Encyclopedia of religious and spiritual development /editors, Elizabeth M. Dowling, W. George Scarlett. - Thousand Oaks, California : SAGE Publications, (c)2006. - xxiv, 528 pages ; 29 cm.

"A SAGE reference publication."

Includes bibliographies and index.

Australian Aboriginal spirituality -- Overcoming adversity -- Alchemy -- Altars -- Maya Angelou -- Angels -- Apocalypse -- Aprocrypha/Deuterocanonical books -- Thomas Aquinas -- Islamic art -- Visual art -- Asceticism -- Developmental assets -- Astrology -- Attachment formation -- Attitudinal dimension of religion -- Autism -- Awe and wonder -- Baptism -- Baptists -- Religious development in Baptist youth -- Phoebe Bartlett -- Contextual impacts on belief and affiliation -- Peter L. Benson -- Bhagavad Gita -- Bible -- Christian Bible -- Jewish Bible -- Biological and cultural perspectives -- Body -- Body image and eating disorders, women s -- Dietrich Bonhoeffer -- Bork of Mormon -- Martin Buber -- Buddha -- Buddhism -- Socially engaged Buddhism -- Buddhist scriptures -- John Bunyan -- Catholicism -- Child and youth care -- Childhood experiences -- Child s God -- Christianity -- Orthodox Christianity -- Christian Spirituality -- Churches -- Robert Coles -- Intentional spiritual communities -- Confessions of St. Augustine -- Confucianism -- Congregations -- Conversion -- Coping in youth -- Richard Crashaw -- Crisis -- Crop circles -- Cult figures -- Cults -- Dalai Lama (Tenzin Gyatso) -- Dance -- Daoism (Taoism), Dorothy Day -- Dead Sea Scrolls -- Delphi -- Devil -- John Dewey -- Dhammapada -- Interreligious dialogue -- Differences between religion and spirituality in children and adolescents -- Discernment -- John Donne -- Doubt -- Drama -- Drug and alcohol abuse -- Ecology -- History of Christian education -- Educational organizations in world religions -- David Elkind ; End of life, Life-span approach -- Book of Enoch -- Environmental ethics -- Episcopal church -- Erik H. Erikson -- Eschatology -- Eucharist -- Evangelism -- Evil -- Faith -- Faith-based service organizations -- Faith maturity -- Fasting -- Forgiveness -- James Fowler -- George Fox -- Anna Freud -- Sigmund Freud -- Fundamentalism -- Gaia hypothesis -- Mohandas K. Gandhi -- Gnostic Gospels -- God -- Hindu views of God -- Gospel music -- Grace -- Happiness -- Healing the children of war -- Health -- Health and medicine -- Heaven -- Hell -- George Herbert -- Abraham Joshua Heschel -- Hinduism -- Hinduism: supreme being, the Hindu trinity -- Human rights -- Intervarsity -- Islam -- Five Pillars of Islam -- Founding fathers of Islam -- Islamic sects: Sunni and Shi a -- Jainism -- William James -- Jesuit Volunteer Corps -- Jesus -- John the Baptist -- Conservative Judaism -- Orthodox Judaism -- Reconstructionist Judaism -- Reform Judaism -- Carl Jung and post-Jungians -- Law of Karma -- Martin Luther King, Jr. Kingdom of God -- Lawrence Kohlberg -- Krishna -- Madeleine L Engle -- Language of spirituality -- C.S. Lewis -- Abraham Lincoln -- Children s literature -- Moral development in literature -- The Lord s Prayer -- Martin Luther -- Magic -- Mary -- George Herbert Mead -- Mecca -- Medicine -- Meditation -- Meher Baba -- Meherabad -- Mexican American religion and spirituality -- Mindfulness -- Monasticism -- Mormonism -- Moses -- Mosque -- Mother Teresa -- Muhammad -- John Muir -- Music -- Mysticism -- Jewish mysticism -- Myth -- Narrative -- Native American Indian spirituality -- Practices of Native American spirituality -- Naturalism -- The sacred in nature -- Neo-Paganism -- Rienhold Niebuhr -- Nel Noddings -- Object-relations theory -- Objectivism -- Original sin -- Orthodox Christian youth in Western societies -- Fritz K. Oser -- Adolescent outcomes -- Parental influence on adolescent religiosity -- Peer and friend influences on adolescent faith development -- Pluralism -- Pluralism, Hindu approach -- Politics and religion in the American presidency -- The Pope -- Positive youth development -- Prayer -- Prayer in psychological perspectives -- Presbyterian -- Prophets of the Hebrew Bible -- Psychoanalytic approaches -- Psychological correlates of religion -- Psychological evil -- Psychological type and religion -- Psychopathology, personality and religion -- Spiritual development in public education, a charter school case study -- Purpose in life -- Quaker education -- Qur an -- Relational consciousness -- Religious diversity in North America -- Religious theory, developmental systems view -- Retreats -- Revelation -- Ritual -- Rosicrucianism -- Sacraments -- Sacrifice -- Saints -- Salvation -- Save the Children -- Science and religion -- Search Institute -- Sedona, Arizona -- Self-esteem -- Semiotics -- Service -- Shamanism -- Sierra Club -- Sin -- David Alfaro Siqueiros -- Sistine Chapel -- Soul -- Ethical speech -- Spiritual development of children and youth: Biblical descriptions -- Spirituality, contemporary approaches to defining -- African American spirituals -- St. Bonaventure -- St. Ignatius, spiritual exercises of -- Stage-structural approach to religious development -- Edith Stein -- Stonehenge -- Suicide and Native American spirituality -- Tarot -- Teen Challenge -- Sir John Templeton -- Theodicy: God and evil -- Adolescent as theologian -- Thich Nhat Hanh -- Torah -- Tower of David -- Religious transformation -- Ernst Troeltsch -- Archbishop Desmond Tutu and the South African Truth and Reconciliation commission -- Tyrants -- UNESCO -- UNICEF -- United Nations -- Henry Vaughan -- Vodun (Voodoo) -- Volunteerism -- John Wesley -- Western Wall (Wailing Wall, Al-Buraq) -- Wicca and Witchcraft -- Wilderness -- Witches in popular culture -- World Youth Day -- Woship -- YMCA -- Yoga -- Young life -- YouthBuild -- Zoroastrianism.


Faith development--Encyclopedias.
Psychology, Religious.
Youth--Religious life--Encyclopedias.

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