Walker, Williston, 1860-1922.,

A history of the Christian church / [print] by Williston Walker and Richard A. Norris, David W. Lotz, Robert T. Handy. - fourth edition. - New York : Scribner, (c)1985. - xii, 756 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm.

Period I. From the beginnings to the gnostic crisis. The general situation -- The Jewish background -- Jesus and the disciples -- The early Christian community -- Paul and Gentile Christianity -- The close of the apostolic age -- The interpretation of Jesus -- Gentile Christianity of the second century -- Christian organization -- Christianity and the Roman government -- The apologists -- Period II. From the gnostic crisis to Constantine. Gnosticism -- Marcion -- Montanism -- The Catholic Church -- The growing importance of the Roman Church -- Irenaeus of Lyon -- Tertullian and Cyprian -- The logos theology and monarchianism -- The Alexandrian school -- Church and Roman society from 180 to 260 -- The constitutional development of the church -- Public worship and sacred time -- Baptism -- The eucharist -- Forgiveness of sins -- Patterns of Christian life -- Rest and growth -- Rival religious forces -- The final struggle -- Period III. The imperial state church. The changed situation -- The Arian controversy to the death of Constantine -- Controversy under Constantine's sons -- The later Nicene struggle -- The Germanic invasions -- The growth of the papacy -- Monasticism -- Ambrose and Chrysostom -- The christological controversies -- The East divided -- Controversy and catastrophe in the East -- The constitutional development of the church -- Worship and piety -- The Latin Christian tradition -- Jerome -- Augustine of Hippo -- The Pelagian controversy -- Semi-Pelagianism -- Gregory the Great -- Period IV. The Middle Ages to the close of the investiture controversy. Missions in the British Isles -- Christianity and the Frankish kingdom -- East and West in the iconoclastic controversy -- The Franks and the papacy -- Charles the Great -- European Christianity in the ninth century -- The papacy and the Ottonian Empire -- The Greek Church after the iconoclastic controversy -- Christian expansion in the early Middle Ages -- The reforming papacy -- From reform to revolution -- Hildebrand and Henry IV -- The end of the investiture struggle -- Period V. The later Middle Ages. The Crusades -- New religious movements -- Medieval heresy : the Cathars and Waldenses; the Inquisition -- The Dominicans, Franciscans, and other mendicant orders -- Early scholasticism; Anselm of Canterbury and Peter Abelard -- The rediscovery of Aristotle; the rise of the universities -- High scholasticism and its theology; Thomas Aquinas -- Late scholasticism; Duns Scotus and William of Ockham -- Mysticism, the modern devotion, and heresy -- Missions and defeats -- The papacy at its height and its decline -- The Avignon papacy; papal critics and defenders; the Great Schism -- Wyclif and Hus -- The reforming councils -- The Italian Renaissance and its popes; popular religious leaders -- The new national powers -- Humanism north of the Alps; piety on the eve of the Reformation -- Period Virgin Islands The Reformation. Luther's development and the beginnings of the Reformation -- Separations and divisions -- Ulrich Zwingli and the Swiss Reformation -- The Anabaptists -- German Protestantism established -- The Scandinavian lands -- The Reformation in French Switzerland and Geneva before Calvin -- John Calvin -- The English Reformation -- The Scottish Reformation -- The Catholic Reformation and Counter-Reformation -- Confessional strife in France, the Netherlands, and England -- German religious controversies and the Thirty Years' War -- Socinianism -- Arminianism -- Anglicanism, Puritanism, and the Free Churches in England, Episcopacy and Presbyterianism in Scotland -- The Quakers -- Period Virgin IslandsI. Modern Christianity. The beginnings of modern science and philosophy -- The transplantation of Christianity to the Americas -- Deism and the its opponents; skepticism -- Unitarianism in England and America -- Pietism in Germany -- Zinzendorf and Moravianism -- The Evangelical revival in Great Britain; Wesley and Methodism -- The Great Awakening -- The impact of the Evangelical revival; the rise of modern missions -- The revolutionary epoch in the United States -- The German Enlightenment (Aufklarung) -- Trends in nineteenth-century Protestant thought in Germany -- British Protestantism in the nineteeth century -- Continental Protestantism in the nineteeth century -- American Protestantism in the nineteeth century -- Roman Catholicism in the modern world -- The Eastern Churches in modern times -- The growth of the ecumenical movement -- The church in the world.

9780024238702 9780684184173

Church history.

BR146 BR146.W186.H578 1985