TY - BOOK AU - Ferguson,Sinclair B. AU - Packer,J.I. AU - Wright,David F. AU - TI - New dictionary of theology /editors, Sinclair B. Ferguson, David F. Wright ; consulting editor, J.I. Packer SN - 9780830814008 AV - BR95 .N493 1988 PY - 1988/// CY - Downers Grove, Illinois PB - InterVarsity Press KW - Theology KW - Dictionaries N1 - 1; -- Holiness --; Holiness Movement --; Holl, Karl --; Holocaust --; Holy Spirit --; Homoousios --; Homosexuality --; Hooker, Richard --; Hope --; Humanism --; Human Rights --; Hume, David --; Hus, John --; Hyper-Calvinism --; Hypostasis Iconoclastic Controversies --; Idealism --; Idolatry --; Ignatius of Loyola --; Image of God --; Images --; Imagination in Theology --; Imitation of Christ --; Immanence --; Immortality --; Impassibility --; Incarnation --; Indian Christian Theology --; Indulgences --; Infallibility and Inerrancy of The Bible --; Infallibility, Papal --; Infant Baptism --; Infralapsarianism --; Inspiration --; Intercession of Christ --; Intermediate State --; Interpretation --; Invocation --; Irenaeus --; Irving, Edward --; Islam and Christianity --; Israel --; Jansenism --; Jasper, Karl --; Jerome --; Jesuit Theology --; Jesus --; Joachimism --; Johannine Theology --; John of Damascus --; John of the Cross --; Joy --; Judaism and Christianity --; Judgment of God --; Jungel, Eberhard --; Justice --; Justification --; Kahler, Martin --; Kant, Immanuel --; Kasemann, Ernst --; Kenoticism --; Kerygma, Kerygmatic Theology --; Kierkegaar, Soren Aabye --; Kingdom of God --; Kirk, Kenneth --; Knowledge of God --; Knox, John --; Koinoia --; Kraemer, Hendrik --; Kung, Hans --; Kuyper, Abraham --; Laity --; Lambeth Quadrilateral --; Latitudinarianism --; Lausanne Covenant --; Law --; Law and Gospel --; Law, William Laying on of Hands --; Leibniz, Gottfried Von --; Leo the Great --; Legalism --; Leontius of Byzantium --; Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim --; Lewis, Clive Staples --; Liberal Evangelicalism --; Liberalism and Conservatism in Theology --; Liberalism, German --; Liberation Theology --; Limbus --; Liturgical Theology --; Liturgy --; Lloyd-Jones, David Martyn --; Locke, John --; Logic in Theology --; Logical Positivism --; Logos --; Loisy, A. F --; Lombard, Peter --; Lonergan, Bernard --; Lord --; Lord's Day --; Lord's Supper --; Love --; Love of God --; Lull, Raymond --; Luther, Martin --; Lutheranism and Lutheran Theology Macarius (Pseudo); Abelard, Peter --; Abortion --; Absolution --; Accommodation --; Adam --; Adiaphora --; Adoption --; Adoptionism --; Aesthetics --; African Christian Theology --; African Independent Churches, Theology --; Agape --; Agnosticism --; Albertus Magnus --; Albigenses --; Alexandrian School --; Alienation --; Allegory --; Althaus, Paul --; Ambrose --; Ambrosiaster --; Ames, William --; Amyraldism --; Anabaptist Theology --; Analogy --; Anamnesis --; Angels --; Anglicanism --; Anglo-Catholic Theology --; Anhypostasia --; Animal Rights --; Animism --; Anointing --; Anomoeans --; Anonymous Christianity --; Anselm --; Anthropology --; Anthropomorphism --; Antichrist --; Antinomianism --; Antiochene School --; Anti-Semitism --; Apartheid --; Apocalyptic --; Apocrypha --; Apollinarianism --; Apologetics --; Apologists --; Apophatic Theology --; Apostasy --; Apostle --; Apostles' Creed --; Apostolic Fathers --; Apostolic Succession --; Arianism --; Aristotelianism --; Arminianism --; Art --; Ascension