New dictionary of the history of ideas /edited by Maryanne Cline Horowitz. - Farmington Hills, Michigan : Thomson Gale, (c)2005. - 6 volume : illustrations ; 29 cm.

Includes bibliographies and index.

V. 1. Abolitionism to Common sense -- volume 2. Communication of ideas to Futurology -- volume 3. Game theory to Lysenkoism -- volume 4. Machiavellism to Phrenology -- volume 5. Physics to Syncretism -- volume 6. Taste to Zionism, Index. Machiavellism / Machismo / Magic / Manichaeism / Maoism / Maps and the ideas they express / Marriage and fertility, European views / Marxism, overview / Marxism, Asia / Marxism, Latin America / Masks / Materialism in eighteenth-century European thought / Mathematics / Matriarchy / Mechanical philosophy / Media, history of / Medicine, China / Medicine, Europe and the United States / Medicine, India / Medicine, Islamic medicine / Meditation, eastern / Meme / Memory / Mestizaje / Metaphor / Metaphysics, ancient and medieval / Metaphysics, renaissance to present / Microcosm and macrocosm / Migration, Africa / Migration, migration in world history / Migration, United States / Millenarianism, overview / Millenarianism, Islamic / Millenarianism, Latin America and native North America / Mind / Minority / Miracles / Modernism, overview / Modernism, Latin America / Modernity, overview / Modernity, Africa / Modernity, East Asia / Modernization / Modernization theory / Mohism / Monarchy, overview / Monarchy, Islamic monarchy / Monasticism / Monism / Moral sense / Motherhood and maternity / Motif, motif in literature / Motif, motif in music / Multiculturalism, Africa / Museums / Music, anthropology of / Musical performance and audiences / Musicology / Mysticism, Chinese mysticism / Mysticism, Christian mysticism / Mysticism, Islamic Mysticism / Mysticism, Islamic mysticism in Asia / Mysticism, Kabbalah / Mysticism, mysticism in African thought / Narrative / Nation / National History / Nationalism, overview / Nationalism, Africa / Nationalism, cultural nationalism / Nationalism, Middle East / Nationalism, nationalism in music, Europe and the United States / Native Policy / Natural History / Naturalism / Naturalism in art and literature / Natural Law / Natural theology / Nature / Naturphilosophie / Negritude / Neocolonialism / Neoliberalism / Neoplatonism / New criticism / Newtonianism / Nihilism / Nomadism / Nonviolence / Nuclear age / Nude, the / Objectivity / Obligation / Occidentalism / Oral traditions, overview / Oral traditions, telling , sharing / Organicism / Orientalism, overview / Orientalism, African and Black orientalism / Orthopraxy, Asia / Orthopraxy, western orthopraxy / Other, the, European views of / Pacifism / Pan-Africanism / Pan-Arabism / Pan-Asianism / Pan-Islamism / Pan-Turkism / Paradigm / Paradise on Earth / Patriotism / Peace / Peasants and peasantry / Periodization / Periodization of the arts / Person, idea of the / Personhood in African thought / Perspective / Phenomenology / Philanthropy / Philosophies, African / Philosophies, American / Philosophies, feminist, twentieth-century / Philosophies, Islamic / Philosophy, historical overview and recent developments / Philosophy, relations to other intellectual realms / Philosophy, history of / Philosophy, moral, Africa / Philosophy, moral, ancient / Philosophy, moral, medieval and renaissance / Philosophy, moral, modern / Philosophy and religion in western thought / Philosophy of mind, overview / Philosophy of mind, ancient and medieval / Philosophy of religion / Phrenology / Ben-Ami Scharfstein -- Gloria Gonzalez-Lopez, Matthew C. Gutmann -- Diane Ciekawy -- Jason David BeDuhn -- Chen Jian -- Norman J. W. Thrower -- David Levine -- Allan Megill -- Maurice Meisner -- Michael Werner -- John Nunley -- Peter