) ; Concluding remarks (37-50) ; Supplement to literature on Genesis 1-50.

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Bible.--Genesis, I-XI--Commentaries.
Bible.--Genesis, XII-XXXVI--Commentaries.



BS1235.3.W527.G464 1994 BS1235.C668