Reasons for faith : making a case for the Christian faith : essays in honor of Bob Passantino and Gretchen Passantino Coburn / [print] Norman L. Geisler. - Wheaton, Illinois : Crossway Books, (c)2007. - 416 pages ; 24 cm

Includes bibliographies and index.

PART FOUR: WORLD RELIGIOUS MOVEMENTS -- Mormonism/ Jehovah's Witnesses and the doctrine of salvation/ Oneness Pentecostals and the doctrine of God/ Witchcraft/ Satanism/ Reasoning faith and global missions: On reaching Hindus and Hindu-like peoples/ Kurt Van Gorden -- Jim Valentine and Eric Pement -- Ron Rhodes -- Richard G. Howe -- Jon Trott -- David J. Hesselgrave PART ONE: WHAT IS APOLOGETICS AND WHY DO W NEED IT? -- An apologetic for apologetics/ A relevant apologetic/ Apologetics for the twenty-first century/ A Biblic al argument for balanced apologetics: How the Apostle Paul practiced apologetics in the Acts/ The character of the good apologist: An appreciation for the life and labors of Bob Passantino/ Mark Mittelberg -- Josh McDowell -- John Warwick Montgomery -- H. Wayne House -- E. Calvin Beisner PART THREE: DEFENDING CHRISTIAN THEISM -- The cosmological argument/ The design argument/ The transcendental argument/ God and the evidence of evil/ The New Testament, Jesus Christ and the Da Vinci Code/ The resurrection of Jesus and recent agnosticism/ Winfried Corduan -- Miguel Angel Endara -- Sean Choi -- R. Douglas Geivett -- Richard G. Howe -- Gary Habermas PART TWO: CULTURAL AND THEOLOGICAL ISSUES IN APOLOGETICS -- The essentials of the Christian faith/ Postmodernism and truth/ Politics, faith, and the separation of Church and State/ Aslan in the public square/ Abortion, research cloning, and beyond: New challenges for pro-lifers in a brave new world/ The value of historical theology for apologetics/ Open Theism/ Norman L. Geisler -- J. P. Moreland -- Francis J. Beckwith -- Louis Markos -- Scott Klusendorf -- Alan W. Gomes -- Chad V. Meister POSTSCRIPT: A MANIFESTO FOR CHRISTIAN APOLOGETICS -- Nineteen theses to shake the world with the truth/ Douglas Groothuis.

Many Christians want to witness for their faith, but they are afraid they will not be able to answer questions that others may ask of them. First Peter 3:15 reminds believers to always be prepared to "make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you." Norman Geisler and Chad Meister realize the fear of facing questions about the Christian faith. Their book Reasons for Faith gives believers grounded biblical apologetics to help them defend their faith. By covering the importance of apologetics and then applying apologetics to popular culture and theological issues, these authors give all Christians the tools they need to stand firm in their faith and to be able to share that faith in today's society. ~ Amazon:




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