Machamer, Francesca di Poppa -- I. Grattan-Guinness -- Janet Hoskins -- Margaret J. Osler -- Sean Cubitt -- Nathan Sivin -- Harry W. Paul -- Dominik Wujastyk -- Miri Shefer -- Brian Smith -- Kenneth Mondschein -- Patrick H. Hutton R. W. Connell -- Karen Mary Davalos -- Cristopher Hollingsworth -- John Marenbon -- Michael LeBuffe -- Robert Ziomkowski -- Sola Akinrinade -- Dirk Hoerder -- Dirk Hoerder -- Michael St. Clair -- David Cook -- Ward Stavig -- Carl Zimmer -- John E. Farley -- Kenneth L. Woodward -- Michael Levenson -- David Craven -- Elisabeth Ellis -- Mamadou Diouf -- Chaohua Wang -- Dickson Eyoh -- Gilbert Rozman -- Yuri Pines -- Cary J. Nederman -- Anne F. Broadbridge -- William M. Johnston -- Peter Machamer, Francesca di Poppa -- Charlotte R. Brown -- Maina Chawla Singh -- Kristen Lee Over -- Alyson McLamore -- Fred Hendricks -- Julian Spalding -- Thomos Turino -- Alyson McLamore -- Blair Sullivan -- Howard L. Goodman -- Matthias Riedl -- Richard McGregor -- Jamal J. Elias -- Moshe Idel -- Jerusha T. Lamptey -- James Phelan -- John Breuilly -- Kevin Passmore -- Timothy Baycroft -- Toyin Falola, Tyler Fleming -- Elizabeth Bishop -- James Jankowski -- Raymond Knapp -- Les W. Field -- Paul Farber -- Jonathan P. Hunt -- Gabriel P. Weisberg -- T. J. Hochstrasser -- Thomas Dixon -- Max Oelschlaeger -- Frederick Gregory -- H. Adlai Murdoch -- Toyin Falola, Matthew Heaton -- Guy C. Z. Mhone -- Robert Ziomkowski -- Amit Ray -- Manolis Patiniotis -- Steven Cassedy -- William A. Wood -- Anthony Parel -- Mark Kramer -- Diane Apostolos-Cappadona -- Aviezer Tucker -- Robert N. Johnson -- Q. Edward Wang -- Sola Akrinrinade -- Gregory H. Maddox -- Cary J. Nederman -- Allen Douglas, Fedwa Malti-Douglas -- Ahmed S. Bangura -- Robert Smid -- Steven Cassedy -- Albrecht Classen -- Nigel Young -- Marc Matera -- James Jankowski -- Noriko Kamachi -- Jeffery T. Kenney -- M. Sukru Hanioglu -- David J. Stump -- Walter B. Denny -- Andrew Vincent -- Ben Lowe -- Alois Mlambo -- Donald R. Kelley -- Kaylee Spencer-Ahrens, Linnea Wren -- Robert Launay -- Kwasi Wiredu -- Samuel Y. Edgerton -- Robert C. Solomon -- Kevin C. Robbins -- Souleymane Bachir Diagne -- Stephen Barnes -- Nancy Tuana -- Richard C. Taylor -- Robert C. Solomon -- M. W. F. Stone -- Justin E. H. Smith -- Kwasi Wiredu -- Charles M. Young -- Jill Kraye -- Jeffrey Edwards, Michael Hughes -- M. W. F. Stone -- Anita Avramides -- Jack Zupko -- M. W. F. Stone -- Nadine Weidman. Abolitionism / Absolute music / Aesthetics, Africa / Aesthetics, Asia / Aesthetics, Europe and the Americas / Africa, Idea of / African-American ideas / Afrocentricity / Afropessimism / Agnosticism / Alchemy, China / Alchemy, Europe and the Middle East / Algebras / Alienation / Altruism / Ambiguity / America / Americanization, U.S. / Analytical philosophy / Anarchism / Ancestor worship / Animism / Anthropology / Anticolonialism, Africa / Anticolonialism, Latin America / Anticolonialism, Middle East / Anticolonialism, Southeast Asia / Antifeminism / Anti-semitism, overview / Anti-semitism, Islamic anti-semitism / Apartheid / Architecture, overview / Architecture, Africa / Architecture, Asia / Aristotelianism / Arts, overview / Arts, Africa / Asceticism, Hindu and Buddhist asceticism / Asceticism, western asceticism / Asian-American ideas (cultural migration) / Assimilation / Astrology, overview / Astrology, China / Astronomy, Pre-Columbian and Latin America / Atheism / Authenticity: Africa / Authoritarianism, overview / Authoritarianism, East Asia / Authoritarianism, Latin America / Authority / Autobiography / Autonomy / Avant-garde, overview / Avant-garde, militancy / Aztlan / Barbarism and civilization / Beauty and ugliness / Behaviorism / Bilingualism and multilingualism / Bioethics / Biography / Biology / Black Atlantic / Black consciousness / Body, the / Borders, borderlands, and frontiers, global / Buddhism / Bureaucracy / Bushido / Calculation and computation / Calendar / Cannibalism / Capitalism, overview / Captialism, Africa / Cartesianism / Casuistry / Causality / Causation / Causation in East Asian and Southeast Asian philosophy / Censorship / Change / Character / Chemistry / Chicano movement / Childhood and child rearing / Chinese thought / Chinese warlordism / Christianity, overview / Christianity, Asia / Cinema / Citizenship, overview / Citizenship, cultural citizenship / Citizenship, naturalization / City, the, the city as a cultural center / City, the, the city as a political center / City, the, the Islamic and Byzantine city / City, the, Latin America / Civil disobedience / Civil society, Europe and the United States / Civil society, responses in Africa and the Middle East / Class / Classicism / Classification of arts and sciences, early modern / Colonialism, Africa / Colonialism, Latin America / Colonialism, Southeast Asia / Common sense / Cassandra R. Veney -- Raymond Knapp -- Mary Nooter Roberts -- Mara Miller -- Peter Lamarque -- Paul Tiyambe Zeleza -- Sundiata Keita Cha-Jua -- Ama Mazama -- Ebere Onwudiwe -- Thomas Dixon -- Fabrizio Pregadio -- Tara E. Nummedal -- I. Grattan-Guinness -- David Graeber -- Thomas Dixon -- Giuseppe Caglioti -- Alan Mitchell Levine -- Michael R. Olneck -- Thomas Baldwin -- George Esenwein -- Stephen M. Fabian -- Norman E. Whitten Jr. -- C. Scott Littleton -- W. O. Maloba -- Marc Becker -- Peter Sluglett -- Maitrii Aung-Thwin -- Thomas J. Mertz -- Arthur Hertzberg -- Norman A. Stillman -- Bety J. Harris -- Leland M. Roth -- Nnamdi Elleh -- Leland M. Roth -- Charles H. Lohr -- Henry M. Sayre -- Babatunde Lawal -- Brian Smith -- Peter Dinzelbacher -- Haiming Liu -- Leonard Dinnerstein -- William E. Burns -- David W. Pankenier -- Anthony F. Aveni -- Michael Martin -- Kwadwo Osei-Nyame Jr. -- Dirk Berg-Schlosser -- Soek-Fang Sim -- Marc Becker -- Gregory W. Streich -- Theresa A. Kulbaga, Wendy S. Hesford -- Kenneth Seeskin -- Tyrus Miller -- Rosalind Krauss -- Luis Leal -- Jay Goulding -- Ruth Loraand -- Nadine Weidman -- Reynaldo F. Macias -- Arthur Caplan, Autumn Fiester -- Frederick Liers -- Vassiliki Betty Smocovitis -- Zine Magubane -- Gregory H. Maddox -- Susan Bordo, Monica Udvardy -- Thomas D. Hall -- Brian Smith -- Sara Jordan -- Diane Skoss -- Aristotle Tympas -- Stephen M. Fabian -- Beth A. Conklin -- Cary J. Nederman -- Jeff D. Grischow -- Stephen Gaukroger -- M. W. F. Stone -- Stathis Psillos -- Richard Scheines -- Q. Edward Wang -- John Christian Laursen -- Daniel W. Graham -- Rachana Kamtekar -- Bernadette Bensaude-Vincent -- Juan Gomez Quinones, Irene Vasquez Morris -- Margaret L. King -- Xinzhong Yao -- Yu Shen -- G. R. Evans -- D. E. Mungello -- Sean Cubitt -- Ronald Beiner, Rebecca Kingston -- Adelaida R. Del Castillo -- Patrick Weil -- Patrick Le Gales -- Margaret E. Farrar -- Janet L. Abu-Lughod -- Ellen T. Baird -- Anthony Parel -- John Ehrenberg -- Ebenezer Obadare -- Cary J. Nederman -- Gwen W. Brewer -- Marc A. Hight -- Paul Tiyambe Zeleza -- Susan Elizabeth Ramirez -- Maitrii Aung-Thwin -- Elisabeth Ellis. Communication of ideas, African and its influence / Communication of ideas, the Americas and their influence / Communication of ideas, Asia and its influence / Communication of ideas, Europe and its influence / Communication of ideas, Middle East and abroad / Communication of ideas, orality and the advent of writing / Communication of ideas, Southeast Asia and its influence / Communism, Europe / Communism, Latin America / Communitarianism in African thought / Composition, musical / Computer science / Confucianism / Conciousness, overview / Conciousness, Chinese thought / Conciousness, Indian thought / Conservatism / Consilience / Constitutionalism / Consumerism / Context / Continental philosophy / Corruption / Corruption in developed and developing countries / Cosmology, Asia / Cosmology, cosmology and astronomy / Cosmopolitanism / Creationism / Creativity in the arts and sciences / Creolization, Caribbean / Crisis / Critical theory / Cultural capital / Cultural history / Cultural revivals / Cultural Studies / Cycles / Cynicism / Dada / Dance / Daoism / Death / Death and afterlife, Islamic understanding of / Deism / Democracy / Deomocracy, Africa / Demography / Demonology / Dependency / Determinism / Development / Dialogue and dialectics, Socratic / Dialogue and dialectics, Talmundic / Diasporas, African diaspora / Diasporas, Jewish diaspora / Dictatorship in Latin America / Diffusion, cultural / Discrimination / Diversity / Dream / Dress / Dualism / Dystopia / Eclecticism / Ecology / Economics / Ecumenism / Education, Asia, traditional and modern / Education, China / Education, Europe / Education, global education / Education, India / Education, Islamic education / Education, Japan / Education, North America / Emotions / Empire and imperialism, overview / Empire and imperialism, Americas / Empire and imperialism, Asia / Empire and imperialism, Europe / Empire and imperialism, Middle East / Empire and imperialism, United States / Empiricism / Encyclopedism / Enlightenment / Environment / Environmental ethics / Environmental history / Epicureanism / Epistemology, ancient / Epistemology, early modern / Epistemology, modern / Equality, overview / Equality, gender equality / Equality, racial equality / Eschatology / Essentialism / Ethnicity and race, Africa / Ethnicity and race, anthropology / Ethnicity and race, Islamic views / Ethnocentrism / Ethnography / Ethnohistory, U. S. / Etiquette / Eugenics / Eurocentrism / Europe, idea of / Everyday life / Evil / Evolution / Examination systems, China / Existentialism / Experiment / Expressionism / Extirpation / Fallacy, logical / Falsifiability / Family, modernist anthropological theory / Family, family in anthropology since 1980 / Family planning / Fascism / Fatalism / Feminism, overview / Feminism, Africa and African diaspora / Feminism, Chicana feminisms / Feminism, Islamic feminism / Third world U.S. movement / Fetishism, overview / Fetishism, fetishism in literature and cultural studies / Feudalism, European / Field theories / Form, metaphysical, in ancient and medieval thought / Formalism / Foundationalism / Free will, determinism, and predestination / Friendship / Fundamentalism / Futurology / Paul Tiyambe Zeleza -- Paul Heyer -- John Powers -- Paul Heyer -- Thomas F. Glick -- Jack Goody -- Janet E. Benson -- Tim Rees -- Howard J. Wiarda, Esther M. Skelley -- Elias K. Bongmba -- Kathryn Pisaro -- Ellis Horowitz -- Jerry Dennerline -- Aviezer Tucker -- Chung-ying Cheng -- John Powers -- Arthur Aughey -- Michael Ruse -- Takashi Shogimen -- Mary Rizzo -- Peter Burke -- Franz Mayr -- Andrew R. Murphy -- John Mukum Mbaku -- Robert Smid -- Norriss Hetherington -- Kevin James Houk -- Michael Ruse -- Dean Keith Simonton -- H. Adlai Murdoch -- Randolph Starn -- Douglas Kellner -- Ivan Light -- Donald R. Kelley -- Margaret Werry -- Lawrence Grossberg -- Frederick Liers -- L. E. Navia -- Willard Bohn -- Donnalee Dox -- Fabrizio Pregadio -- John DeFrain, Alyssa DeFrain, Joanne Cacciatore-Garard -- Paul R. Powers -- Matthew Kadane -- Benedetto Fontana -- Paul Tiyambe Zeleza -- Ramdas Menon -- C. Scott Littleton -- Jane L. Parpart -- Ted Honderich -- Manfred D. Laubichler, Jane Maienschein -- Diskin Clay -- Jacob Neusner -- Paul Tiyambe