Say what I am called the Old English riddles of the Exeter Book and the Anglo-Latin riddle tradition / Dieter Bitterli.
Material type:
- text
- computer
- online resource
- 9781442689077
- PR1764 .S299 2009
- COPYRIGHT NOT covered - Click this link to request copyright permission:
Includes bibliographies and index.
part I. Contexts -- 1. Latin Riddling and the Vernacular -- 2. Tell-Tale Birds: The Etymological Principle -- 3. Crossings: Combinatorial and Numerical Riddles -- part II. Codes -- 4. Runic Strategies -- 5. Bits and Pieces -- 6. Letter Games -- part III. Tools -- 7. Silent Speech -- 8. Beasts of Battle -- 9. Flesh Made Word -- 10. Coda.
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