Jones, W. T. 1910-,

Approaches to ethics; representative selections from classical times to the present. Edited by W. T. Jones [and others] - 2d edition. - New York, McGraw-Hill (c)1969. - xxx, 674 pages 23 cm.

Republic ; -- Philebus Nicomachean ethics Letter to Herodotus ; -- Letter to Menoeceus ; -- Principal doctrines Encheridion, or Manual Enneads Scolding a monk for having abandoned the desert Consolation of philosophy Enchiridion ; -- City of God Monologium. On the being of God ; -- Cur deus homo Steps of humility Summa contra gentiles ; -- Summa theologica These are the talks of instruction ... ; -- About disinterest Nature of the will ; -- Whether only an act of will is necessarily virtuous or vicious? Aphorisms on the nature of man ; -- Prince ; -- Discourses Bondage of the will ; -- Secular authority: to what extent it should be obeyed ; -- Freedom of a Christian Leviathan Ethics Dissertation upon the nature of virtue ; -- Sermons Treatise of human nature ; -- Enquiry concerning the principles of morals Lectures on ethics ; -- Critique of practical reason Introduction to the principles of morals and legislation Early theological writings World as will and idea Utilitarianism Journals: what I am to do ; -- Either/or -- Sickness unto death: a Christian psychological exposition for edification and awakening ; -- Concluding unscientific postscript ; -- Fear and trembling Contribution to the critique of political economy ; -- Alienated labour ; -- Private property and communism Methods of ethics Sounding out idols Ethical studies Civilization and its discontents Reconstruction in philosophy ; -- Quest for certainty ; -- Theory of valuation ; -- Reconstruction in philosophy Does moral philosophy rest on a mistake? Principia ethica General theory of value ; -- Realms of value Systematic theology ; -- Courage to be ; -- Theology of culture ; -- Morality and beyond Existentialism is a humanism ; -- Being and nothingness Language, truth, and logic Ethics and language On grading Language of morals Ethical absolutism and the ideal observer Two concepts of rules Extreme and restricted utilitarianism Generalization in ethics How to derive "ought" from "is" Three ways of spilling ink Plato -- Aristotle -- Epicurus -- Epictetus -- Plotinus -- St. Jerome -- Boethius -- St. Augustine -- St. Anselm -- St. Bernard of Clairvaux -- St. Thomas Aquinas -- Meister Eckhart -- William of Ockham -- Niccolo Machiavelli -- Martin Luther -- Thomas Hobbes -- Benedict Spinoza -- Joseh Butler -- David Hume -- Immanuel Kant -- Jeremy Bentham -- Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel -- Arthur Schopenhauer -- John Stuart Mill -- Soren Kierkegaard -- Karl Marx -- Henry Sidgwick -- Friedrich Nietzsche -- Francis Herbert Bradley -- Sigmund Freud -- John Dewey -- H.A. Prichard -- G.E. Moore -- Ralph Barton Perry -- Paul Tillich -- Jean-Paul Sartre -- Alfred Jules Ayer -- Charles Leslie Stevenson -- J.O. Urmson -- R.M. Hare -- Roderick Firth -- John Rawls -- J.J. Smart -- Marcus G. Singer -- John R. Searle -- J.L. Austin.


BJ21 / .A677 1969 BJ21