Oates, Wayne E. 1917-1999.

The Christian pastor. - Rev. and enl. ed. - Philadelphia, Westminster Press [1964] - xii, 258 pages 21 cm

Part One: The Pastoral Task -- I. The Crisis Ministry of the Pastor -- II. The Symbolic Role of the Pastor -- III. The Personal Qualifications of the Pastor -- IV. The Identity and Integrity of the Pastor -- Part Two: Pastoral Methods -- V. Conditioning Influences on Pastoral Methods -- VI. The Levels of Pastoral Care: Friendship, Comfort, Confession, and Teaching -- VII. The Deeper Levels of Pastoral Care -- VIII. The Pastor as a Minister of Introduction -- Appendixes -- A. Criteria for Evaluating Effective Pastoral Care -- B. Records of Pastoral Work -- C.A Systematic Program of Reading.


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Pastoral theology.
Pastoral psychology.

BV4011.O11.C475 1964