and heavenly asession of Christ --; Asceticism and monasticism --; Asian Christian Theology --; Assurance --; Astrology --; Athanasian Creed --; Athanasius --; Atheism --; Atonement --; Atonement Extent of --; Augsburg Confession --; Augustine --; Augustinianism --; Aulen Gustav --; Auschwitz --; Authority --; Averroism Baillie, Donald Macpherson --; Baillie, John --; Balthasar, Hans Urs Von --; Bampton Lectures --; Baptism --; Baptism in the Spirit --; Baptism of Christ --; Baptist Theology --; Barclay, Robert --; Barclay, William --; Barmen Declaration --; Barth, Karl --; Basil of Caesarea --; Bavinck, Herman --; Bavinck, Johan Herman --; Baxter Richard --; Back, Johann Tobias --; Being --; Belgic Confession --; Bellarmine, Robert --; Benedict and the Benedictine tradition --; Bengel, Johann Albrecht --; Berdyaev, Nicolai --; Berengar --; Berkeley, George --; Berkhof, Henrikus --; Berkhof, Louis --; Berkouwer, Gerrit Cornelis --; Berlin Declaration --; Bernard of Clairvaux --; Beza, Theodore --; Bible translation --; Biblical criticism --; Biblical theology --; Biblical versions, theology --; Biel, Gabriel --; Bioethics --; Black consciousness --; Black theology --; Blasphemy --; Blood --; Body --; Body of Christ --; Boehme, Jacob --; Boethius --; Bonaventura --; Bonhoeffer, Dietrich --; Book of Concord --; Boston, Thomas --; Bradwardine, Thomas --; British Israelitism --; Brunner, Emil --; Buber, Martin --; Bucer (Butzer), Martin --; Buddhism and Christianity --; Bulgakov, Sergei --; Bultmann, Rudolf --; Bunyan, John --; Bushnell, Horace --; Butler, Joseph Calendar, liturgical --; Calling --; Calvin, John --; Calvism --; Calvinistic Methodism --; Cambridge Platonists --; Campbell, John McLeod --; Canon --; Canonization --; Canon Law --; Cappadocian Fathers --; Carnell, Edward John --; Caroline Divines --; Casuistry --; Catechisms --; Catholicity --; Celibacy --; Chalcedon, Chalcedonian Definition --; Chalmers, Thomas --; Charismatic Theology --; Chemnitz, Martin --; Chicago School of Theology --; Christ, Jesus --; Christendom --; Christian Science --; Christian Socialism --; Christianity and Other Religions --; Christology --; Church --; Church Government --; Church Growth --; Civil Religion --; Clement of Alexandria --; Clinical Theology --; Coleridge, Samuel Taylor --; Collegiality and Conciliarity --; Common Grace --; Common-Sense Philosophy --; Communicatio Idiomatum --; Communion of Saints --; Conciliarity --; Concupiscence --; Confessions of Faith --; Confirmation --; Confucianism and Christianity --; Congregationalism --; Congruism --; Conscience --; Conservatism in Theology --; Contemporary Theological Trends --; Contextualization --; Contingency --; Contraception --; Conversion --; Coptic Christianity --; Corporate Personality --; Councils --; Counter-Reformation --; Covenant --; Covenanters --; Cranmer, Thomas --; Creation --; Creeds --; Cremer, Hermann --; Cross, Theology of the --; Cullmann, Oscar --; Cults --; Culture --; Cyprian --; Cyril of Alexandria Dabney, Robert Lewis --; Darby, John Nelson --; Dead Sea Scrolls --; Death --; Death-of-God Theology --; Deification --; Deism --; Deity of Christ --; Demythologizing --; Denney, James --; Depravity --; Depth Psychology --; Descartes, Rene --; Descent into Hell --; Determinism --; Development of Doctrine --; Devil and Demons --; Dialectical Theology --; Didymus --; Dilthey, Wilhelm --; Diodore of Tarsus --; Dionysius