Museums and women and other stories / [print]
John Updike.
- first Vintage Books edition.
- New York : Vintage Books, (c)1981.
- x, 282 pages : illustrations ; 20 cm.
Museums and women -- The hillies -- The day of the dying rabbit -- The deacon -- I will not let thee go, except thou bless me -- The corner -- The witnesses -- Solitaire -- The orphaned swimming pool -- When everyone was pregnant -- Man and daughter in the cold -- I am dying, Egypt, dying -- The carol sing -- Plumbing -- The sea's green sameness -- The slump -- The pro -- One of my generation -- God speaks -- Under the microscope -- During the Jurassic -- The baluchitherium -- The invention of the horse collar -- Jesus on Honshu -- Marching through Boston -- The taste of metal -- Your lover just called -- Eros rampant -- Sublimating.