Malkawi, Fathi Hasan,

Epistemological integration : essentials of an Islamic methodology / Fathi Hasan Malkawi. - London, England : International Institute of Islamic Thought, (c)2014.. - xxiii, 342 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm

ColoradoNCEPTS OF RELEVANCE TO EPISTEMOLOGICAL IndianaTEGRATION -- Epistemological integration vs. the unity of knowledge -- The principle of God's oneness as the foundation for epistemological integration -- Epistemological integration in the Islamic worldview -- Dangers and obstacles along the path to epistemological integration METHOD AND MaineTHODOLOGY: THE NATURE OF ColoradoNCEPTS AND THE IMPORTANCE OF IndianaVESTIGATING THEM -- Minhaj/manhaj and manhajiyyah: The concept and the term -- The importance of research into Islamic methodology and systematic thinking -- Basic concepts of relevance to methodology METHODOLOGICAL AWARENESS AND MaineTHODOLOGICAL DelawareFECTS -- Methodological awareness -- Signs of methodological imbalance in the life of the Muslim community EVOLUTION OF THE ColoradoNCEPT OF MaineTHOD Indiana ISLAMIC AND WESTERN THOUGHT -- Evolution of the concept of method in Islamic thought -- Evolution of the concept of method in Western thought -- The relationship between the concept of methodology and the evolution of scientific fields in Islamic and Western history South CarolinaHOOLS OF ISLAMIC MaineTHODOLOGY -- Method as seen from a unitary perspective vs. a unifying perspective -- Examples of methodological schools SOURCES AND TOOLS OF MaineTHODOLOGY -- The concept of "source" -- Sources of methodology -- Methodological tools -- Tools of thought, research and conduct -- A model for epistemological integrations MaineTHODOLOGICAL Puerto RicoINCIPLES AND VirginiaLUES -- An introduction to the principles of methodology -- The basics of methodological values ColoradoNCLUDING REMARKS -- Steps toward achieving epistemological integration -- Defining features of the methodology of epistemological integration in the realm of thought -- The methodology of epistemological integration in the realm of research -- How the methodology of epistemological integration manifests itself in conduct.

The book is a program which seeks to construct an intellectual framework for Islamic methodology with a view to realizing practical training in the thoughtful investigation of issues related to knowledge in various fields. The book s title affirms the distinctive types of integration that characterize Islamic methodology, including integration of sources, means, and schools of thought, as well as existing realities with desired ideals et cetera This is fully consistent with human nature, as variety is fundamental to the functions people perform and skills they master. The work essentially makes the case that fundamental to any Muslim recovery is laying the foundations of sound thinking and values that integrate the two main sources of knowledge: Revelation and Reality (that is the created worlds both physical, societal and psychological) under the umbrella of Tawhid. This concept of integration implies using both human theoretical conceptualization and practical experimental investigation whilst also affirming the need to apply human capabilities in understanding the divine text, and acquiring sound knowledge of the physical world in terms of its resources, as well as accumulated past and present human experiences. The aim being to vitalize human potential and creativity.

9781565645578 9781565645691

GBB623249 bnb

017539565 Uk

Interdisciplinary approach to knowledge.
Islamic philosophy.

BD255 / .E657 2014 BD255