Zeleza -- Holly Snyder -- Marc Becker -- Victor H. Mair -- Howard Winant -- Nathan Glazer -- Marc Michael Epstein -- Lou Taylor -- Peter Machamer, Francesca di Poppa -- David W. Sisk -- Donald R. Kelley -- Robert P. McIntosh -- Emmanuel Nnadozie -- Joseph A. Loya -- Q. Edward Wang -- Benjamin A. Elman -- Paul F. Grendler -- John A. Xanthopoulos -- Michelle Maskiell -- Sebastian Gunther -- Hideki Takemura, Genzo Yamamoto -- Theodore R. Mitchell -- Robert C. Solomon -- James Muldoon -- Susan Elizabeth Ramirez -- Wellington K. K. Chan -- Martin Lynn -- Charles D. Smith -- Howard J. Wiarda -- Thomas Nickles -- Richard Yeo -- Michael C. Carhart -- Alain Touwaide -- Douglas Maclean -- Thomas Pyke Johnson -- Tim Duvall -- Richard Bett -- Melissa McBay Merritt -- Matthias Steip -- Alexandra Kogl -- Jane Flax -- Gregory W. Streich -- Matthias Riedl -- Jane Flax -- Fred Hendricks -- Ann M. Kakaliouras -- James Jankowski -- David Theo Goldberg -- Jean Comaroff -- Glen Anthony Harris -- Sarah Covington -- Garland E. Allen -- Colin Mackerras -- Heikki Mikkeli -- Peter Burke -- Mark Larrimore -- Vassiliki Betty Smocovitis -- Benjamin A. Elman -- Robert C. Solomon -- Theodore Arabatzis -- Shulamith Behr -- Marc Becker -- David J. Stump -- Thomas Nickles -- Mary J. Weismantel -- Cynthia E. Foor, Ann Miles -- Asoka Bandarage -- Roger Griffin -- Mark H. Bernstein -- Maina Chawla Singh -- Amina Mama -- Aida Hurtado, Jessica M. Roa -- Miriam Cooke -- Alma M. Garcia -- Rosalind C. Morris -- Cala Freccero -- Fredric L. Cheyette -- Alberto A. Martinez, Silvan S. Schweber -- Gyula Klima -- Andrzej Karcz -- Paul K. Moser -- Thomas M. Osborne Jr. -- Heather Devere -- Jeffrey T. Kenney -- Paramanonda Mahanta. Game theory / Garden / Gay studies / Gender, overview / Gender, gender in the Middle East / Gender in art / Gender studies: anthropology / General will / Generation / Genetics, history of / Genetics, contemporary / Genius / Genocide / Genre / Geography / Geometry / Gesture / Ghetto / Gift, the / Globalization, Africa / Globalization, Asia / Globalization, general / Gnosticism / Good / Greek science / Happiness and pleasure in European thought / Harmony / Hate / Health and disease / Heaven and Hell / Heaven and Hell (Asian focus) / Hedonism in European thought / Hegelianism / Hegemony / Heresy and apostasy / Hermeneutics / Hierarchy and order / Hinduism / Historical and dialectical materialism / Historicism / Historiography / History, economic / History, idea of / Honor / Honor, Middle Eastern notions of / Human captial / Human rights, overview / Human rights, women's rights / Humanism, Africa / Humanism, Chinese conception of / Humanism, Europe and the Middle East / Humanism, renaissance / Humanism, secular humanism in the United States / Humanity in the arts / Humor / Iconography / Idealism / Ideas, history of / Identity, identity of persons / Identity, personal and social identity / Identity, multiple, overview / Identity, multiple, Asian-Americans / Identity, multiple, Jewish multiple identity / Images, icons, and idols / Imagination / Immortality and the afterlife / Impressionism / Indigenismo / Individualism / Intelligentsia / Intentionality / Intercession in Middle Eastern society / Interdisciplinary / Internal colonialism / International order / Interpretation / Islam, Africa / Islam, Shii / Islam, Southeast Asia / Islam, Sunni / Jainism / Japanese philosophy, Japanese thought / Jihad / Judaism, Judaism to 1800 / Judaism, modern Judaism / Justice, overview / Justice, justice in American thought / Justice, justice in East Asian thought / Kantianism / Kinship / Knowledge / Landscape in the arts / Language and linguistics / Language, linguistics, and literacy / Language, philosophy of, ancient and medieval / Language, philosophy of, modern / Law / Law, Islamic / Leadership / Learning and memory, contemporary views / Legalism, ancient China / Liberalism / Liberation theology / Liberty / Life / Life cycle, overview / Life cycle, adolescence / Life cycle, elders/old age / Linguistic turn / Literary criticism / Literary history / Literature, overview / Literature, African literature / Logic / Logic and philosophy of mathematics, modern / Love, western notions of / Loyalties, dual / Lysenkoism / Robert W. Dimand -- Mara Miller -- Andrew Grossman -- Vern L. Bullough -- D. A. Spellberg -- Anat Gilboa -- Rosalind C. Morris -- John T. Scott -- Steven P. Remy -- Roberty Olby -- Garland E. Allen -- Valerie Holliday -- Mark Kramer -- Willam Hughes -- Norman J. W. Thrower -- Jeremy Gray -- Moshe Barasch -- Arthur M. Lesley -- Natalie Zemon Davis -- Kidane Mengisteab -- Jay Goulding -- Kidane Mengisteab -- Giovanni Filoramo -- James A. Montmarquet -- Karin Tybjerg -- Tim Duval, Jeffrey Miller -- Blair Sullivan -- Jess Maghan -- W. F. Bynum -- Alan E. Bernstein -- Ning Qiang -- Giulia Sissa -- Yitzhak Y. Melamed -- Benedetto Fontana -- Takashi Shogimen -- Jean Grondin -- Maxim Khomiakov -- Brian Smith -- Terrell Carver -- Donald R. Kelley -- Daniel Woolf -- Paul Tiyambe Zeleza -- Donald R. Kelley -- Sonya Lipsett-Rivera -- Sherifa Zuhur -- Philip L. Martin -- Cary J. Nederman -- Christine Min Wotipka -- Lewis R. Gordon -- Jiyuan Yu -- Cary J. Nederman -- Albert Rabil, Jr. -- Stephen Weldon -- Diane Apostolos- Cappadona -- Alleen Pace Nilsen, Don L. F. Nilsen -- Colum Hourihane -- Michael Baur -- Donald R. Kelley -- Udo Thiel -- Russell Spears -- Edwina Barvosa-Carter -- Laura Uba -- Jonathan Boyarin -- David J. Goa -- J. Robert Barth -- Tim Duvall -- James H. Rubin -- Jorge F. Coronado -- Cary J. Nederman -- Mamadou Diouf -- John R. Serle -- Sherifa Zuhur -- David Theo Goldberg, Cathy N. Davidson -- Deena J. Gonzalez -- James Muldoon -- Jon Cruz -- Eltigani Abdelgadir Hamid -- Devin J. Stewart -- M. B. Hooker -- Soja Brentjes -- Lawrence A. Babb -- Thierry Jean Robouam -- Michael Bonner -- Moshe Idel -- Kalman P. Bland -- James P. Sterba -- Roberto Alejandro -- Lauren F. Pfister, Fei Leren -- Paul Guyer -- Rosa De Jorio -- Barry Allen -- Diane Apostolos-Cappadona -- Victor H. Mair -- E. J. W. Barber -- John Marenbon -- Meredith Williams -- Winston P. Nagan -- Devin J. Stewart -- Steven B. Sample -- Ian Neath -- Yuri Pines -- John Charvet -- Elina Vuola -- Takashi Shogimen -- Garland E. Allen -- Mary J. Weismantel -- Ann Miles -- Samantha Solimeo -- Donald R. Kelley -- Hortense J. Spillers -- Paul Newman -- Vincent P. Pecora -- Pius Adesanmi -- John Marenbon -- I. Grattan-Guinness -- Vern L. Bullough, Kenneth Mondschein -- Caryn E. Neumann -- David Jorvsky. Physics / Pietism / Platonism / Pluralism / Poetry and Poetics / Political, the / Political protest, U.S. / Political science / Polytheism / Population / Populism, Latin America / Populism, United States / Positivism / Postcolonial studies / Postcolonial theory and literature / Postmodernism / Poverty / Power / Practices / Pragmatism / Pre-Columbian civilization / Prehistory, rise of / Prejudice / Presentism / Privacy / Privatization / Probability / Progress, idea of / Propaganda / Property / Prophecy / Protest, political / Pseudoscience / Psychoanalysis / Psychology and psychiatry / Public sphere / Punishment / Puritanism / Pythagoreanism / Quantum / Queer theory / Race and racism, overview / Race and racism, Asia / Race and racism, Europe / Race and racism, reception of Asians to the United States / Radicals/radicalism / Rational choice / Rationalism / Reading / Realism / Realism, Africa / Reason, practical and theoretical / Reflexivity / Reform, Europe