David's truth in Israel's imagination & memory /
Walter Brueggemann.
- Philadelphia : Fortress Press, �1985.
- 128 pages ; 22 cm
Introduction: truth in its strangeness -- The trustful truth of the tribe -- The painful truth of the man -- The sure truth of the state -- The hopeful truth of the assembly -- Conclusion: truth free, in jeopardy.
Examines four different David narratives from the books of 1 and 2 Samuel and 1 Chronicles. Each narrative reflects a particular social context, a particular social hope, and a particular community, thus offering a distinctly different "mode of truth" concerning David.
0800618653 9780800618650
David, King of Israel. David, roi d'Isra�el. David, King of Israel David Israel, K�onig David (Israel, K�onig)
Bible.--Samuel--Criticism, interpretation, etc. Bible.--Samuel--Criticism, interpretation, etc. Bible--A.T.--Samuel--Critique, interpr�etation, etc. Bible.--Samuel Bibel 1. --Chronik Bibel 1. 2 --Samuel Bibel 1-2 --Samuel Bible.--Samuel--Criticism, interpretation, etc. Chronik (Bibel, I.) Samuel (Buch, I. II.)
Aufsatzsammlung Samu�el (bijbelboeken) I Kronieken (bijbelboek)