Intelligent design creationism and its critics : philosophical, theological, and scientific perspectives / [print] edited by Robert T. Pennock. - Cambridge, Massachusetts : MichiganT Press, (c)2001. - xx, 805 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm.

"A Bradford book."

Includes bibliographies and index.

The wedge at work: how intelligent design creationism is wedging its way into the cultural and academic mainstream Evolution as dogma: the establishment of naturalism Naturalism, evidence, and creationism: the case of Phillip Johnson Response to Pennock Reply: Johnson's Reason in the balance When faith and reason clash: evolution and the Bible When faith and reason cooperate Plantinga's defense of special creation Evolution, neutrality, and antecedent probability: a reply to McMullin and Van Till Molecular machines: experimental support for the design inference Born-again creationism Biology remystified: the scientific claims of the new creationists Methodological naturalism? Methodological naturalism under attack Plantinga's case against naturalistic epistemology Plantinga's probability arguments against evolutionary naturalism Creator or blind watchmaker? Phillip Johnson on trial: a critique of his critique of Darwin Welcoming the "disguised friend" -- Darwinism and divinity The creation: intelligently designed or optimally equipped? Barbara Forrest -- Phillip E. Johnson -- Robert T. Pennock -- Phillip E. Johnson -- Robert T. Pennock -- Alvin Plantinga -- Howard J. Van Till -- Ernan McMullin -- Alvin Plantinga -- Michael J. Behe -- Philip Kitcher -- Matthew J. Brauer, Daniel R. Brumbaugh -- Alvin Plantinga -- Michael Ruse -- Evan Fales -- Branden Fitelson, Elliott Sober -- Phillip E. Johnson -- Nancey Murphy -- Arthur Peacocke -- Howard J. Van Till. Is theism compatible with evolution? Is genetic information irreducible? Reply to Phillip Johnson Reply to Johnson Intelligent design as a theory of information Information and the argument from design How not to detect design -- critical notice: William A. Dembski, The design inference The "information challenge" Who's got the magic? The wizards of ID: reply to Dembski The panda's thumb The role of theology in current evolutionary reasoning Appealing to ignorance behind the cloak of ambiguity Nonoverlapping magisteria Why creationism should not be taught in the public schools Creation and evolution: a modest proposal Reply to Plantinga's "modest proposal" Roy Clouser -- Phillip E. Johnson -- Richard Dawkins -- George C. Williams -- William A. Dembski -- Peter Godfrey-Smith -- Branden Fitelson, Christopher Stephens, Elliott Sober -- Richard Dawkins -- William A. Dembski -- Robert T. Pennock -- Stephen Jay Gould -- Paul A. Nelson -- Kelly C. Smith -- Stephen Jay Gould -- Robert T. Pennock -- Alvin Plantinga -- Robert T. Pennock.

9780262162043 9780262661249



Intelligent design (Teleology)
Evolution (Biology)
Evolution (Biology)--Religious aspects--Christianity.
Religion and science.

BS652 BS652.P415.I584 2001