and the United States / Reform, Islamic reform / Reformation / Regions and regionalism, Eastern Europe / Relativity / Religion, overview / Religion, Africa / Religion, African diaspora / Religion, East and Southeast Asia / Religion, indigenous peoples' view, South America / Religion, Latin America / Religion, Middle East / Religion and science / Religion and the state, Africa / Religion and the state, Europe / Religion and the state, Latin America / Religion and the state, Middle East / Religion and the state, United States / Renaissance / Representation, mental representation / Representation, political representation / Republicanism, Latin America / Republicanism, republic / Resistance / Resistance and accommodation / Responsibility / Revolution / Rhetoric, overview / Rhetoric, ancient and medieval / Ritual, public ritual / Ritual, religion / Romanticism in literature and politics / Sacred and profane / Sacred places / Sacred texts, Asia / Sacred texts, Koran / Sage philosophy / Scarcity and abundance, Latin America / Scholasticism / Science, overview / Science, East Asia / Science, history of / Science fiction / Scientific revolution / Segregation / Sexual harassment / Sexuality, overview / Sexuality, Islamic views / Sexuality, sexual orientation / Shinto / Skepticism / Slavery / Sociability in African thought / Social captial / Social contract / Social Darwinism / Social history, U. S. / Socialism / Socialisms, African / Society / Sophists, the / Sovereignty / Sport / State, the, overview / State, the, the postcolonial state / State of nature / Stoicism / Structuralism and poststructuralism, overview / Structuralism and poststructuralism, anthropology / Subjectivism / Sufism / Suicide / Superstition / Surrealism / Symbolism / Syncretism / G. J. Weisel -- Ulrich Groetsch -- Kimberly Sims -- Everett Helmut Akam -- John T. Hamilton -- Dwight D. Allman -- Laura R. Wolvier -- Tim Duvall -- Robert Launay -- Malcolm Potts, Martha M. Campbell -- Robert Albro -- Stephen Barnes -- Thomas Nickles -- Laura Chrisman -- Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak -- Paula E. Geyh -- Christopher J. Berry -- Richard Schmitt -- Heather Levi -- Stephen Barnes -- Susan Elizabeth Ramirez -- Donald R. Kelley -- John Duckitt -- Patrick H. Hutton -- Bonnie McDougall -- Guy C. Z. Mhone -- Alan Hajek -- Jerry Weinberger -- David Welch -- Leif Wenar -- Marion Leathers Kuntz -- David Kunzle -- David J. Stump -- Matthew F. von Unwerth -- Joel T. Braslow, Sarah Linsley Starks -- Thomas F. Murphy III -- Douglas C. Dow -- David Randall -- David Fideler -- Laurie M. Brown -- Annamarie Jagose -- Howard Winant -- Genzo Yamamoto -- Joshua Goode -- Haiming Liu -- Valerae M. Hurley -- Chris Swoyer, Stephen Ellis -- Sean Greenberg -- Johnathan Rose -- James H. Rubin -- Mpalive-Hangson Msiska -- Eugene Garver -- Heather Levi -- Erika Rummel -- Charles Kurzman -- Robert M. Kingdon -- Steven Cassedy Robert N. Johnson -- Michael Janssen -- Russell T. McCutcheon -- Elias K. Bongmba -- Elias K. Bongmba -- Jay Goulding -- Norman E. Whitten Jr. -- Susan Elizabeth Ramirez -- William E. Shepard -- Christopher Southgate -- Austin Metumara Ahanotu -- Cary J. Nederman -- William H. Beezley -- Cyrus Masroori -- Martin E. Marty -- Maryanne Cline Horowitz -- Whit Schonbein -- Hans von Rautenfeld -- Marc Becker -- Cary J. Nederman -- Stephen Duncombe -- Clifton Crais -- Michael J. Zimmerman -- Krishan Kumar -- Jean-Claude Carron -- John Ward -- Elizabeth McCartney -- Robert Launay -- Gerald N. Izenberg -- Robert Launay -- C. Scott Littleton -- John Powers -- Daniel A. Madigan -- D. A. Masolo -- Josiah McC. Heyman -- Philipp W. Rosemann -- Helge Kragh -- Nathan Sivin -- Pat Munday -- Marleen S. Barr -- H. Floris Cohen -- Cassandra