
Pavúk, Peter.

<>. - Prague : Univerzita Karlova, Filozofická fakulta, (c)2018. - 1 online resource (578 pages) - Opera Facultatis philosophicae Universitatis Carolinae Pragensis ; vol. XVIII .

The Place of Cingirt Kayasi in the Pontic Region during the Reignof Mithridates VI

Includes bibliographies and index.

Intro; Contents; Preface; I. The Aegean and Anatolia; The Early Trade Routes for Metals in Bronze Age Crete; A 'Special Procession' in Minoan Seal Images: Observations on Ritual Dress in Minoan Crete; Deconstructing Achilles. The Stories about Piyamaradu and the Making of a Homeric Hero; Imported Objects as Proxy Data for Change in Greek Trade after the Mycenaean Collapse: A Multi-variate Quantitative Analysis; Movement Mad? Perspectives on Movement in Aegean; II. Classical, Hellenistic and Roman World In Pursuit of Connectivity in the Mediterranean: Corinthian Conventionalizing Pottery from Euesperides and the Broader Region of CyrenaicaThe Macedonian Expansion West of the River Axios: The Caseof Almopia; "Marathon without Phalanx?" -- Die Entstehung der Phalanxund ihre Bedeutung für die Polis aus der Sicht der Archäologie; Closer to Heaven: The Tradition of Above Ground Burials in Western Anatolia; Change You Can Believe in: Architecture and Unorthodox Classicism in Asia Minor; The Roman Bridge between Dolni Vadin (Bulgaria) and Grojdibodu (Romania); III. Central Europe Böhmen und Bayern in der Urnenfelderzeit. Ein Grabder Mittleren Urnenfelderzeit aus Sengkofen, Landkreis Regensburg, OberpfalzCultural Contacts of the Societies of South-WesternPolandin the Early Iron Age; 'And four strong-necked horses he threw swiftly on the pyre ... ' On human-horse relationship in the Early Iron Age Central Europe from the perspective of interregional contacts; Sulla presenza dei cavalli nelle tombe dell'età del Ferro in Italiasettentrionale; IV. Celts on the move; Boïens et Volques : les deux visages celtiques de la Bohêmeet de la Moravie Les relations de la Bohême avec l'Ouest et l'Est Laténiensentre Ve et IIIe sc. avant J.-C. nouvelles considérationsThe Belgae of Gaul and Britain: Revisiting Cross-ChannelContacts in the Later Iron Age; V. Thrace and its Rulers; Latest Investigations and New Perspectives at EmporionPistiros (South Central Bulgaria); Les Monnaies de l'emporion de Pistiros; Attic painted pottery from emporion Pistiros -- spatial distribution; Pistiros: the "Middle Ground" of a "Small Greek World"?; Hephaestus Dabatopios and the Divine Patronage of Metallurgyin Moesia Inferior and Thracia A Roman Crater with a Dionysiac Scene from South Central BulgariaOnce More on the Benefactor of the Metropolis Philippopolis, Thrace, T. Claudius Sacerdos Iulianus; VI. Black Sea Area; 'The Most Marvellous of All Seas': The Great King and theCimmerian Bosporus; Réflexions sur quelques traits particuliers du corps civique dansles Cités Nord-Pontiques; Le statut juridique des cités grecques de la côte occidentalede la mer Noire à l'époque d'August; The Southwestern Pontos in Orbis Romanus. General Trendsof the Political Integration of the Regional Communities

9788073087951 8073087952

Electronic Books.
