The Later Renaissance in England : nondramatic verse and prose, 1600-1660 / [print] selected by] Herschel Baker. - Boston : Houghton Mifflin, (c)1975. - vi, 962 pages : illustrations ; 27 cm.

I. Poetry. Fulke Greville, First Baron Brooke -- George Chapman -- Samuel Daniel -- Michael Drayton -- Joshua Sylvester -- Sir Henry Wotton -- John Donne -- Ben Jonson -- George Sandys -- Richard Corbett -- Edward Lord Herbert of Cherbury -- Phineas Fletcher -- Giles Fletcher -- Sir John Beaumont -- Aurelian Townshend -- William Drummond -- George Wither -- William Browne -- Robert Herrick -- Henry King -- Francis Quarles -- George Herbert -- Thomas Carew -- William Habington -- Thomas Randolph -- Edmund Waller -- Sir William Davenant -- John Milton -- Sir John Suckling -- William Cartwright -- Richard Crashaw -- John Cleveland -- Abraham Cowley -- Richard Lovelace -- Andrew Marvell -- Henry Vaughan -- II. Philosophy and speculation. Francis Bacon -- The Goodman-Hakewill controversy -- Godfrey Goodman -- George Hakewell -- Robert Burton -- Thomas Browne -- Sir Kenelm Digby -- Thomas Hobbes -- Alexander Ross -- Joseph Glanville -- III. Religion and politics. Lewis Bayley -- Lancelot Andrews -- Joseph Hall -- Thomas Adams -- John Donne -- William Chillingworth -- Francis Cheynell -- Thomas Fuller -- John Lilburne -- John Goodwin -- Henry Parker -- William Walwyn -- John Milton -- John Gauden -- Benjamin Whichcote -- Ralph Cudworth -- John Smith -- Jeremy Taylor -- Richard Baxter -- IV. Books and men. Francis Bacon-- William Rawley -- John Donne -- Samuel Daniel -- Fulke Greville, Baron Brooke -- Ben Jonson -- Joseph Hall -- Nicholas Breton -- John Earle -- Owen Felltham -- Henry Peacham -- Thomas Fuller -- Isaak Walton -- John Milton -- Sir William Davenant and Thomas Hobbes -- James Howell -- Edward Hyde, Earl of Clarendon -- V. History and historiography. John Stowe and Edmund Howes -- William Camden -- Ralph Brooke -- Sir John Hayward -- Richard Knolles -- John Sped -- Samuel Daniel -- John Selden -- Sir Waslter Raleigh -- Francis Bacon -- Edmund Bolton -- Degory Wheare -- Thomas Hobbes -- Thomas May -- Edward, Lord Herbert of Cherbury -- John Milton -- Edward Hyde, Earl of Clarendon.




PR1127.B167.L384 1975 PR1127