of Alexandria --; Dionysius the Areopagite --; Discipline --; Discipling --; Dispensational Theology --; Divorce --; Docetism --; Doctrinal Criticism --; Dodd, Charles Harold --; Dogma --; Dominic and the Dominicans --; Donatism --; Dooyeweerd, Herman --; Dort, Synod of --; Doubt --; Dostoevsky, Fyodor Mikhailovich --; Doxology --; Dualism --; Duns Scotus, John --; Durkheim, Emile --; Dutch Reformed Theology --; Dyothelitism Easter --; Eastern Orthodox Theology --; Ebeling, Gerhard --; Ecclesiolgy --; Eckhart --; Ecology --; Ecumenical Movement --; Edwards, Jonathan --; Election --; Ellul, Jacques --; Empiricism --; Enhypostasia --; Elightenment, The --; Epiclesis --; Episcopacy --; Epistemology --; Eramus, Desiderius --; Eriugena, John Scotus --; Eros --; Erskine, Thomas --; Eschatology --; Essence of Christianity --; Eternal Life --; Eternity --; Eternity --; Ethics --; Ethiopian Orthodox Theology --; Eucharist --; Eunomians --; Eusebius of Caesarea --; Euthanasia --; Eutyches --; Evangelical Theology --; Evangelism, Theology of --; Evil --; Excommunication --; Existentialism --; Exorcism --; Fairbairn --; Faith --; Faith and Order --; Faith and Reason --; Fall --; Family --; Farel, William --; Farrer Austin Marsden --; Fatherhood of God --; Fathers --; Federal Theology --; Fellowship --; Feminist Theology --; Feuerbach, Ludwig Andreas --; Fideism --; Filaret (Philaret), Drozdov --; Filioque --; Finney, Charles Grandison --; Flacius, Matthias --; Forgiveness --; Formula of Concord --; Forsyth, Peter Taylor --; Fox, George --; Francis and the Franciscan Tradition --; Frankfurt Declaration --; Frankfurt School --; Freedom, Christian --; Freedom of Will --; Free Will --; Fundamental Theology --; Fundamentalism Gallicanism --; Feneral Revelation --; Generation, Eternal --; Gifford Lectures --; Gifts of the Spirit --; Gill, John --; Gilson, Etinne --; Glory of God, The --; Gnosticim --; God --; Godarten, Friedrich --; Goodwin, Thomas --; Good Works --; Gore, Charles --; Gospel --; Gottschalk --; Grace --; Gratian --; Gregory of Nazianzus --; Gregory of Nyssa --; Gregory of Rimini --; Gregory Palamas --; Gregory The Great --; Grotius, Hugo --; Guilt and Forgiveness --; Hallesby, Ole --; Harnack, Adolf --; Hartshorne, Charles --; Healing --; Heaven --; Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich --; Heidegger, Martin --; Heidelberg Catechism --; Heim, Karl --; Hell --; Hellenization of Christianity --; Helvetic Confessions --; Henotheism --; Henry, Carl F. H. --; Herbert of Cherbury --; Heresy --; Hermeneutics --; Herrmann, Wilhelm --; Hesychasm --; Hick, John Harwood --; Hidden and Revealed God --; Higher-Life Theology --; Hilary of Poitiers --; Hinduism and Christianity --; Hippolytus --; Historical Jesus, Quest for --; Historical Theology --; History --; History-Of-Religions School --; History of Theology --; Hodge, Charles --; Hodgson, L; Macdonald, George --; Machen, John Gresham --; Mackay, Donald --; Mackinnon, Donald M. --; Mackintosh, Hugh Ross --; Macquarrie, John --; Man --; Manichaeism --; Marcellus of Ancyra --; Marcion --; Marriage --; Marrow Controversy --; Martyrdom --; Marxism and Christianity --; Mary --; Mascall, Eric --; Materialism --; Maurice, F. D., --; Maximus --; Meditation --; Melanchthon, Philip --; Mennonite Theology --; Mercerburg Theology --; Merit --; Metaphysics --; Metempsychosis --; Method, Theological --; Methodism --; Metz, Johannes Baptist --; Millennium --; Ministry --; Miracle --; Missiology --; Moberly, Robert Campbell --; Models --; Modernism, Catholic --; Modernism, English --; Mohler, Johann Adam --; Moltmann, Jurgen --; Monarchianism --; Monastic Theology --; Monism --; Monophysitism --; Monotheism --; Monothelitism --; Montanism --; Moonies --; Moral Rearmament --; Moral Theology --; Mormons --; Murray, Andrew --; Murray, John --; Mystical Theology --; Myth Narrative Theology --; Natural Law --; Natural Theology --; Nature, Theology of --; Neo-Orthodoxy --; Neo-Platonism --; Nestorius --; New England Theology --; New Haven Theology --; New Religions --; New Testament Theology --; Newman, John Henry --; Newton, Isaac --; Nicaea --; Nicene Creed --; Nicholas Of lyra --; Niebuhr, H. Richard --; Niebuhr, Reinhold --; Nietzsche, Friedrich --; Nominalism --; Novatian --; Numinous --; Nygren, Anders --; Obedience of Christ --; Occult --; Ochino, Bernardino --; Oecolampadius, John --; Offices of Christ --; Old Testament Theology --; Oman, John Wood --; Orange, Council of --; Ordination --; Ordo Salutis --; Origen --; Original Righteousness --; Original Sin --; Orr, James --; Orthopraxis --; Osiander, Andreas --; Otto, Rudolf --; Ousia --; Owen, John --; Oxford Movement Paedobaptism --; Paley, William --; Panentheism --; Pannenberg, Wolfhart --; Papacy --; Paradigm --; Paradox in Theology --; Parousia --; Pascal, Blaise --; Paschal Controversies --; Paschasius Radbertus --; Pastoral Theology --; Patristic Theology --; Paul --; Pelagianism --; Penance --; Pentecost --; Pentecostalist Theology --; Perfection, Perfectionism --; Perichoresis --; Perkins, William --; Perseverance --; Petrine Theology --; Phenomenology --; Philo --; Philosophical Theology --; Philosophy and Theology --; Philosophy of Religion --; Pietism --; Plantinga, Alvin --; Platonism --; Plotinus --; Pneumatomachi --; Polanus, Amandus --; Polanyi, Michael --; Political Theology --; Polytheism --; Positivism --; Poverty and Wealth --; Power --; Pratical Theology --; Prayer, Theology of --; Praxis and Orthopraxis --; Preaching, Theology of --; Predestination --; Presbyterianism --; Priesthood of all Believers --; Princeton Theology --; Priscillianism --; Process Theology --; Procession (Of Holy Spirit) --; Progress, Idea Of --; Proofs of God's Existence --; Prophecy, Theology of --; Propitiation --; Protestantism --; Providence --; Pseudo-Dionysius The Areopagite --; Psychology of Religion --; Punishment --; Purgatory --; Puritan Theology --; Quaker Theology --; Quest For Historical Jesus --; Qumran --; Rabbinic Theology Race --; Rahner, Karl --; Ramsey, Ian Thomas --; Ramus, Petrus --; Rashdall, Hastings --; Ratramnus --; Raven, C. E., --; Rebaptism --; Reconciliation --; Redemption --; Reformation, Catholic Counter --; Reformation, Radical --; Reformation Theology --; Reformed Theology --; Reformers, English --; Regeneration --; Reincarnation --; Relativism --; Religion --; Religions, Theology --; Religious Experience --; Religious Language --; Renaissance --; Repentance --; Representation --; Resurrection, General --; Resurrection of Christ --; Revelation --; Revival, Theology of --; Revolution, Theology of --; Richardson, Alan --; Righteousness --; Rights, Animal --; Rights, Human --; Ritschl, Albrecht --; Robinson, John Arthur Thomas --; Roman Catholic Theology --; Romanticism --; Rule of Faith --; Russian Orthodox Theology --; Rutherford, Samuel Sabbath --; Sabellianism --; Sacrament --; Sacrifice --; Saint --; Salvation --; Salvation Army --; Salvation-History --; Sanctification --; Sartre, Jean-Paul --; Satan --; Satisfaction --; Saumur --; Schaeffer, Francis August --; Schillebeeckx, Edward --; Schlatter, Adolf --; Schism --; Schileiermacher, Friedrich Daniel Ernst --; Scholasticism --; Schweitzer, Albert --; Schwenckfeld, Caspar --; Science and Theology --; Scientology --; Scots Confession --; Scripture --; Scripture and Tradition --; Sects --; Secularization --; Semi-Pelagianism --; Session of Christ --; Seventh-Day Adventism --; Sexuality --; Shepherding Movement --; Shintoism and Christianity --; Sibbes, Richard --; Sickness --; Sin --; Sinlessness of Christ --; Slavery --; Sobornost --; Social Ethics --; Social Gospel --; Society, Theology of --; Scinus and Socinianism --; Sociology of Religion --; Soelle, Dorothee --; Solovyov, Vladimir --; Soul --; Soul, Origin of --; Southern Baptist Theology --; Sovereignty of God --; Spinoza, Benedict (Baruch) --; Spiritualism --; Spirituality --; Spurgeon, Charles Haddon --; State --; Staupitz, John --; Stewardship --; Stoicism --; Strauss, David Friedrich --; Strong, Augustus Hopkins --; Tructuralism --; Subordinationism --; Substance --; Substitution and Representation --; Suffering --; Sunday --; Supererogation --; Supernatural --; Supper-Strife --; Supralapsarianism --; Swedenborgianism --; Swiss Confession --; Symbol --; Symeon --; Symeon the New Theologian --; Syncretism --; Syriac Christian Theology --; Systematic Theology --; Systematic Theology, History of Taoism and Christianity --; Teilhard Chardin, Pierre --; Temple, William --; Temptation --; Teresa of Avila --; Tertullian --; Theism --; Theocracy --; Theodicy --; Theodore of Mopsuestia --; Theodoret of Cyrrhus --; Theophany --; Thielicke, Helmut --; Thirty-Nice Articles --; Thomas Aquinas --; Thomism and Neo-Thomism --; Thornton, L. S., --; Thornwell, James Henley --; Tillich, Paul --; Time and Eternity --; Toleration --; Tolstoy, Leo --; Torrance, Thomas F --; Traducianism --; Transcendence --; Transmigration of the Soul --; Transubstantiation --; Trent, Council of --; Trinity --; Tritheism --; Troeltsch, Ernst --; Truth --; Tubingen School --; Tyconius --; Tyndale, William --; Typology --; Ultramontaism --; Underhill, Evelyn --; Unification Church --; Union with Christ --; Uniqueness of Christ --; Unitarianism --; Universalism --; Valdes, Juan De --; Vantil, Cornelius --; Vatican Councils --; Verification and Falsification --; Vermigli, Peter Martyr (Pietro Martire) --; Victorines --; Victorinus, Caius Marius --; Vicent of Lerins --; Virgin Birth --; Vision of God --; Vocation --; Voltaire --; Voluntarism --; Von Hugel, Friedrich --; Vos, Geerhardus --; Waldensians --; War and Peace --; Warfield, Benjamin Breckinridge --; Wealth --; Weber, Max --; Wesley, John --; Westcott, Brooke Foss --; Westminster Confession --; Wheaton Declaration, The --; Whitefield, George --; Whitehead, A. N., --; Will --; William of Ockham --; Williams, Charles Walter Stanby --; Wingren, Gustav --; Wisdom in Early Christology --; Wisloff, Carl Fredrik --; Wittgenstein, Ludwig Josef Johann --; Woman --; Work --; World --; World Concil of Churches --; Worship --; Wrath of God --; Wyclif, John --; Year, Christian --; Zion --; Zoroastrianism and Christianity --; Zwingle, Ulrich; 2 UR - http://www.loc.gov/catdir/enhancements/fy1007/87030975-b.html ER -