Copan, Paul,

True for you, but not for me : deflating the slogans that leave Christians speechless / [print] True for you, but not for me Paul Copan. - Minneapolis, Minnesota : Bethany House Publishers, (c)1998. - 192 pages ; 22 cm

PennsylvaniaRT I: ABSOLUTELY RELATIVE "That's true for you, but not for me" "So many people disagree-relativism must be true" "You're just using western logic" Who are you to judge others?" "Christians are intolerant of other viewpoints!" "What right do you have to convert others to your views?". PennsylvaniaRT II: THE ABSOLUTISM OF MissouriRAL RELATIVISM Your values are right for you, but not for me" "Who are you to say another culture's values are wrong?" "You have the right to choose your own values" "We act morally because of biological evolution or social conditioning" "To be good, we don't need God". PennsylvaniaRT III: THE EXCLUSIVISM OF RELIGIOUS PLURALISM "Christianity is arrogant and imperialistic" "If you grew up in India, you'd be a Hindu" "Mahatma Gandhi was a saint if ever there was one". PennsylvaniaRT IV: THE UNIQUENESS OF JESUS CHRIST. MYTH Oregon REALITY? "You can't trust the gospels. They're unreliable" "Jesus' followers fabricated the stories and sayings of Jesus" Jesus is just like any other great religious leader" "People claim JFK and Elvis are alive, too!" But Jesus never said, 'I am God'". PennsylvaniaRT V: "NO OTHER NAME." THE QUESTION OF THE EVANGELIZED "If Jesus is the only way to Go, what about those who have never heard of Him?" : Response #1: the accessibilist or middle-knowledge perspective "If Jesus is the only way..." : Response #2: The inclusivist or wider-hope view "It doesn't matter what you believe-as long as you're sincere" "Who needs Jesus? And how are they going to find out about Him?" "Why can't we simply give people the gospel?".

Answers to Today's Tough Faith Challenges The world is intolerant of Christian beliefs. You've probably heard many of the anti-Christian comebacks and conversation-enders that refute the relevance and validity of Christianity, including: "Who are you to impose your morality on others?" "What right do you have to convert others to your views?" "It doesn't matter what you believe--as long as you're sincere." "You can't trust the Gospels--they're unreliable." These comments don't have to be conversation stoppers. Paul Copan offers you clear, concise, and thoughtful answers to these critical remarks in this revised and expanded edition of "True for You, But Not for Me." He shows you how with "patience, practice, prayer, and God's grace," you can gently respond in ways that move into more meaningful conversations with those who object to your faith. "Incisive and insightful responses to many of the most common misconceptions about Christianity and faith." --Lee Strobel, Author of The Case for Christ "Copan's careful exploration of the rational foundations of such slogans will be of great practical help to anyone who finds himself confronted with these challenges to the Christian faith." --William Lane Craig, Talbot School of Theology, author of Reasonable Faith "This book should be required reading in Christian high schools and colleges. And laypeople and parachurch ministries will profit greatly from its content." --J.P. Moreland, Talbot School of Theology, author of The God Question.

Paul Copan is a pastor and scholar well-versed in answering the real-world questions of both students and adults. He has served as an adjunct professor at Trinity International University and has recently moved to Georgia where he has joined the staff of Ravi Zacharias International Ministries as the staff apologist. As a student of Columbia Bible College he received a diploma in Biblical Studies, at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School he received both an M.A. in Philosophy and a M.Div in Divinity. He received a Ph.D. in philosophy from Marquette University. During his years of school, Paul has received many awards, including the Leighton Sandys Ford, Jr. Scholarship and the Aurora Foundation Grant. Paul's ministry experience has been covered a wide scope. As vice-president of Christian Technical Support, he helped underdeveloped countries financially while sharing the Gospel with them. He served as pastor at several churches, including Storrs Community Church is Storrs, Connecticut. At the First Presbyterian Church in Schenectady, New York, Paul ministered as the director of Evangelism and Discipleship, as well as with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship in the Southeastern United States as a staff worker. Paul and his wife Jacquie have four children and make their home in Georgia.


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Religious pluralism.


Christian Living.

BT1211.T784 1998