An unsettling God : the heart of the Hebrew Bible /
Walter Brueggemann.
- xx, 212 pages ; 23 cm
YHWH as dialogical character -- Israel as YHWH's partner -- Human person as YHWH's partner -- Nations as YHWH's partner -- Creation as YHWH's partner -- Drama of partnership with YHWH.
"In the pages of the Hebrew Bible, ancient Israel gave witness to its encounter with a profound and uncontrollable reality experienced through relationship. This book, drawing on the heart of foremost Old Testament theologian Walter Brueggemann's magisterial Theology of the Old Testament, distills a career's worth of insights into the core message of the Hebrew Bible. God is described there, Brueggemann observes, as engaging four "partners"--Israel, the nations, creation, and the human being - in the divine purpose. This volume presents Brueggemann at his most engaging, offering profound insights tailored especially for the beginning student of the Hebrew Bible."--Back cover.
9780800663636 0800663632
Bible.--Old Testament--Criticism, interpretation, etc. Bible.--Old Testament Bible--Criticism, interpretation, etc. Bibeln.--G.T.--analys och tolkning.