Kuhl, Dietrich,

Internationalization of an interdenominational faith mission : how acceptable and effective are multicultral teams in WEC International? / by Dietrich Kuhl. - 1996. - 317 leaves, bound ; 29 cm.

Typescript. A ministry persective project submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts, Columbia Biblical Seminary and Graduate School of Missions, 1996. 1. The Problem Stated 2. Precedent Research 3. Research Methodology 4. Project Results and Evaluation 5. Conclusions and Recommendations Appendices List of Tables

Introduction -- Ministry Context -- Limitations of the Study -- Identification of Variables of Interest -- Research Questions -- Delimitation of the Problem -- Definition of Terms -- Importance of the Study -- Importance for Personal Ministry. Research by Secular Authors -- The Marginal Man -- Ethnocentrism and Ethnic Prejudice -- Culture's Influence on Behavior -- Cultural Awareness -- Intercultural Communication -- Cross-Cultural Work Satisfaction -- Intercultural Effectiveness -- Leadership and Management of Cross-Cultural Teams -- Multicultural Teamwork -- Intercultural Conflict Management -- Cross-Cultural Counseling -- Cross-Cultural Competency Assessment -- Intercultural Orientation and Training -- Cultural Country or Area Studies: Cross-Cultural Perspectives -- Cultural Synergy -- Organizational Structures and Management Across Borders -- Discussion of Internationalization in Missions: The Ecumenical Perspective -- Discussion of Internationalization in Missions: The Roman Catholic Perspective -- Discussion of Internationalization in Missions: The Evangelical Perspective -- Partnership and Cooperation -- International Teams -- Globalization in Missions -- Missionary Effectiveness -- Intercultural Pastoral Counseling -- Conflict Mediation across Cultures -- Principles for International Mission Leadership -- Preservice Training with International Missions -- The Discussion of Internationalization in WEC International, 1950-1995 -- 1950-1969 -- 1970-1979 -- 1980-1989 -- 1990-1995 -- Theological Considerations -- Precedent Research in WEC International. Overall Research Strategy -- Self-Completed Questionnaires -- Research of Archives at WEC's International Office -- Database Research at WEC's Research Office -- Operational Definition of Terms -- Procedures for Implementing the Research Strategy -- Questionnaire 1 -- Questionnaires 2 and 3 -- Research at the Archives of WEC's International Office -- Database Research at WEC's Research Office -- Procedure for Selecting Respondents -- Questionnaire 1 -- Questionnaires 2 and 3 -- Plan for Interpreting Data -- Quesitonnaire 1 -- Questionnaire 2 -- Questionnaire 3 -- Research at the Archives of WEC's International Office -- Research at WEC's Research Office -- Plan for Reporting Findings. General Evaluation of Questionnaires -- Questionnaire 1, 2, 3 -- Empirical Unknown 1 -- Research Question 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 -- Empirical Unknown 2 -- Research Question 6 -- Empirical Unknown 3 -- Research Question 7, 8, 9. Conclusions -- Library Research -- Insights from an Ongoing Policy Discussion within WEC International -- Review of Implementation of WEC's Internationalization Policy -- Review of Effectiveness of Multicultural Teamwork -- Review of Difficulties in Multicultural Teamwork -- Review of Factors that Facilitate Effective Multicultural Teamwork -- Review of Organizational Problems of International Missions -- Recommendations -- Recommendations to the Leadership of WEC International -- Recommendations to Other International Missions -- Recommendations for Future Research -- Epilogue. Glossary -- Questionnaire One -- Questionnaire Two -- Questionnaire Three -- Questionnaire Three -- Tables 4.4.2 and 4.4.3 (Chapter 4). Criteria of Encapsulated and Constructive Marginality -- Reasons for Resignations, 1961-1975, and 1976-1983 -- Respondents to Questionnaire 1, by Category -- Respondents to Questionnaire 1, by Field Membership and Ministry -- Respondents to Questionnaire 2, by Category -- Respondents to Questionnaire 2, by Gender -- Respondents to Questionnaire 2, by Nationality and Ethnic Background -- Respondents to Questionnaire 3, by Category -- Respondents to Questionnaire 3, by Gender -- Respondents to Questionnaire 3, by Age -- Fields, by Size of Teams -- Policy Acceptance -- Ministry Satisfaction -- Multiculturalism's Influence on Ministry Satisfaction -- Internationalization and Specific Resignations from the Mission -- Resignation Rates, 1960-1994 -- Resignations from British Sending Base, 1980-1991 -- Team Effectiveness -- Perceived Effectiveness -- Influence on Personal Stress Level -- Influence on Level of Interpersonal Tension and Conflicts -- Enrichment of Fellowship -- Influence on Team Unity -- Influence on Cultural Awareness and Sensitivity -- Influence on Testimony -- Impact on National Believers and Churches -- Influence on Team Effectiveness -- Influence on Gift Mix and Perspective on the Team -- Start of New Work or Ministries -- Influence on Specific Resignations -- Influence on Resignation Rate -- Influence on Contextualization -- Removal of Blind Spots -- Overall Assessment of Advantages Versus Disadvantages -- Synopsis of Affirmative Responses -- List of Comments on Effectiveness -- List of Commonets on Advantages of Multicultural Teamwork -- Listof Comments on Disadvantages of Multicultural Teamwork -- Perceived Help for Improving Multicultural Teamwork -- Ranking of the Ten Highest Mean Scores of Leaders -- Ranking of the Ten Highest Mean Scores of Non-Westerners -- Ranking of the Five Lowest Mean Scores of Leaders -- Ranking of the Five Lowest Mean Scores of Non-Westerners -- Synopsis of Mean Scores and Standard Deviations of 40 Facotrs -- Synopsis of Range and Frequencies of 40 Factors.

Columbia Biblical Seminary and Graduate School of Missions.--Ministry perspective project.
W.E.C. International.

Intergroup relations.
Interpersonal relations.

BV4070 / .I584 1996