Relational theology : a contemporary introduction / [print] co-editors, Brint Montgomery, Thomas J. Oord, Karen Strand Winslow. - Eugene, Oregon : Wipf and Stock ; (c)2012. San Diego, California : Point Loma Press, (c)2012. San Diego, California : Point Loma Press, (c)2012. - xix, 115 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm. - Point Loma Press series . - Point Loma Press series. .

What is Relational Theology? / John Wesley and Relational Theology / The "Way" of Triune Love / The Person and Work of Christ / Relational Theology and the Holy Spirit / Participation in God / Relational Love / The Image of God / The Freedom Inherent in Relational Theology / Faith in Relations / Sin in Relational Perspective / A Relational Understanding of Atonement / A Relational View of Salvation and Sanctification / Cooperative Covenant Partners in the BIble / The Authority of the Bible / The Revelation and Inspiration of Scripture / "God with Us": Reading Scripture (Relationally) as the Church / Richard P. Thompson -- Relational Theology and Ecclesiology / Prayer and our Relationship with God / Relational Theology and the Means of Grace / The Medium is the Message: Preaching and Relational Theology / Worship as relational Renewal and Redemption of the World / Brent D. Peterson -- Spiritual Formation and Relational Theology / Pastoral Ministry / Ethics as Relational / The Cross or Caesar? A Postcolonial Query / Social Justice and Relational Theology / Relational Dimensions of Feminist Theology / Jewish-Christian Dialogue / The God of Love and the Multiplicity of Religious Traditions / Initial Creation and Relational Theology / God's Relation to Nature / Thomas Jay Oord -- Barry L. Callen -- K. Steve McCormick -- R. Larry Shelton -- Amos Yong -- Charles J. Conniry, Jr. -- Thomas J. Oord -- Samuel M. Powell -- Brint Montgomery -- Wm. Curtis Holtzen -- Michael Lodahl -- Derek Flood -- Timothy J. Crutcher -- Karen Strand Winslow -- Dwight Swanson -- Dennis Bratcher -- Philip R. Hamner -- Libby Tedder -- Dean G. Blevins -- T. Scott Daniels -- Douglas S. Hardy -- Jeren Rowell -- Kevin Twain Lowery -- Gabriel Salguero -- Brian K. Postlewait -- Diane Leclerc -- Marty Alan Michelson -- Mark H. Mann -- Karen Strand Winslow -- Sharon R. Harvey.

A growing number of Christians feel drawn to relational theology. The God of the Bible seems thoroughly relational, and we are increasingly aware of our own interrelatedness with others. Contributors to this volume tease out some implications of relational theology in light of a host of issues, doctrines, and agendas.



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