PERIODIC TABLE : a visual guide to the elements.


PERIODIC TABLE : a visual guide to the elements. - [Place of publication not identified] AURUM Press, (c)2020. - 1 online resource

Includes bibliographies and index.

Cover -- Half Title -- Title -- Copyright -- CONTENTS -- INTRODUCTION -- 1 The Periodic Table -- The Periodic Table -- Atomic Structure -- How Big is an Atom? -- How the Table Works -- Group 1 -- Group 2 -- Group 3 -- Group 4 -- Group 5 -- Group 6 -- Group 7 -- Group 8 -- The Transition Series -- Inner Transition Metals -- The Shapes of Atoms -- Timeline of Discovery -- A History of Tables -- Alternative Tables -- 2 The Big Picture -- Counting Atoms -- The Size of an Atom -- Density Trends -- Density Comparison -- Elements on Earth -- Human Body Composition -- Changing States -- Reactivity Hardness -- Strength -- Conductivity -- Magnetism -- Spectra -- Origins of Elements -- Universal Abundance -- 3 Inside Chemistry -- States of Matter -- Metallic Bonds -- Ionic Bonds -- Covalent Bonds -- Reactions -- Mixtures -- Radioactivity -- Radiation Doses -- Stability -- How to Make a New Element -- Organic Chemistry -- pH Chart -- Chemistry of Gems -- 4 Directory of Elements -- Hydrogen -- Helium -- Lithium -- Beryllium -- Boron -- Carbon -- Nitrogen -- Oxygen -- Fluorine -- Neon -- Sodium -- Magnesium -- Aluminium -- Silicon -- Phosphorus -- Sulphur -- Chlorine -- Argon -- Potassium Calcium -- Scandium -- Titanium -- Vanadium -- Chromium -- Manganese -- Iron -- Cobalt -- Nickel -- Copper -- Zinc -- Gallium -- Germanium -- Arsenic -- Selenium -- Bromine -- Krypton -- Rubidium -- Strontium -- Yttrium -- Zirconium -- Niobium -- Molybdenum -- Technetium -- Ruthenium -- Rhodium -- Palladium -- Silver -- Cadmium -- Indium -- Tin -- Antimony -- Tellurium -- Iodine -- Xenon -- Caesium -- Barium -- Lanthanum -- Cerium -- Praseodymium -- Neodymium -- Promethium -- Samarium -- Europium -- Gadolinium -- Terbium -- Dysprosium -- Holmium -- Erbium -- Thulium -- Ytterbium -- Lutetium Hafnium -- Tantalum -- Tungsten -- Rhenium -- Osmium -- Iridium -- Platinum -- Gold -- Mercury -- Thallium -- Lead -- Bismuth -- Polonium -- Astatine -- Radon -- Francium -- Radium -- Actinium -- Thorium -- Protactinium -- Uranium -- Neptunium -- Plutonium -- Americium -- Curium -- Berkelium -- Californium -- Einsteinium -- Fermium -- Transfermium Elements -- Glossary -- Index -- A -- B -- C -- D -- E -- F -- G -- H -- I -- J -- K -- L -- N -- O -- P -- Q -- R -- S -- T -- U -- V -- W -- X -- Y -- Z -- Acknowledgements


Chemical elements.
Periodic table of the elements.
Periodic law.
Periodic table of the elements--History.
Chemical elements--History.

Electronic Books.

QD467 / .P475 2020