Papyrus and tablet / [print] edited by A. Kirk Grayson [and] Donald B. Redford. - Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey : Prentice-Hall, [(c)1973. - x, 178 pages : illustration, map ; 21 cm. - A Spectrum book . - Spectrum book. .

"A Spectrum book. S-306."

I. Egypt / "The king of upper and lower Egypt" the Egyptian state "Extending the boundaries" Egyptian imperialism "The land spins round" Egyptian revolution "Revered before his Lord" the Egyptian autobiography " ... in the stories of those who were aforetime" Egyptian narratives "And the great God laughed" the Egyptian wit D.B. Redford II. Mesopotamia / "Read the stele which I ... have written for posterity" the idea of history "Enlil subdued all lands under him" the idea of imperialism "Rebellions in Assyria" revolution as resistance to imperialism "O sin ... deliver me" Nabonidus and the Fall of Babylon "A barmaid ... became king" women in power "They embraced one another" Mesopotamian attitudes toward sex. A.K. Grayson

9780136483946 0136483860 9780136483861



GB7416890 bnb

001494943 Uk (AMICUS)000001130937 007680600 Uk

Egyptian literature--Translations into English.
Litterature egyptienne--Anthologies--Traductions anglaises.

PJ1943.P379 1973 PJ1943.R315.P379 1973