Religions of late antiquity in practice / [print] Richard Valantasis, editor. - Princeton, New Jersey : Princeton University Press, (c)2000. - xvi, 511 pages ; 24 cm. - Princeton readings in religions . - Princeton readings in religions. .

Includes bibliographies and index.

Inventing the Individual : Biography -- The First Sahidic Life of Pachomius Philostratus of Athens, Life of Apollonius of Tyana Porphyry, On the Life of Plotinus and the Order of His Books Refashioning the Person : Asceticism -- Evagrius Ponticus on Prayer and Anger Pseudo-Athanasius, Discourse on Salvation to a Virgin Basil of Caesarea, The "Prooemium" of the Regulaefusius tractatae Sermons of Columbanus Manichaean Asceticism Founding Religious Movements : Organizations -- Talmudic Texts and Jewish Social Life Julian "the Apostate," Against the Galileans A Thriving Native Cult in the Fifth Century and Its Demise under Coptic Monks The Cologne Mani Codex Tales of Holy Fools Locating Religion in Society : Community -- Vision for the City : Nisibis in Ephrem's Hymns on Nicomedia Acts of Thomas : Scene One An Anonymous Letter to a Woman Named Susanna A Plea to a Local God for a Husband's Attentions Bishop Avitus of Vienne to His Excellency Ansmundus Chrysostom's Catecheses : A Hermeneutic of Social Institutions John Chrysostom, Sermons on City Life Regulating Religious Expression : Law -- Laws on Religion from the Theodosian and Justinianic Codes The Acts of the Council of Aquileia (381 C.E.) Canons of the Council in Trullo (692 C.E.) Creating Religious Ceremonial : Ritual -- The Mithras Liturgy and Sepher Ha/Razim Manichaean Ritual The Seal of the Merkavah Anonymous Spanish Correspondence or the Letter of the "She/ass" Amuletic Invocations of Christ for Health and Fortune Singing Divine Praises : Hymnody -- The Hymns of Ambrose Hymns to Mary, the Mother of God, the Theotokos Manichaean Hymnody An Isis Aretalogy from Kyme in Asia Minor, First Century B.C.E. Sacrificing Self to God : Martyrology -- The Passion of Saints Perpetua and Felicity The Martyrs of Lyons The Martyrdom of Habbib the Deacon 4 Maccabees Enlivening Thought : Philosophy and Theology -- Gregory Nazianzen, Homily on the Nativity of Christ Texts on Iconoclasm : John of Damascus and the Council of Hiereia Asterius of Amasea Ekphrasis on the Holy Martyr Euphernia Christian Oracle Shrines Popular Religious Practices in Fifth-Century Egypt The Zenith and Destruction of a Native Egyptian Oracle in 359 C.E. Manichaean Theology lamblichus, de Mysteriis, Book 1, The de Mysteriis Richard Valantasis James E. Goehring Megan H. Williams Richard Valantasis Columba Stewart 65 -- Teresa M. Shaw Lawrence J. Altepeter Arthur G. Holder Jason David BeDuhn Daniel Boyarin Elizabeth Geraldine Burr David Frankfurter Ellen Bradshaw Aitken Derek Krueger David Bundy David G. Hunter Maureen A. Tilley David Frankfurter Maureen A. Tilley Arthur B. Shippee Blake Leyerle Matthew C. Mirow and Kathleen A. Kelley Kenneth B. Steinhauser James C. Skedros Kimberly B. Stratton Jason David BeDuhn Michael D. Swartz Virginia Burrus and Tracy Keefer David Frankfurter Carl P. E. Springer Vasiliki Limberis Jason David BeDuhn Gail Corrington Streete Maureen A. Tilley Frederick W. Weidmann Robert Doran Clayton N. Jefford Nonna Verna Harrison David Vila Elizabeth A. Castelli David Frankfurter David Frankfurter David Frankfurter Jason David BeDuhn Peter T. Struck


Church history--Primitive and early church, ca. 30-600.

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