Griffin, Emory A,

A first look at communication theory / [print] Em Griffin. - seventh edition. - Boston : McGraw-Hill Higher Education, (c)2009. - xv, 486, 56. pages : illustrations ; 26 cm.

Includes bibliographies and index.

Launching your study of communication theory -- Talk about theory -- Weighing the words of Ernest Bormann's symbolic convergence theory -- Mapping the territory (seven traditions in the field of communication theory) -- Interpersonal messages -- Symbolic interactionism of George Herbert Mead -- Coordinated management of meaning (CMM) of W. Barnett Pearce and Vernon Cronen -- Expectancy violations theory of Judee Burgoon -- Constructivism of Jesse Delia -- Relationship development -- Social penetration theory of Irwin Altman and Dalmas Taylor -- Uncertainty reduction theory of Charles Berger -- Social information processing theory of Joseph Walther -- Relationship maintenance -- Relational dialectics of Leslie Baxter and Barbara Montgomery -- The Interactional view of Paul Watzlawick-- Influence -- Social judgment theory of Muzafer Sherif -- Elaboration likelihood model of Richard Petty and John Cacioppo -- Cognitive dissonance theory of Leon Festinger -- Group decision making -- Functional perspective on group decision making of Randy Hirokawa and Dennis Gouran -- Adaptive structuration theory of Marshall Scott Poole -- Organizational communication -- Cultural approach to organizations of Clifford Geertz and Michael Pacanowsky -- Critical theory of communication approach to organizations of Stan Deetz -- Public rhetoric -- The rhetoric of Aristotle -- Dramatism of Kenneth Burke -- Narrative paradigm of Walter Fisher -- Media and culture -- Media ecology of Marshall McLuhan -- Semiotics of Roland Barthes -- Cultural studies of Stuart Hall -- Media Effects -- Cultivation theory of George Gerbner -- Agenda-setting theory of Maxwell McCombs and Donald Shaw -- Spiral of silence of Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann -- Intercultural communication -- Communication accommodation theory of Howard Giles -- Face-negotiation theory of Stella Ting-Toomey -- Speech codes theory of Gerry Philipsen -- Gender and communication -- Genderlect styles of Deborah Tannen -- Standpoint theory of Sandra Harding and Julia Wood -- Muted group theory of Cheris Kramarae -- Communication theory -- Common threads in comm theories -- Appendix A: abstracts of theories -- Appendix B: feature films that illustrate communication theory -- Appendix C: North CarolinaA credo for communication ethics.

The most widely-used textbook for the communication theory course, "A First Look at Communication Theory" analyzes the major communication theories at a level that is appropriate for both lower- and upper-level courses. The 32 theories represented in the text reflect a mix of foundational and recent scholarship and strike a balance of scientific and interpretive approaches.




P90.G851.F577 2009