Snowden, James Henry, 1852-1936.,

What do present day Christians believe? [print] By James H. Snowden. - New York, The Macmillan company, (c)1930. - 357 pages ; 25 cm.

Nabu Public Domain Reprints.

Why do we believe in God? -- How do we know God? -- Why do we believe in the personality of God? -- Is God only a subjective idea or also an objective reality? -- How can we fit our concept of God into our modern universe? -- What is the trinity? -- What is the character of God? -- What is the fatherhood of God? -- What are the attributes of God? -- What is agnosticism? -- What is materialism? -- What is pantheism? -- What is God's relation to the world? -- What is divine providence? -- Is evolution irreligious? -- What was the origin of man? -- What is man? -- What is sin? -- Is the sense of sin declining? -- What is religion? -- Can there be religion without a God? -- What are science, philosophy, and theology? -- Can our religion and our science live together? -- What are miracles? -- What is the Bible? -- Is it right to study the Bible? -- What is the value of the Old Testament? -- Are the four gospels trustworthy? -- What is the value of the letters of Paul? -- In what sense is the Bible inspired? -- What need is there of the incarnation? -- Why was the incarnation so long delayed? -- Why do we believe in the virgin birth? -- What was the childhood of Jesus? -- Why was Jesus a carpenter? -- Why was Jesus baptized? -- What was the meaning of the temptation of Jesus? -- In what world did Jesus live? -- To what church did Jesus belong? -- What was the ministry of Jesus? -- How did Jesus begin his work? -- What did Jesus teach about the new birth? -- What was the first miracle of Jesus? -- What was the first sermon of Jesus? -- Why did Jesus call twelve disciples? -- What were the beattitudes of Jesus? -- What prayer did Jesus teach his disciples? -- What strange things did Jesus do? -- What new things did Jesus teach? -- What were the qualifications of Jesus as a teacher? -- What were the methods of Jesus as a teacher -- What made Jesus an incomparable speaker? -- How did Jesus deal with John's doubt? -- Hod did Jesus break with the pharisees? -- What did Jesus say about himself? -- What momentuous disclosure did Jesus make to his disciples? -- What was the meaning of the transfiguration of Jesus? -- What was the triumphal entry of Jesus? -- What was involved in the request of the Greeks to see Jesus? -- What was the last table talk of Jesus with his disciples? -- What was the meaning of the Lord's supper? -- What was the meaning of Gethsemane? -- What was the trial of Jesus? -- What was the crucifixion of Jesus? -- What was the ascension of Jesus? -- What happened at Pentecost? -- How did Christianity get out into the gentile world? -- How did Saul the persecutor become Paul the apostle to the gentiles? -- What vital issues were settled at the two councils in Jerusalem? -- What were Paul's missionary journeys? -- What is the portrait of Paul drawn in his epistles? -- How did church offices arise? -- What pagan elements did the New Testament assimilate? -- How was early Christianity affected by paganism? -- What did the church father's accomplish? -- What were the ancient councils and creeds? -- How did the Greek orthodox and the Roman catholic churches arise? -- What was scholasticism? -- What was the renaissance? -- What was the reformation? -- How did the modern churches arise? -- What is the church? -- What is the kingdom of God? -- What is worship? -- Why should we engage in Christian work? -- What is the social gospel? -- Why is giving a Christian duty? -- How can we idealize the budget? -- How shall we use the Christian Sundry? -- What should be our attitudes toward amusements? -- Is Christianity declining? -- Are foreign missions a spent force? -- What should be our Christian attitude toward other religions? -- Has skepticism captured our colleges and universities? -- What is religious education? -- What is the outlook for church union? -- Why do we believe in immortality? -- What will be the end of the world?

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