Sacra Pagina [print] - Collegeville, Minnesota : The Order of St. Benedict, - 18 volumes ; 23 cm - Sacra Prigina .

The Gospel of Matthew -- The birth-record of Jesus -- The birth of Jesus -- The visit of the magi and the flight to Egipt -- John the Baptist -- John's preaching -- The baptisms of John and Jesus -- Jesus made manifest -- The testing of God's son -- Jesus begins in Galilee -- Introduction to the sermon on the mount -- Six "antitheses" -- Three acts of piety -- Other teachings -- Warnings about judgement -- Jesus the Healer -- More acts of power -- Interlude -- More healings -- Setting -- Mission of Israel -- Future sufferings -- Other instructions -- John and Jesus -- Threats again unrepentant cities -- Revelation and its recipients -- Two sabbath controversies -- Jesus as God's servant -- The source of Jesus' power -- The sign of Jonah -- This evil generation; the family of Jesus -- The parable of the sower -- Other parables -- Rejection of his own -- The death of John the Baptist -- The feeding of the five thousand -- Walking on the water -- Debate about tradition -- The Canaanite woman -- Healings -- Feeding of the four thousand -- A controversy and a conversation -- Promise to Peter; first passion prediction -- The transfiguration and Elijah -- The Disciples' little faith -- Second passion prediction; temple tax -- Care of the "little ones" -- The brother who sins -- Marriage and divorce, celibacy, children -- The dangers of wealth -- The parable of the good employer -- The cup of suffering -- The healing son of David -- Jesus' entrance into Jerusalem and its temple -- The fig tree -- Jesus and John -- The parable of the vineyard -- The parable of the wedding feast -- Taxes to Caesar -- Resurrection -- The great commandment -- David's son or Lord? -- Good deeds and prestige -- The woes against the scribes and Pharisees -- Final warning -- The beginning of the birth pangs -- The coming of the son of man -- Parables of watchfulness -- The parable of the ten maidens -- The parable of the talents -- The judgement -- The plot to kill Jesus -- The arrest of Jesus -- The Jewish "trial" and Peter's denial -- The condemnation of Jesus and Judas' death -- The condemnation of Jesus -- The death of Jesus -- The burial of Jesus -- The empty tomb -- The great commission -- Principal ancient philosophy. The Gospel of Mark -- An intratextual and intertextual commentary -- Mark among the gospels -- Mark before the gospels -- Mark as author and theologian -- Mark as literature -- The genre of Mark -- The literary artistry of Mark -- Narrative criticism and the gospel of Mark -- Mark's picture of Jesus -- Discipleship in Mark -- Mark and the Old Testament and Judaism -- The eschatology of Mark -- Mark in relation to Paul and to Peter -- The date and the audience of Mark -- The outline of Mark's gospel -- General bibliography -- Translation, notes, interpretation -- The prologue : the beginning of the good news -- Transitional Markan summary : proclamation of the kingdom -- The call of the first disciples -- A paradigmatic day begins the ministry of Jesus -- Highpoints of Jesus' work in Galilee -- The healing of the paralyzed man -- The call of Levi and meals with toll collectors and sinners -- Fasting, torn garments, and new wineskins -- Plucking grain on the Sabbath -- Healing on a Sabbath -- Transitional Markan summary : healing beside the sea -- Choosing the twelve -- The Beelzebul controversy and the true family of Jesus -- The parable of the sower, sayings on the mystery of the kingdom of God, and the allegory of the seeds -- Four sayings on revelation and two kingdom parables -- Jesus' power over wind and waves -- The exorcism of the Gerasene demoniac -- The daughter of Jairus and the woman with the hemmorrhage -- The rejection of Nazareth -- The mission charge to the twelve -- The identity of Jesus and the execution of John the Baptist -- The feeding of the 5000 by the Sea of Galilee -- Jesus walks on the water and astounds the disciples -- A Markan summary of the healing power of Jesus -- The dispute over clean and unclean -- The Syrophoenician woman -- Jesus restores hearing and speech to a suffering man -- The second feeding narrative : the 4000 -- Pharisees and scribes seek a sign -- A further understanding by the disciples and the conclusion of the bread section -- The gradual healing of a blind man -- Peter's confession, the first passion prediction, Peter's misunderstanding, and the demands of the discipleship -- The transfiguration -- Healing a possessed boy -- A second passion prediction and more instructions for disciples -- The transfiguration -- Healing a possessed boy -- A second passion prediction and more instructions for disciples -- Marriage and divorce -- Jesus blesses children -- Riches and poverty -- A third passion prediction and more instructions for disciples -- The healing of Blind Bartimaeus -- Jesus' entry into Jerusalem -- The fig tree and the temple -- The authority of Jesus -- The parable of the vineyard -- Taxes to Caesar -- The