Towns, Elmer L. 1995-

Orando segundo as cartas as de Paulo : sétimo livro da Série ore à luz da Bíblia / [print] Elmer L. Towns. - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil : BV books, (c)2016. Shippensburg, Pennsylvania Destiny Image Publishers [(c) 2016. - 270 pages : 1.5 cm : - Towns, Elmer L. Praying the scriptures. .

"Book seven in the series Praying the Scriptures."

Romanos 1 Corintois 2 Corintois Galatas Efesios Filipenses Colossenses 1 Tessalonicenses 2 Tessalonicenses 1 Timoteo 2 Timoteo Tito Filemom.

"O autor Elmer Towns estabelece as cenas em Corinto, Roma e Atenas de onde Paulo escreve as suas cartas inspiradas pelo Espírito Santo às igrejas, aos amigos e a você. Os ensinamentos de Paulo, admoestações, desafios e encorajamentos tocam os assuntos tão relevantes na contemporaneidade como nos tempos antigos incluindo: casamento, dons espirituais, ações judicias, imoralidades sexuais, falsos mestres e a lei do amor." "Author Elmer Towns lays out the scenes in Corinth, Rome, and Athens from which Paul writes his Spirit-inspired letters to churches, friends, and you. Paul's teachings, admonitions, challenges and encouragements touch on issues as relevant today as they were in ancient times including: marriage, spiritual gifts, legal actions, sexual immoralities, false teachers and the law of love."

Text in portuguese.

8581580963 9788581580968




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