The New Oxford book of Christian verse /Chosen and edited by Donald Davie. - Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, (c)1981. - xxix, 319 pages ; 22 cm.

Anonymous. The dream of the rood/'Thou who createdst everything'/('Wait a little')/('Undo')/'Now fade the rose and lily-flower'/'Moon-like is all other love' -- The Pearl poet. from Cleanness -- Langland, William. from The book concerning Piers the Plowman -- Chaucer, Geoffrey. from Troilus and Criseyde/from Prologue to The Canterbury tales -- Anonymous. ('Quia amore langueo')/'I sing of a maiden'/'Adam lay y-bounden' -- Dunbar, William. On the resurrection of Christ -- Anonymous. This endris night -- Wyatt, Sir Thomas. Psalm 130. 'Out of the depths have I cried unto thee, O Lord' -- Baldwin, William. Christ to His spouse/Christ, my beloved -- Gascoigne, George. Cascoigne's good-morrow/Gascoigne's good-night -- Kethe, William. Psalm 100. 'O be joyful in the Lord, all ye lands' -- Anonymous. Hierusalem -- Montgomerie, Alexander. Away vane world -- Spenser, Edmund. from The fairie queene ('And is there care in Heaven?)/from Amoretti (Most glorious Lord of life!) -- Anonymous. The Holy well -- Greville, Fulke, Lord Brooke. from Caelica: Sonnet 89: 'The Manicheans did no idols make'/Sonnet 96: 'In those years when our sense, desire and wit'/Sonnet 105: 'Three things there be in Man's opinion dear' -- Sidney, Sir Philip. (Splendidis longum valedico nugis)(Leave me, O love, which reaches but to dust) -- Hume, Alexander. Of the day estivall/Of Gods omnipotencie -- Southwell, Robert. Look home/New Prince, new pomp/The burning babe -- Herbert, Mary, Countess of Pembroke. from The Sidney psalter: Psalm 58: 'Do ye indeed speak righteousness, O congregation?'/Psalm 74: 'O God, why hast thou cast us off forever?'/Psalm 115: 'Not unto us, O Lord, not unto us'/Psalm 139: 'O Lord, thou has searched me, and known me'/Psalm 147: 'Praise ye the Lord' -- Shakespeare, William. Sonnet 146: 'Poor soul, the centre of my sinful earth' -- Anonymous. "If I could shut the gate'/Miserere, my maker/Sweet was the song -- Campion, Thomas. 'To music bent is my retired mind -- Barnes, Barnabe. God's virtue -- Jonson, Ben. To Heaven -- Donne, John. Good Friday, 1613: Riding westward -- from Holy sonnets: 'Thou hast meade me, and shall thy work decay?'/'Why are we by all creatures waited on?'/'What if this present were the world's last night?'/from A litanie -- Fletcher, Giles. (Easter morn) -- Herrick, Robert. His Saviour's words, going to the cross -- Quarles, Francis. Like to the Arctic needle/On those that deserve it -- Herbert, George. Redemption/Jordan/Church-monuments/The windows/Virtue/The collar/The pulley/Discipline/The pearl/Love/A true hymn/The temper/Frailty/Peace/The flower -- Washbourne, Thomas. Upon a great shower of snow that fell on May-Day, 1654/The circulation -- Waller, Edmund. from Last verses -- Milton, John. On the morning of Christ's nativity/Sonnet, on the late massacre in Piedmont/Sonnet, (On his blindness)/from Paradise lost, Book V (O favourable spirit, propitious guest)/from Paradise lost, Book XII (Descended, Adam to the bower where Eve)/from Samson agonistes (O how comely it is and how reviving) -- Godolphin, Sidney. 'Lord, when the wise men came from far' -- Bradstreet, Anne. To my dear and loving husband/In memory of my dear grandchild Elizabeth Bradstreet -- Crashaw, Richard. Epithalamium/Charitas nimia: or the dear bargain -- Baxter, Richard. from A psalm of praise (Ye Holy angels bright) -- Marvell, Andrew. Bermudas -- The coronet -- Vaughan, Henry. Quickness/The retreat/Peace/Ascension hymn/The world/Man/The waterfall/The dawning/The revival/Corruption/Religion/The night -- Bunyan, John. (The pilgrim song) (Who would true valour see) -- Oakes, Urian. from An elegie upon the death of the Reverend Mr Thomas Shepard -- Dryden, John. from The state of innocence/from Religio laici/The character of a good parson -- Traherne, Thomas. The salutation/from Christian ethics/ibid. (Contentment) -- Ken, Thomas. 'Glory to thee, my God, this night' -- Taylor, Edward. Upon a wasp chilled with cold/from Preparatory meditations before my approach to the Lord's supper -- Tate, Nahum. 'While shepherds watched their flocks by night' -- Prior, Matthew. On Exodus 3:14: 'I am that I am': An ode -- Addison, Joseph. Ode (The spacious firmament on high) -- Watts, Isaac. Crucifixion to the world by the cross of Christ/Submission to afflictive providences/Look on him whom they pierced, and mourn/The church in the garden of Christ/A prospect of Heaven makes death easy/Man frail, and God eternal (O God, our help in ages past)/Hosanna to Christ/The shortness and misery of life/Miracles at the birth of Christ/'Where-e'er my flatt'ring passions rove'/The passion and exaltation of Christ -- Hann, Isaac. (After reading the life of Mrs Catherine Stubbs) -- Byron, John. A hymn for Christmas Day -- Doddridge, Philip. (Christ's resurrection and ascension)/Meditations on the sepulchre in the garden -- Wesley, Charles. 