Segundo, Juan Luis,

Signs of the times : theological reflections / [print] Juan Luis Segundo ; edited by Alfred T. Hennelly ; translated by Robert R. Barr. - Maryknoll, New York : Orbis Books, (c)1993. - v, 208 pages ; 24 cm.

Theology and the social sciences -- Capitalism-socialism -- Conversion and reconciliation from the perspective of modern liberation theology -- Human rights, evangelization, and ideology -- The shift within Latin American theology -- A note on irony and sorrow -- On absolute mystery -- The option for the poor -- Revelation, faith, signs of the times -- Ignatius of Loyola -- The legacy of Columbus and the hierarchy of Christian truths.



Catholic Church--Latin America.
Catholic Church--Doctrines.

Liberation theology.
Christian sociology--Catholic Church.

BT83 BT83.H515.S546 1993