Merle d'Aubigne, J. H. 1794-1872.,

The Reformation in England / [print] J. H. Merle d'Aubigne ; edited by S.M. Houghton. - London : Banner of Truth Trust, (c)1962-63. - 2 volume : illustrations ; 23 cm.

Vol. 1 originally published in 1853 as volume 5 of the History of the Reformation of the sixteenth century, a translation by H. White from the original, Histoire de la reformation du seizieme siecle; volume 2 originally published in 1866-1878 as portions of volume 4, 5, and 8 of the History of the Reformation in Europe in the time of Calvin, a translation of the original, Historie de la reformation en Europe au temps de Calvin.

V. 1. Christ mightier than Druid altars and Roman swords -- Iona versus Rome -- Rome 'converts' Britain -- The conflict with papal supremacy -- The iron age of spiritual slavery -- Grosseteste and Bradwardine -- Light streams from Lutterworth -- The morning star of the Reformation -- The Lollard burnings -- The new learning and the new dynasty -- War, marriage and preaching -- Wolsey's rise to power -- The need for Reformation -- The origin of the English Reformation -- The Greek Testament awakens the dead -- Persecution and intrigue -- A storm at Sodbury Hall -- The onslaught on Luther -- Early martyrs in Lincolnshire -- All England closed to Tyndale -- Bluff Hugh Lattimer -- Wolsey's hopes and fears -- An exile's toil for a nation's life -- The awakening in Cambridge -- The year of grace, 1526 -- Oxford's baptism of suffering -- The severities of popery -- The tempest against the truth -- The divorce question opens -- Anne Boleyn -- Bilney in strength and weakness -- The campaign for Henry's divorce -- The dilemma and duplicity of Clement Virgin IslandsI -- Royal threats counter papal cunning -- Wolsey's desperate demands -- "A thousand Wolsey's for one Anne Boleyn" -- Scripture and the spreading revival -- Campeggio arrives in England -- The search for William Tyndale -- The pope burns his bull -- Wolsey between Scylla and Charybdis -- More and Tyndale : a theological duel -- A queen's pleadings convict a court -- The trial end in farce -- 'Tyndale' received in a king's palace -- Wolsey alone and facing ruin -- To introduce Thomas Cranmer -- The dethronement of Cardinal Wolsey -- New leaders and a new policy -- "They that will live godly in Christ Jesus... " -- Wolsey falls like Lucifer.


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