The abortion controversy / [print] Charles P. Cozic, book editor ; Jonathan Petrikin, book editor. - San Diego : Greenhaven Press, (c)1995. - 284 pages ; 24 cm.

Is abortion immoral? -- Abortion and morality : an overview Yes : abortion is immoral -- Abortion is immoral Abortion violates the fetus's interests The New Testament canon condemns abortion Donating to abortion providers is immoral No : abortion is not immoral -- Abortion is a moral choice Abortion can be a moral sacrifice The Roman Catholic Church historically condoned early abortions The early fetus has no interests Should abortion rights be protected or restricted? -- Abortion rights and laws: an overview Abortion rights should be protected -- Roe volume Wade is reaffirmed Abortion rights should not be restricted Government should fund abortions for the poor Laws should protect reproductive rights Laws should not require parental involvement in abortion decisions Abortion rights should be restricted -- Laws should protect unborn children The Supreme court erred in reaffirming Roe volume Wade The Supreme Court's Casey decision should not be obeyed Abortion should be restricted to the first eight weeks of pregnancy The pro-life movement should continue advocating restrictive abortion laws Should women have greater access to abortion? -- Yes : women should have greater access to abortion -- The RU 486 abortion pill should be available to women A national health care plan should include abortion services Women should have the option of menstrual extraction More doctors should perform abortions No : women should not have greater access to abortion -- The RU abortion pill is dangerous for women A national health care plan should not include subsidized abortion Women should not choose menstrual extraction Abortion vaccines should not be available Should protesters target abortion clinics? -- Deadly protest : an overview Yes : protesters should target abortion clinics -- Protesters should target abortion clinics Pro-life activists must protest nonviolently Violent protest is justified Restricting protesters violates their constitutional rights No : protesters should not target abortion clinics -- Terroristic clinic protest must be opposed The pro-life movement should condemn violent protest Clinic protest deprives women of their rights tShould aborted fetuses be used for medical research? -- The ethics of fetal tissue research and transplantation : an overview Yes : aborted fetuses should be used for research -- Fetal tissue research will benefit medical science Research using aborted fetuses is morally justified Fetal tissue research will not increase abortions Women support fetal tissue research No : aborted fetuses should not be used for research -- Fetal tissue transplants are ethically wrong and medically unnecessary Fetal tissue transplants violate moral and legal codes Fetal tissue research will lead to more abortions Fetal tissue research leads to the exploitation of women Jeffery L. Sheler -- Helen M. Alvare -- Morton A. Kaplan -- Michael J. Gorman -- Paul V. Mankowski -- Paul Savoy -- Frederick Turner -- Stephen T. Asma -- Ronald Dworkin -- Joan Biskupic -- Sandra Day O'Connor, et. al. -- Marlene Gerber Fried and Loretta Ross -- Stephanie Mencimer -- Janet Benshoof -- The Center for Population Options -- Mother Teresa -- Antonin Scalia -- Russell Hittinger -- Steven R. Hemler ... [and others] -- Kenneth D. Whitehead -- Allan Rosenfield -- National Women's Law Center -- Rebecca Chalker and Carol Downer -- Jane Doe -- Janice Raymond ... [and others] -- David R. Carlin -- Louise Tyrer -- Lawrence F. Roberge -- Laurie Goodstein -- Randall A. Terry -- Joseph Scheidler -- Frank Morriss -- Commonweal -- Barbara Radford and Gina Shaw -- Glamour -- Revolutionary Worker -- Kenneth L. Woodward ... [and others] -- Sharon Begley ... [and others] -- Bonnie Steinbock -- Glenn C. Graber -- Fionn Anderson ... [and others] -- Paul Ranalli -- Commonweal -- Stephen G. Post -- Janice G. Raymond.

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