TY - BOOK AU - Worth,Roland H. TI - Bible translations: a history through source documents SN - 9780899505374 AV - BS450 PY - 1992/// CY - Jefferson, North Carolina PB - McFarland and Company KW - Bible KW - Translating KW - History KW - Sources KW - Versions N1 - 2; Uncompleted Old Testament. 54. How the Bishops' Translation of 1534 Was Aborted. 55. The King Vetoes a Bishops' Translation. Virgin IslandsII. King James Version. 56. Bishop Bancroft's Rules for the Translators. 57. "The Translator to the Reader" 58. Family Turmoils i; 1. Translations from Hebrew into Greek. I. Pre-Septuagint Translations. 1. Allusions in the Letter of Aristeas. 2. Aristobulus (as Quoted by Eusebius). 3. Masseketh Sopherim ("Tractate of the Scribes"). II. The Septuagint (LXX). 4. The Classic and Earliest Account: The Letter of Aristeas. 5. Josephus' Reworking of Aristeas' Account. 6. Philo's Account of the Translation. 7. Justin Martyr on Departures from the LXX as Proof of Textual Corruption. III. Post-Septuagint Translations. 8. Jerome on the Translation Styles of Aquila, Symmachus, and Theodotion. 9. Chrysostom on the Danger of Doctrinal Bias in Post-Septuagint Translations. 10. Jerome's Comparison of Messianic Texts in the Hebrew and in Aquila's Translation. 11. Jerome on Differences Between the Hebrew Book of Daniel and Theodotion's Book of Daniel. 12. Eusebius on the Origin of the Hexapla --; 2. Other Ancient Translations. I. The Diatessaron of Tatian. 13. Fragmentary References in Eusebius and Epiphanius. 14. Theodoret on His Suppression of the Diatessaron. 15. Dionsius Bar-Salibi on Writers Who Prepared Similar Works. II. Jerome's Vulgate. 16. To Translate Is to Guarantee Criticism (Jerome's Preface to the Four Gospels). 17. Jerome's Theory of Translation. 18. Jerome's Defense for Paying Greater Attention to the Hebrew Than to the Greek Translations. 19. Augustine's Challenge: What New Truth Can Be Gained by a New Translation? 20. Jerome's Response: What New Truth Can Be Gained by a New Commentary? 21. A Bishop Is Almost Deposed for Using Jerome's New Book of Jonah. 22. Jerome: But Where Is the Error in the New Book of Jonah? 23. Augustine Concedes the Propriety of a Hebrew-Based Translation. 24. The Man Who Stole Jerome's Bible. 25. A Translator Besieged by Ill Health --; 3. Reformation-Era European Translations. I. German-Language Translations. 26. A Translator's Bitter Adversary. 27. Preface to the Cologne German Bible of 1480. 28. Luther's Theory of Translating. 29. Emser's New Testament: The Critic as Plagiarist. II. French-Language Translations. 30. Peter Waldo Sponsors a Bible Translation. 31. An Attempt to Gain Papal Approval for a Waldensian Translation. 32. Pope Innocent III Fears That Vernacular Translations Would Usurp the Teaching Functions of the Church. III. Erasmus' Translation into Latin. 33. Working at the Printer's Side. 34. To the Reader of the Novuum Instrumentum. 35. Is the Latin More Accurate and Reliable Than the Greek? Erasmus' Response. 36. Dorp's Response to Erasmus. 37. Erasmus' Rebuttal of Edward Lee's Criticisms of His Greek Text and Latin Translation. 38. "An Exhortation to the Diligent Studye of Scripture Made by Erasmus Roterodamus" --; 4. Reformation-Era English Translations. I. Wycliffe. 39. Sir Thomas More on Pre-Wycliffe English Bibles. 40. Principles of Translation Behind the Second Wycliffe Bible. II. Tyndale. 41. Henry Virgin IslandsII Bans Vernacular Translations and Promises an Official Version. III. Coverdale's English Translation. 42. The Translator Concedes His Weaknesses. 43. The Appeal for Royal Approval in the Dedication of 1535. 44. The King Approves Circulation of Coverdale's Translation. IV. Coverdale's Latin-English Diglot of 1538. 45. Dedication to the King (Regnault Edition). V. Matthew's Bible. 46. A Printer Pleads for Royal Protection. 47. Archbishop Cranmer's Plea for Royal Approval of the Matthew Bible. 48. Cranmer's Enthusiastic Response to Royal Approval. 49. Melanchthon's Opinion of John Rogers' Character and Attitude. Virgin Islands Great Bible. 50. Henry Virgin IslandsII Upholds Publicly Available Bibles for Churches. 51. John Standish's Tract to Parliament Urging the Banning of All Vernacular Translations. 52. Fulke's Defense of the Accuracy of Existing English Translations. Virgin IslandsI. Uncompleted Translations. 53. William Roye's; 2 ER -