Invitation to the classics / [print] edited by Louise Cowan and Os Guinness. - Grand Rapids, Michigan : Baker Books, (c)1998. - 384 pages : color illustrations ; 24 cm.

The purpose of Invitation to the classics The importance of the classics The "classics" are not the "canon" Homer : The Iliad and The Odyssey Aeschylus : The Oresteia Herodotus : History of the Persian wars Western histories Sophocles : Oedipus rex Euripides : The Bacchae Aristophanes : Comedies Plato : The republic Aristotle : Nichomachean ethics Virgil : The Aeneid Roman and Italian classics Early Christian writers Augustine : The confessions Beowulf Medieval Christian writers Thomas Aquinas : Summa theologica Dante : The divine comedy Sir Gawain and the green knight Geoffrey Chaucer : The Canterbury tales The second shepherds' play and Everyman Thomas More : Utopia Martin Luther : The Babylonian captivity of the church, The small catechism Devotional classics Niccolo Machiavelli John Calvin : Institutes of the Christian religion Miguel de Cervantes : Don Quixote Spanish classics William Shakespeare : Hamlet, King Lear, Midsummer night's dream, and The tempest John Donne : Poems George Herbert : The temple John Milton : Paradise lost Blaise Pascal : Pensees John Bunyan : The pilgrim's progress Jonathan Swift : Gulliver's travels Jonathan Edwards : A treatise concerning religious affections Samuel Johnson : Essays and Rasselas ; -- James Boswell : The life of Samuel Johnson, LL.D. Os Guinness -- Louise Cowan -- Roger Lundin -- Glenn C. Arbery -- Daniel Russ -- Arthur A. Rupprecht -- Charles R. Sullivan -- Louise Cowan -- Larry Allums -- Louise Cowan -- Robert Martin Schaefer -- John F. Crosby -- Larry Allums -- Robert S. Dupree -- Telfair J. Mashburn, III -- Gail Kienitz -- Gary D. Schmidt -- Telfair J. Mashburn, III -- Robert E. Wood -- Larry Allums -- Mary Mumbach -- Leland Ryken -- Sharon Coolidge -- Peter Sampo -- Mark A. Noll -- Roger J. Green -- The prince Peter Sampo -- Mark A. Noll -- Marilyn Gump Stewart -- Elizabeth Franklin Lewis -- Louise Cowan -- Alan Jacobs -- Christopher Hodgkins -- Leland Ryken -- Os Guiness -- Beatrice Batson -- Daniel E. Ritchie -- Mark A. Noll -- Lionel Basney -- Western social and political philosophy Jean-Jacques Rousseau : Confessions Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay : The federalist Jane Austen : Pride and prejudice Johann Wolfgang von Goethe : Faust William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge : Lyrical ballads German classics John Keats : The great odes Alexis de Tocqueville : Democracy in America Ralph Waldo Emerson : Essays Frederick Douglass : Narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass : an American slave Nathaniel Hawthorne : The scarlet letter Emily Dickinson : The complete poems Herman Melville : Moby Dick Gustave Flaubert : Madame Bovary French classics Charles Dickens : Great expectations John Henry, Cardinal Newman : Apologia pro vita sua Sren Kierkegaard : Fear and trembling George Eliot : Middlemarch Gerard Manley Hopkins : Poems Leo Tolstoy : Anna Karenina Fyodor Dostoyevsky : The brothers Karamazov Henry James : The portrait of a lady Mark Twain The makers of the modern world Friedrich Nietzsche : Twilight of the idols Joseph Conrad : Heart of darkness James Joyce : Dubliners Franz Kafka : The trial William Butler Yeats : Poems T. S. Eliot : Four quartets Robert Frost : Poems Modern poetry in English Modern drama C. S. Lewis : The Screwtape letters William Faulkner : Go down, Moses Simone Weil : Waiting for God Dietrich Bonhoeffer : Letters and papers from prison Flannery O'Connor : "A good man is hard to find," "Greenleaf," "Revelation" Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn : One day in the life of Ivan Denisovich Contemporary writers Ashley Woodiwiss -- Virginia L. Arbery -- Ashley Woodiwiss -- Henrietta Ten Harmsel -- Carsten Peter Thiede -- Eileen Gregory -- Carsten Peter Thiede -- Louise Cowan -- Bruce Frohnen -- Roger Lundin -- John Lowe -- Roger Lundin -- Roger Lundin -- Bainard Cowan -- Larry Allums -- Carsten Peter Thiede -- Leland Ryken -- G. B. Tennyson -- C. Stephen Evans -- Dean Ward -- Jude V. Nixon -- Dona S. Gower -- Louise Cowan -- Margaret Gardner -- The adventures of Huckleberry Finn Dennis Patrick Slattery -- Roger Lundin -- Roger Lundin -- Edward E. Ericson, Jr. -- Harold Fickett -- Edward E. Ericson, Jr. -- Robert S. Dupree -- John H. Timmerman -- Glenn C. Arbery -- Eileen Gregory -- Mary Lou Hoyle -- Thomas T. Howard -- Mary Mumbach -- Stephen Gurney -- Roger Lundin -- Mary Mumbach -- Edward E. Ericson, Jr. -- Bainard Cowan.

Provides introductions to such classic authors as Dante, Chaucer, Cervantes, Dostoyevsky, and Kafka for the Christian reader in particular.



Literature--History and criticism.
Christianity and literature.

PN49.G964.I585 1998