Poverty in the United States : an encyclopedia of history, politics, and policy / edited by Gwendolyn Mink and Alice O'Connor. - Santa Barbara, California : ABC-CLIO, (c)2004. - 2 volume (xxi, 895 pages) : illustrations ; 26 cm.

Includes bibliographies and index.

Adolescent Pregnancy -- Adoption -- Affirmative Action -- The Affluent Society, John Kenneth Galbraith -- African American Migration -- African Americans -- Ageism -- Agrarian Movements -- Agricultural and Farm Labor Organizing -- Aid to Families with Dependent Children (ADC/AFDC) -- Alaska Natives -- American Association for Labor Legislation -- Americanization Movement -- AmeriCorps -- Antihunger Coalitions -- Appalachia -- Applied Research Center -- Arab Americans -- Area Redevelopment Act -- Asian Americans -- Asian Law Caucus/Asian Law Alliance -- Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) -- Birth Control -- Black Churches -- Black Panther Party -- Bonus Army -- Bracero Program -- Buddhism -- Capitalism -- Catholic Church -- Catholic Worker Movement -- Center for Community Change -- Center for Law and Social Policy (CLASP) -- Center on Budget and Policy Priorities -- Charitable Choice -- Charity -- Charity Organization Societies -- Chicana/o Movement -- Child Care -- Child Labor -- Child Support -- Child Welfare -- The Children of Sanchez, Oscar Lewis -- Child-Saving -- Christian Fundamentalism -- Citizens' Crusade against Poverty (CCAP) -- Citizenship -- Civil Rights Acts, 1964 and 1991 -- Civil Rights Movement -- Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) -- Classism -- Communist Party -- Community Chests -- Community Development -- Community Organizing -- Community-Based Organizations -- Contingent Work -- Convict Labor -- Coxey's Army -- Crime Policy -- The Dangerous Classes of New York, Charles Loring Brace -- Day Labor -- Debt -- Dependency -- Deserving/Undeserving Poor -- Dillingham Commission -- Disability -- Disability Policy -- Disasters -- Domestic Violence -- Domestic Work -- Dust Bowl Migration -- Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) -- Economic Depression -- Economic Justice for All (EJA), U.S. Catholic Bishops -- Economic Report of 1964, Economic Council of Advisors -- Economic Theories -- Economic/Fiscal Policy -- Education Policies -- Employment and Training -- Employment Policy -- End Poverty in California (EPIC) -- Environmentalism -- Epidemic Disease -- Eugenics -- Factories in the Field, Carey McWilliams -- Fair Labor Standards Act (FloridaSA) -- Family Structure -- Family Wage -- Federalism -- Feminisms -- Feminization of Poverty -- Food Banks -- Food Stamps -- Foster Care -- Freedmen's Aid -- Gender Discrimination in the Labor Market -- General Assistance -- G.I. Bill -- Globalization and Deindustrialization -- "Gospel of Wealth," Andrew Carnegie -- The Grapes of Wrath, John Steinbeck -- Harvest of Shame, Edward R. Murrow -- Health Policy -- Heteronormativity -- Highlander -- Home Health Care Work -- Homelessness -- Homophobia -- Housing Policy -- How the Other Half Lives, Jacob Riis -- Hull House -- Hull-House Maps and Papers -- Hunger -- Immigrants and Immigration -- Immigration Policy -- Income and Wage Inequality -- Indentured Servitude -- Industrial Areas Foundation (IowaF) -- Industrialization -- Informal Economy -- Islam -- Judaism -- The Jungle, Upton Sinclair -- Juvenile Delinquency -- Kerner Commission Report -- Labor Markets -- Latino/as -- Legal Aid/Legal Services -- Let Us Now Praise Famous Men, James Agee and Walker Evans -- Liberalism -- Living-Wage Campaigns -- Losing Ground, Charles Murray -- Malthusianism -- Maternalism -- Maternalist Policy -- Means Testing and Universalism -- Mental Health Policy -- Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund (MassachusettsLDEF) -- Migrant Labor/Farm Labor -- Minimum Wage -- Missionaries -- Mothers of the