The power of peer providers in mental health services /Patrick W. Corrigan.

Corrigan, Patrick W.,

The power of peer providers in mental health services /Patrick W. Corrigan. - 1 online resource : illustrations. - Psychology research progress .

Includes bibliographies and index.

Intro -- Contents -- Preface -- First Principles and Assumptions -- Who Is This Book for -- Acknowledgments -- Chapter 1 -- The Basics of Support and Peers -- What Is Social Support -- Peers as Support -- What Is Serious Mental Illness? -- Affect -- Perception and Cognition -- Motivation and Behavior -- Interpersonal Functioning -- Suicide and Dangerousness -- Insight into Symptoms -- What Makes a Mental Illness Serious? -- What Is Recovery? -- Beyond Symptoms and Disabilities -- Independent Living -- Education and Employment -- Relationships -- Health -- Spiritual Life and Recreation Life Is More than Just the Pursuit of Goals -- Social Inclusion -- The Journey Is Self-Determined -- Peers Are Central to Support -- Theoretical Models of Peers and Peer Services -- Should Providers Be Peers? -- Differences in Peer versus Medical Models of Mental Health Care -- Dignity to Fail -- The Insidious Effects of Stigma -- What Is Stigma? -- Stigma Components -- How Does Stigma Undermine Recovery? -- Self-Stigma -- Public Stigma -- Beating the Stigma of Mental Illness -- How Are Peers Uniquely Situated to Tear Down Stigma and Promote Recovery? -- A History of Peers Estimates of Peer Services and Supports -- Conclusion -- References -- Chapter 2 -- Fundamental Principles and Practices of Effective Peer Support -- A Spectrum of Types of Peer Support Services -- Why Identify Fundamental Principles and Practices? -- Principles and Practices -- Historic Roots -- Conceptual Foundation -- Embedded in Community of Practice -- Embedded in a Worldview -- Recovery Planning -- Peer Support in Practice -- Self-Reflection and Self-Management -- Helps Manage Crises -- Trauma Informed Care -- Advocacy -- Structure and Environment -- The Role of Family Peer Support and Substance Use Disorders -- What Is Recovery across These Two Conditions? -- Peer Support and SUD -- Differences in Stigma -- Discrimination against People with Addictions Is Legal -- Stigma Is Used to Promote Prevention -- Implications for Erasing the Stigma of SUD -- Conclusion -- References -- Chapter 3 -- Community-Based Participatory Research -- Research and the Importance of Evidence -- There are Different Kinds of Research -- What Is CBPR? -- Principles of CBPR -- CBPR Recognizes Community as a Unit of Identity CBPR Holds an Ecological Perspective in Considering Research Questions -- CBPR Acknowledges Community's Strengths and Embraces its Resources -- CBPR Facilitates Collaborative and Equitable Partnership in all Research Phases -- CBPR is an Iterative Process that Fosters Co-Learning and Capacity Building -- CBPR is Contextually Bound -- CBPR is Action Focused -- Don't Forget the Scientists and Providers on the CBPR Team -- CBPR and Health Disparities -- Common CBPR Practices -- Targets -- Tasks -- Mastering Research Participant Protections and Institutional Review Board Responsibility

"People with lived experience of mental illness and recovery are joining leagues of skilled providers who offer services to meet the needs of people with serious psychiatric disorders. The emergence of peer power rides the crest of insights that appeared over the past 50 years related to hope, recovery, and self-determination. Key to these insights is support: coaches, navigators, mentors, and care coordinators who are in the field, addressing the person's goals, and barriers to goals, as they emerge. Peers can clearly learn the interpersonal and instrumental skills of support. In fact, their learned experience may give them special skills and insight into this supportiveness. This book is a deep review into both the conceptual and empirical elements of peer support services"--



Mental health services.

Electronic Books.

RA790 / .P694 2021