debate about resurrection -- The great commandments -- The Messiah and the Son of God -- The scribes and the widow -- Jesus' eschatological discourse -- Contrasting beginnings of Jesus' last days -- Jesus' final meal with his disciples -- Prediction of Peter's denial -- Jesus in Gethsemane -- The arrest of Jesus -- Jesus before the Sanhedrin and the denial of Peter -- Jesus before Pilate -- The crucifixion of Jesus -- The death of Jesus -- The burial of Jesus -- The empty tomb -- Later endings. The Gospel of Luke -- Birth and Childhood of the Prophet -- The Prophecy of John's Birth -- The Prophecy of Jesus' Birth -- Mary Visits Elizabeth -- Prophecy Fulfilled John's Birth -- Prophecy Fulfilled Jesus' Birth -- Jesus Is Presented to the Lord -- Jesus Teaches in the Temple -- The Prophets John and Jesus -- The Prophetic Ministry of John -- The Baptism and Genealogy of Jesus -- The Testing of the Prophet -- The Prophetic Messiah -- First Signs and Wonders -- Jesus Calls His Disciples -- Two Healings -- Call and Controversy -- Two Controversies and a Choice -- The Prophet's Public Preaching -- Prophetic Wisdom -- Two Prophetic Wonders -- John, Jesus, and the People - The Friend of Sinners -- Gathering the People of Faith -- Two Wonders -- Saving Faith -- Preparing A Leadership for the People -- The Apostolic Tasks -- Recognizing Jesus -- Hawed Followers -- The Prophet Journeys to Jerusalem -- Turning Toward Jerusalem -- Acceptance and Rejection -- Rejection and Acceptance -- Teaching on Prayer -- The Two Kingdoms -- Prophetic Warnings -- Attack on Opponents - Courage in Time of Danger -- Treasure and the Heart -- Watchfulness and Service -- A Call for Decision -- Warnings to Repent -- Prophetic Pronouncements -- Conflict at Table -- Invitations to the Banquet -- Parables of Lost and Found -- Possessions in Parable and Paraenesis -- The Claims of Moses and the Prophets -- Teaching and Healing -- The Kingdom and the End-Time -- Parables on Prayer - Entering the Kingdom -- Saving Faith-Again -- The Kingship Parable -- The Prophet in Jerusalem -- Entering Jerusalem -- Conflict with Leaders -- Debates with Leaders -- Prophecies about Jerusalem -- Preparation for the Son of Man -- The Suffering of the Prophet -- The Plot at Passover -- The Passover Meal -- Teachings at Table -- The Time of Testing -- The Sanhedrin Hearing -- Delivered to Prefects and Kings. The Gospel of John -- The prologue -- The book of signs -- The first days of Jesus -- From Cana to Cana -- Introduction -- The response to Jesus within Israel -- The first miracle at Cana faith in the word of Jesus -- Jesus and the Jews -- The narrator's comment -- Jesus and Nicodemus -- Jesus and John the Baptist -- The response to Jesus outside Israel -- Jesus and the Samaritan woman I -- Jesus and the Samaritan woman II -- Jesus' comment -- Jesus and the Samaritan villagers -- The second miracle at Cana faith in the word of Jesus -- The feasts of the Jews -- Introduction -- Jesus and the Sabbath -- Jesus' healing work on a Sabbath -- Life and judgment -- Witness and accusation -- Jesus and the Passover -- Introduction -- An introduction -- The miracle of the loaves and fishes -- The miracle on the sea -- A second introduction -- The discourse on the bread from heaven -- The crisis created by the word of Jesus -- Jesus and tabernacles -- The feast of tabernacles -- Before the feast -- At the feast in Jerusalem -- About the middle of the feast -- Jesus, the Jews, and the people -- The Jerusalemites and the people -- -- Jesus and the Jews -- On the last day of the feast -- Jesus, the people, and the leaders -- Excursus on John - the woman taken in adultery -- Jesus reveals himself as the light of the world -- Jesus and the Jews in conflict over their respective origins -- Jesus and tabernacles -- Jesus and dedication -- Jesus turns toward the hour -- A resurrection that will lead to death -- The hour has come -- Conclusion to the ministry of Jesus -- The book of glory -- The last discourse -- Making God known the footwashing and the morsel -- The footwashing -- To make God known -- The gift of the morsel -- Departure -- To abide, to love, and to be hated -- To abide -- The command to love -- To be hated by the world -- Departure -- Making God known Jesus' final prayer -- The passion -- Jesus and his enemies in a garden -- Jesus' appearance before the Jews -- Jesus before Pilate -- The crucifixion of Jesus -- Jesus is buried in a garden by his new-found friends -- The resurrection -- Introduction -- Scenes at the tomb -- Visits to the empty tomb -- Jesus appears to Mary Magdalene -- Scenes in the house -- Jesus appears to the disciples but not Thomas -- Jesus appears to the disciples and to Thomas -- The conclusion to the gospel -- Epilogue -- Further resurrection appearances -- Introduction -- Jesus appears to his disciples at the Sea of Tiberias -- Jesus, Peter, and the beloved disciple -- A second conclusion to the gospel -- Conclusion does John belong to the story?

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