Recapturing the Wesleys' vision : an introduction to the faith of John and Charles Wesley / [print]
Paul Wesley Chilcote.
- Downers Grove, Illinois : InterVarsity Press, (c)2004.
- 125 pages ; 21 cm.
Pt. 1. The message (kerygma) : the height of sovereign grace. Free grace (proclamation) : faith and works -- Inclusive love (preaching) : word and spirit -- part 2. The community (koinonia) : the depth of caring relationship. Shared experience (fellowship) : personal and social -- Enthused disciples (partnership) : form and power -- part 3. The discipline (paideia) : the length of Christian pilgrimage. Holistic formation (instruction) : heart and head -- Spiritual nourishment (guidance) : pulpit and table -- part 4. The servanthood (diakonia) : the breadth of compassionate witness. Transformational vocation (mission) : Christ and culture -- Incarnational ministry (service) : piety and mercy.