Nathan, M irz a.,

An analysis of the cases of five Muslims who became Christians /by Nathan Mirza. - Beirut, Lebanon : The Near East School of Theology, (c)1970. - iv, [various paging] ; 28 cm.

Chapter 1. Case Studies Chapter II. A Summary of the Theological Stance of Kenneth Cragg and Hendrik Kraemer with Respect to the Goal of the Christian Message ot Islam Chapter III. The Relationship of Case Study Findings to Cragg and Kraemer Appendix

Brief Biographies of Each Case -- Factors Contributing to Positive Response to the Gospel -- Factors Contributing to Negative Response to the Gospel -- Observations and Reflections -- Summary Impressions and Evaluations of the Christian Approach as Seen by these Converts. Texts of Interviews of Case Studies -- Miss Anonymous -- Mr. Nurredine Ishraqiyeh -- Rev. Iskandar Jdid -- Mr. Reza Roshanzamir -- Mr. Shahr Shabayta.

Christianity and other religions--Islam.

BV2626 / .A535 1970 BV2626