Congress volume : Cambridge, 1995 / [print] edited by John A. Emerton. - New York : E.J. Brill, (c)1997. - vi, 419 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm.

Papers given by invitation at the Congress of the International Organization for the Study of the Old Testament, held July 1995 at Cambridge (England).

Includes bibliographical references.

Presidential address : comparative semitic philology and Hebrew lexicography On reading biblical poetry : the role of metaphor The end of the male cult prostitute : a literary-historical and sociological analysis of Hebrew qades-qedesim -- The age of decipherment : the Old Testament and the ancient Near East in the nineteenth century Des outils pour le developpement de l'hermeneumatique semitique nord-occidentale -- Resurrection imagery from Baal to the book of Daniel On the development of Wisdom in Israel What the book of Proverbs is about Chasing shadows? the quest for the historical goddess La place du sacrifice dans l'ancien Israel The roots of aniconism : an Israelite phenomenon in comparative perspective From tradition to criticism : Jewish sources as an aid to the critical sudy of the Hebrew Bible Cent ans de botanique au Proche-Orient ancien Das spatdeuteronomistische Geschichtswerk Genesis i-2 Regum xxv und seine theologische Intention Konzeption und Vorgeschichte des Stellvertretungsgedankens im Alten Testament Figurative policy, Propaganda und Prophetie Jezreel, Samaria and Megiddo : royal centres of Omri and Ahab Le recit de la mer (Exode xiii 17-xiv 31) reflete-t-il une redaction de type deuteronomique? Quelques remarques sur le probleme de l'identification des elements deuteronomiques contenus dans le Tetrateuque The Hebrew and Syriac texts of the book of Job Michal und die Angange des Konigtums in Israel J.A. Emerton -- Adele Berlin -- K.J. Cathcart -- J. Day -- K.J. Dell -- M.V. Fox -- Judith M. Hadley -- Zum Verhaltnis von Textkritik und Literarkritik : Uberlegungen anhand einiger Beispiele A. Van der Kooij -- A. Marx -- T.N.D. Mettinger -- A. Rofe -- Hedwige Rouillard- Bonraisin -- H.-C. Schmitt -- H. Spieckermann -- C. Uehlinger -- D. Ussishkin -- M. Vervenne -- M. Weitzman -- Ina Willi- Plein.



Bible.--Old Testament--Congresses.

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