Rachel Veney -- Catharine MacKinnon -- Jeffrey Weeks -- Fedwa Malti-Douglas -- Vern L. Bullough -- Genzo Yamamoto -- John Christian Laursen -- Stanley L. Engerman -- D. A. Masolo -- Sean Hawkins -- Melissa Lane -- Peter Dickens -- Martin J. Burke -- George Esenwein -- Pablo L.E. Idahosa -- Jay Goulding -- David D. Corey -- Cary J. Nederman -- Mark Dyreson -- Clyde W. Barrow -- Charmaine Pereira -- George Klosko -- Christopher Gill -- Michael Ryan -- Robert Launay -- Chris Swoyer -- Ousmane Kane -- Alexander Murray -- William E. Burns -- Willard Bohn -- Jennifer L. Shaw -- C. Scott Littleton. Taste / Technology / Temperance / Terror / Terrorism, Middle East / Text/textuality / Textiles and fiber arts as a catalysts for ideas / Theater and performance / Theodicy / Third cinema / Third world / Third world literature / Time, China / Time, India / Time, traditional and utilitarian / Toleration / Totalitarianism / Totems / Trade / Tradition / Tragedy and comedy / Translation / Travel from Europe and the Middle East / Treaty / Tribalism, Middle East / Trope / Truth / Universalism / University, overview / University, postcolonial / Untouchability, overview / Untouchability, menstraul taboos / Untouchability, taboos / Utilitarianism / Utopia / Victorianism / Virtual realtiy / Virtue ethics / Visual culture / Visual order to organizing collections / Volksgeist / Volunteerism, U.S. / War / War and peace in the arts / Wealth / Westernization, Africa / Westernization, Middle East / Westernization, Southeast Asia / Wildlife / Wisdom, human / Witchcraft / Witchcraft, African studies of / Womanism / Women and femininity in U.S. popular culture / Women's history, Africa / Women's history, Asia / Women's studies / Work / World systems theory, Latin America / Yin and yang / Yoga / Zen / Zionism / David E. W. Fenner -- Aristotle Tympas -- Jack S. Blocker Jr. -- Paul Newman -- Stephen Zunes -- John Mowitt -- E. J. W. Barber -- Margaret Werry -- Mark Larrimore -- Jonathan Beller -- Francis B. Nyamnjoh -- Neil Larsen -- Howard L. Goodman -- Brian Smith -- Richard K. Fenn -- John Christian Laursen -- Peter Baehr -- Robert Launay -- Peter N. Peregrine -- Hylton White -- Henry Ansgar Kelly -- Naoki Sakai -- James P. Helfers -- Costas M. Constantinou -- Dale F. Eickelman -- James W. Fernandez -- Frederick F. Schmitt -- Drucilla Cornell -- Paul F. Grendler -- Yann Lebeau -- Eleanor Zelliot -- Sarah Covington -- Robert Deliege -- R. G. Frey -- Lyman Tower Sargent -- Donald M. MacRaild -- Randall Packer -- Rosalind Hursthouse -- Jonathan Beller -- Maryanne Cline Horowitz -- Woodruff D. Smith -- Peter Dobkin Hall -- Movindri Reddy -- David M. Hart -- Christopher J. Berry -- F. Abiola Irele -- Ellen Amster -- Maitrii Aung-Thwin -- Max Oelschlaeger -- Jack Goody -- Diane Ciekawy -- Diane Ciekawy -- Obioma Nnameka -- Susan Grayson -- Kathleen Sheldon -- Sharon Sievers -- Margaret H. McFadden -- Josiah McC. Heyman -- David Craven -- Fabrizio Pregadio -- Brian Smith -- Jay Goulding -- Arthur Hertzberg.

"From abolitionism to Zionism, this encyclopedia clarifies the intellectual history of more than 750 complex ideas of concern to people today. Like its classic predecessor, the Dictionary of the History of Ideas (1973), this new set covers core Western ideas, while expanding its coverage to include the 'global perspectives and gender-inclusive' concepts that have evolved in the past 30 years. Reader's guides, cross-references, sidebars, and an index aid the reader in understanding the way ideas combine with other ideas."--"Reference that rocks," American Libraries, May 2005.

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Intellectual life--History--Dictionaries.

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