Sachar, Howard Morley, 1928-2018.

A history of the Jews in America / [print] by Howard M. Sachar. - New York, New York : Alfred A. Knopf, (c)1992. - xiv, 1050 pages ; 25 cm. - Borzoi book 9780394573533. .

A foothold in the early Americas -- A transplanted sephardic heritage -- A precarious North American beachhead -- A widening security under the Union Jack -- A mercantile community -- The catalyst of revolution -- Prefigurations of comprehensive emancipation -- Swallowed in America -- The Germanization of American Jewry -- Upheaval and efflux in central Europe -- A consolidation of political status -- The Jews of public perception -- On the frontier -- The "aristocrats" of San Francisco -- Sustaining an ancestral heritage -- The struggle for cultural identity -- The chimera of Jewish Unity -- The Americanization of German Jewry -- Civil war and nativization -- Under siege in the union -- Prefigurations of self-defense -- Kleider Kultur and merchant bankers -- The instituatinalization of affluence -- Acculturation and American society -- Prefigurations of social rejection -- The Americanization of Isaac M. Wise -- The Americanization of Judaism -- The price of acculturation -- The East European avalanche begins -- The Slavic Hinterland stirs -- The trauma of departure -- "Barbarians at the gate" -- Rites of passage -- Immigration intensified-and accepted -- Immigration redirected -- Survival in the immigrant city -- Trauma of urbanization -- Vocational disorientation -- The joys of wage slavery -- The care of one's own -- The philanthropy of Americanization -- Immigrant children and establishment matrons -- "The shame of our daughters" -- The ghetto and early crime -- Social and cultural ferment in the immigrant world -- The transplantation of radicalism -- The struggle for a labor foothold -- "The Great Revolt" -- The crisis of immigrant orthodoxy -- In search of a communal "address" -- The emergence of immigrant community -- The Yiddish press: a university of life -- A sunburst of Yiddish literature -- The culture of the boards -- Prefigurations of Americanization -- The German-Jewish conscience at efflorescence -- A minority progressivism -- Intercessors for European Jewry -- Russian autocracy and Jewish oligarchy -- The campaign to subvert a treaty -- The campaign for wartime relief -- World War I and the contest for American-Jewish spokesmanship -- The Great War and American-Jewish reappraisal -- The challenges of instant patriotism -- Sittings of early American Zionism -- Brandeis and the transformation of American Zionism -- Seeking a consensus on the national home -- A congress for the Jews -- Lobbying the peace conference -- A heritage assessed -- The Jewish presence under reappraisal -- Agrarianism and "international finance" -- Culture shock and "eugenics" -- The assault on the open door -- The Galveston plan -- Radicalism and reaction -- The golden door closes -- A resurgence of neo-agrarian nativism -- The politicization of demagoguery -- "The international Jew" -- David and the industrial Goliath -- The triumph of restrictionism -- A closing of inner doors -- A Lawrence Lowell proposes a quota -- Breaking the immigrant lockstep -- Central Europeans at the plateau -- A renewed sephardic influx -- The ghetto walls fall -- Mobsters and brawlers -- Entrepreneuring a popular culture: song and stage -- Entrepreneuring a popular culture: motion pictures -- Creating a popular culture: Broadway and Hollywood -- Moving out -- The culture of Americanization -- The Yiddish legacy at sunset -- Acculturation: vision and reality -- A confrontation of generations -- A disorientation of orthodoxy -- Reform and social justice -- The Rabbi as tribune -- The greening of tradition: conservative Judaism -- A stirring of Jewish education -- A secularization of identity -- The crisis of the college generation -- A search for equilibrium and identity -- The legitimization of diversity -- A moratorium on upward mobility -- The politics of postrevolutionary leftism -- Depression and Jewish radical left -- The insurrection of the intellectuals -- "Anti-fascism" in theater and film -- The New Deal and a revival of Jewish status -- A resurgence of antisemititsm -- The politics of self-protection -- The politics of accommodation -- Nazism and the quest for sanctuary -- Ongoing trauma in the east European reservoir -- The shock of early Nazism -- Succor and