Walkwitz, Roger William,

The academic education of missionary children /by Roger W. Walkwitz. - 1957. - vi, 88 leaves ; 29 cm.

Typescript. I. Introduction II. Concerning the Missionary Activity III. Concerning the Mission Boards IV. Conclusions

The Situation -- Statement of the Problem -- Background and Purpose for this Study -- Method of Procedure -- Answers to Specific Questionnaire Questions -- Comments in Answers Received. The Situation -- What Missionaries Have Done -- Chine -- China and Tibet -- South America -- West Indies -- Mexico -- Central America -- Africa -- India -- The Various Possibilities -- Children Living with the Parents -- Christian day school -- Secular school -- Home study -- No formal schooling -- Children on the Field but not Living with the Parents -- Boarding school run by the mission -- Boarding school run by another mission -- Co-operative or inter-mission boarding school -- Secular boarding schoool -- Mission hostel -- Children Left in the Homeland -- Christian boarding school -- Secular boarding school -- Mission hostel -- With friends or relatives -- Evaluation. The Problems Faced -- Individual summaries of Mission Board Policies -- Advent Christian Denomination -- Africa Inland Mission -- Alaska Evangelization Society -- All Nations Evangelistic Fellowship -- American Advent Mission Society -- American Baptist Foreign Mission Society -- American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions -- American Board of Missions to the Jews -- American Lutheran Church -- American Mission to Greeks -- American University at Cairo -- Assemblies of God -- Association of Baptists for World Evangelism -- Augustana Lutheran Church -- Baptist Mid-Missions -- Belgian Gospel Mission -- Berean Mission -- Bolivian Indian Mission -- Brazil Gospel Fellowship Mission -- The Brethren Church -- Canadian Baptist Foreign Mission Board -- Central American Mission -- Ceylon and India General Mission -- China Inland Mission -- Christian and Missionary Alliance -- Christian Missions -- Christian Missionary Fellowship -- Christian Reformed Board of Missions -- Church of the Brethren -- Church of God Missionary Board -- Church of the Nazarene -- Congo Inland Mission -- East and West Indies Bible Mission -- Edinburgh Medical Missionary Society -- Egypt General Mission -- European Evangelistic Crusade -- The Evangelical Alliance Mission -- Evangelical Free Church of America -- Evangelical Lutheran Church -- Evangelical Mission to Uruguay -- Far Eastern Gospel Crusade -- Free Methodist Church of North America -- Free Will Baptists -- Friends Foreign Missionary Society of California -- Friends Foreign Missionary Society of Ohio -- General Conference Mennonite Church -- Gospel Missionary Union -- Greater Europe Mission -- Independent Board for Presbyterian Foreign Missions -- International Board of Jewish Missions -- International Child Evangelism Fellowship -- International Christian Leprosy Mission -- International Foursquare Gospel Evangelism -- International Gospel League -- International Missions -- Japan Evangelistic Band -- Japan Gospel Fellowship -- Latin America Mission -- Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod -- Lutheran Orient Mission -- Lutheran Synodical Conference -- Mennonite Board of Missions and Charities -- Mennonite Brethren Church of North America -- Methodist Missionary Society -- Mexican Indian Mission -- Mission Covenant -- Missionary Aviation Fellowship -- Missionary Church Association -- Moravian Church in America -- National Holiness Missionary Society -- New Testament Missionary Union -- New Tribes Mission -- Open Bible Standard Missions -- Oreintal Boat Mission -- Oreintal Missionary Society -- Orinoco River Mission -- Orthodox Presbyterian Church -- Pilgrim Holiness Church -- Presbyterian Church in the United States -- Primitive Methodist -- Protestant Episcopal Church -- Reformed Church in America -- Regions Beyond Missionary Union -- Russian Missionary Service -- Santal Mission -- Slavic Gospel Association -- Soldiers' and Gospel Mission of South America -- South Africa General Mission -- South America Indian Mission -- Southern Baptist Convention -- Spanish Christian Mission -- Sudan Interior Mission -- Sudan United Mission -- Unevangelized Fields Mission -- United Evangelical Lutheran Church -- United Lutheran Church in America -- United Missionary Society -- United Pentecostal Church -- United Presbyterian Church of North America -- United World Mission -- Vellore Christian Medical College Board -- West Indies Mission -- World Mission Prayer League -- Worldwide Evangelization Crusade -- Wordlwide Prayer and Missionary Union -- Wycliffe Bible Translators -- Youth for Christ, International -- Evaluation -- Tabulation of Policies.

Columbia Bible College--Dissertations.

Children of missionaries--Education.

BV4070 / .A233 1957