Classics of Western philosophy / [print]
edited by Steven M. Cahn.
- second edition.
- Indianapolis : Hackett Publishing Company, (c)1977.
- xiii, 1094 pages : illistrations ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references.
Plato -- Meno -- Euthyphro -- Apology -- Crito -- Phaedo -- Aristotle -- Physics (book 2) -- Nicomachean ethics (bks. 1-2, 3 (1-5), 4, 7 (1-10), 10) -- Epicurus -- Letter to Menoeceus -- Principal doctrines -- Epictetus -- Enchiridion -- Augustine -- Confessions (book 11) -- Anselm -- Proslogion -- Thomas Aquinas -- Summa theologica (Qs. 1, 2) -- Rene Descartes -- Meditations of first philosophy -- Thomas Hobbes -- Leviathan (chs. 1-3, 6, 13-21) -- Baruch Spinoza -- Ethics (part 1) -- Gottfried Leibniz -- Discourse on metaphysics -- Monadology -- John Locke -- An essay concerning human understanding (abridged) -- George Berkeley -- A treatise concerning the principles of human knowledge -- Three dialogues between Hylas and Philonous -- David Hume -- An enquiry concerning human understanding -- Dialogues concerning natural religion -- Immanuel Kant -- Prolegomena to any future metaphysics -- Grounding for the metaphysics of moral -- John Stuart Mill -- Utilitarianism -- On liberty.