rescue: the early stage -- A public animus reinforced -- The immigration crisis deepens -- A chimera of asylums -- A return engagement of German-Jewish immigration -- The hibernation of American Zionism -- A resuscitation American Zionism -- The struggle for Palestinian sanctuary -- World War II: catastrophe and renewal -- The hatreds of isolationism and war -- Mobilization and Jewish science -- A pro-soviet honeymoon -- The struggle to rescue European Jewry -- Confronting the "final solution" -- The war refugee board -- The United States and the Holocaust: a final assessment -- Redemption of the postwar remnant -- A renewed search for American asylum -- The Zionization of American Jewry -- A mobilization of wartime Zionism -- American Zionism and mass action -- An ambiguity of government policy -- Truman seeks to "isolate" the refugee issue -- The United States enters the Palestine imbroglio -- American Zionism takes the diplomatic initiative -- The birth of Israel -- Forcing the issue in the United Nations -- The struggle of the Jewish state -- American Jewry pays its dues -- From Cold War to Belle Epoque -- A lingering restrictionism -- The Hollywood witch hunt -- The Rosenberg affair: indictment and trial -- The Rosenberg affair: aftermath and trauma -- The valedictory of central European capitalism -- The east Europeans' place in the sun -- A foot in the gentile economy -- That's entertainment -- A third-generation life style -- A breaching of intramural barriers -- The triumph of democratic pluralism -- Jewish federalism in the ascendant -- A revived quest for communal unity -- A fashionability of denominationalism -- Scholasticism and pedagogy -- An erosion of ideological commitment -- A transfiguration of orthodoxy -- Americanization and revitalization -- A renaissance of secular Jewish culture -- Defining a relationship with the Jewish state -- The generosity of pride -- Israeli sovereignty and American Zionism -- Jewish Americanism and Israeli Zionism -- Redefining the dimensions of support -- A commitment under consolidation -- A relationship becomes a partnership -- A partnership under consolidation -- Israel in American-Jewish identity -- A Jewish impact on American culture -- The refugee intellectuals cast a shadow -- The gates of academe open -- An easing of barriers to law and medicine -- Self-expression and creative arts -- Words and issues: disseminators and commentators -- The New York Intellectuals -- An artistic confrontation with Jewishness -- The landscape of the heart -- At home in America -- A third-generation demographic profile -- An intermittent peril from the right -- Church and state -- From radicalism to liberalism -- The rise and fall of Jewish "participatory democracy" -- A confrontation of minorities -- The struggle for vocational turf -- Is it good for the Jews? -- The politics of respectability -- The talisman of respectability -- Ethnicity at the apogee -- Feminism and communal democracy -- Internalizing the Holocaust -- The uses and misuses of the past -- Ethnicity at the Apogee -- A reaffirmation of cultural identity -- Ethnicity and ethics -- Again, the promised land -- The Israel lobby: the power of perception -- A diffusion of Israel's image -- A reappraisal of Lagress -- Israel revisited -- A definition of loyalties -- Again, the Promised Land -- Diaspora and homeland: a crisis of recognition -- The challenge of Soviet-Jewish rescue -- A "consciousness-raising" for American Jewry -- The struggle for an amendment -- A reassertion of American-Jewish seniority -- The challenges of a new Russian absorption.

Spanning 350 years of Jewish experience in this country, A History of the Jews in America is an essential chronicle by the author of The Course of Modern Jewish History. With impressive scholarship and a riveting sense of detail, Howard M. Sachar tells the stories of Spanish marranos and Russian refugees, of aristocrats and threadbare social revolutionaries, of philanthropists and Hollywood moguls. At the same time, he elucidates the grand themes of the Jewish encounter with America, from the bigotry of a Christian majority to the tensions among Jews of different origins and beliefs, and from the struggle for acceptance to the ambivalence of assimilation.




Jews--History.--United States
Judaism--History.--United States
Jews--History.--United States


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