South, Margaret Hagood -- Moynihan Report -- Mutual Aid -- Nation of Islam -- National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) -- National Association of Social Workers (NASW) -- National Congress of Mothers -- National Congress of Neighborhood Women -- National Council of La Raza -- National Lawyers Guild -- National Urban League -- Native Americans/American Indians -- Native Hawaiians -- The Negro Family in the United States, E. Franklin Frazier -- New Deal Farm Policy -- New Left -- New Property -- New Right -- Night Comes to the Cumberlands : A Biography of a Depressed Area, Harry Monroe Caudill -- Nonprofit Sector -- North Carolina Fund -- NOW Legal Defense and Education Fund -- Nutrition and Food Assistance -- Old Age -- Operation Breadbasket -- Orphanages -- The Other America, Michael Harrington -- Peace Corps -- The Philadelphia Negro, W. E. B. Du Bois -- Philanthropy -- Picturing Poverty (I) (1880-1960s) -- Picturing Poverty (II) (1960s-present) -- Pittsburgh Survey, Paul Kellog, Editor -- Politics and Federal Policy -- Poor Laws -- Poor People's Campaign -- Poor Whites -- Poorhouse/Almshouse -- Poverty, Robert Hunter -- Poverty, Statistical Measure of -- Poverty Law -- Poverty Line -- Poverty Research -- Privatization -- Progress and Poverty, Henry George -- Property -- Protestant Denominations -- Public Opinion -- Public Relief and Private Charity, Josephine Shaw Lowell -- Public Works Administration -- Puerto Rican Migration -- Puritans and Puritanism -- Quakers (The Religious Society of Friends) -- Racial Segregation -- Racism -- Refugee Policy -- Regulating the Poor, Frances Fox Piven and Richard A. Cloward -- Relief -- Report on Economic Conditions of the South, National Emergency Council -- Reproductive Rights -- Republicanism -- Rural Poverty -- Salvation Army -- Self-Reliance -- Service and Domestic Workers, Labor Organizing -- Settlement Houses -- Sexism -- Share Our Wealth, Senator Huey Long -- Sharecropping -- Slavery -- Social Darwinism -- Social Gospel -- Social Security -- Social Security Act of 1935 -- Social Service Review -- Social Surveys -- Social Work -- Socialist Party -- Society for the Prevention of Pauperism -- Southern Poverty Law Center -- Speenhamland -- Supplemental Security Income -- Survey and Survey Graphic -- Sweatshop -- Tax Policy -- Teacher Corps -- Temperance Movement -- Tenant Organizing -- Tennessee Valley Authority -- Townsend Movement -- Trade/Industrial Unions -- Transportation Policy -- Twenty Years at Hull-House, Jane Addams -- "Underclass" -- The Unemployed Worker and Citizens without Work, E. Wight Bakke -- Unemployment -- Unemployment Insurance -- Urban Poverty -- Urban Renewal -- U.S. Agency for International Development (AID) -- U.S. Children's Bureau -- U.S. Department of Health and Human Services -- U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development -- U.S. Department of Labor -- Vagrancy Laws/Settlement Laws/Residency Requirements -- The Vanishing Black Family : Crisis in Black America, Bill Moyers -- Veterans' Assistance -- Vocational Education -- Voluntarism -- Volunteers in Service to America (VISTA) -- Voting Rights Act, 1965 -- Wagner Act -- War on Poverty -- Wealth -- Wealth, Distribution/Concentration -- Welfare Administration -- Welfare Capitalism -- Welfare Law Center -- Welfare Policy/Welfare Reform -- Welfare Rights Movement -- Welfare State -- What Social Classes Owe to Each Other, William Graham Sumner -- Work Ethic -- Workers' Compensation -- Workfare -- "Working Poor" -- Works Progress Administration (WPA) -- World Bank -- Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA) -- Young Women's Christian Association (YWCA).


Poor--United States--Encyclopedias.
Poverty--United States--Encyclopedias.
Public welfare--United States--Encyclopedias.

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