'Love Divine, all loves excelling'/Free grace/'O thou eternal victim slain'/(The incarnation)/from The horrible decree/(During his courtship)/(For his wife, on her birthday)/(On the death of his Son)/(On sympathisers with the American Revolution)/Wrestling Jacob/The whole armour of God -- Smart, Christopher. Psalm 147: 'Praise ye the Lord'/from Hymns and spiritual songs for the fasts and festivals of the Church of England/Hymn 3: Epiphany/Hymn 13: St. Philip and St. James/Hymn 14: The ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ/from Hymns for the amusement of children/Hymn 9: Moderation/Hymn 13: Elegance/Hymn 14: Loveliness/Hymn 15: Taste/Hymn 26: Mutual subjection/Hymn 29: Long-suffering of God -- Peronnet, Edward. 'All hail the power of Jesus' name'/Newton, John. 'How sweet the name of Jesus sounds'/'Glorious things of thee are spoken' -- Cowper, William. from Truth/Love constraining to obedience/Self-acquaintance/'The Lord will Happiness divine'/Walking with God/Light shining out of darkness/Joy and peace in believing/Jehovah our righteousness/Exhortation to prayer/Stanzas subjoined to the yearly bill of mortality of the Parish of All Saints, Northampton: for the year 1787 -- On a similar occasion: for the year 1790/On a similar occasion: for the year 1792 -- Toplady, Augustus Montague. 'Rock of ages' -- Dwight, Timothy. from The triumph of infidelity -- Blake, William. Jerusalem -- Burns, Robert. Address to the unco guid -- Wordsworth, William. Resolution and independence -- Montgomery, James. Nativity -- Coleridge, Samuel Taylor. My baptismal birthday/Epitaph -- Heber, Reginald. 'By cool Siloam's shady rill' -- Keble, John. (Morning hymn)(Now every morning is the love)/'Fill high the bowl'/(Epithalamium) -- Lyte, Henry Francis. 'Abide with me'/Psalm 103: 'Praise the Lord, O my soul' (Praise my soul, the King of Heaven) -- Clare, John. Lord, hear my prayer -- Binney, Thomas. Eternal light -- Newman, John Henry. from The dream of Gerontius (Praise to the holiest in the height)/(Guidance)(Lead, kindly light) -- Whittier, John Greenleaf. The over-heart/The call of the Christian/from The eternal goodness/from The brewing of soma/Worship -- Tennyson, Alfred, Lord. from In memoriam -- Very, Jones. The created -- Neale, John Mason. 'Oh, give us back the days of old' -- Howe, Julia Ward. Battle-hymn of the Republic -- Whiting, William. 'Eternal Father, strong to save' -- Dickinson, Emily. 'Our journey had advanced'/'I shall know why'/'Bring me the sunset in a cup'/'We thirst at first'/'Just lost when I was saved'/'I stepped from plank to plank'/'To learn the transport by the pain'/''Tis so much joy!'/'It is an honorable thought'/'Heaven is what I cannot reach'/'Read, sweet, how others strove'/'I should have been too glad'/'Great streets of silence led away'/'He fumbles at your soul'/'Immortal is an ample word'/'Remorse is memory awake'/'The only news I know'/'He preached upon "Breadth"' -- Anonymous. The bitter withy -- Rossetti, Christina. Easter Monday/St. Peter -- Hopkins, Gerard Manley. Heaven-haven/'As kingfishers catch fire'/'I wake and feel the fell of dark'/In the Valley of the Elwy -- Meynell, Alice. A general communion/The fugitive/In Portugal, 1912 -- Bridges, Robert. Noel: Christmas Eve, 1913/Low barometer -- Falkner, John Meade. Christmas Day: The family sitting -- Thompson, Francis. The Kingdom of God -- Williams, Charles. At the 'ye that do truly' -- Bax, Clifford. 'Turn back, O man' -- H. D. (Hilda Doolittle). from Sagesse -- Eliot, T. S. Journey of the Magi/A song for Simeon/Marina/Usk -- Muir, Edwin. The annunciation -- Daryush, Elizabeth. 'How on solemn fields of space' -- Jones, David. A, a, a, Domine Deus -- Wheelwright, John Brooks. from Forty days (The second ascension of Christ) -- Lewis, Janet. A lullaby -- Smith, Stevie. The airy Christ -- Fallon, Padraic. Mater Dei -- Warren, Robert Penn. Original sin: A short story -- Betjeman, Sir John. Sunday afternoon service in St. Enodoc Church, Cornwall -- Auden, W. H. The shield of Achilles/Anthem/Amor loci -- Prince, F. T. Soldiers bathing -- Thomas, R. S. The hand/The porch -- Sisson, C. H. Knole/A letter to John Donne/The usk/Cato -- Berryman, John. (Alcoholic) -- Clemo, Jack. 'Neither shadow of turning'/Mould of Castile/Growing in grace/On the death of Karl Barth -- Anonymous. The heavenly airplane -- McAuley, James. An art of poetry/New Guinea -- Ashby, Cliff. Latter day psalms/A stranger in this land -- Jennings, Elizabeth. In a garden -- Kinsella, Thomas. The dispossessed -- Hill, Geoffrey. Christmas trees/Lachrimae amantis -- Berry, Wendell. The slip -- Dale, Peter. from The fragments.



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