Fishes : a guide to their diversity /

Hastings, Philip A.,

Fishes : a guide to their diversity / Philip Alan Hastings, H.J. Walker, and Grantly R. Galland. - Oakland, California : University of California Press, (c)2014. - 1 online resource

Includes bibliographies and index.

Introduction; What Is a Fish?; Why This Book?; Systematics of Fishes; About This Book; Anatomy of Fishes; External Anatomy; Body Shapes; Fins; Fin-ray Elements and Dorsal-fin Configurations; Pelvic-fin Positions; Caudal-fin Shapes; Mouth Positions; Oral and Pharyngeal Jaw Diversity; Standard Measurements; Sensory Systems; Skeletal Anatomy; THE FISHES: VERTEBRATA-Vertebrates; Agnatha (Cyclostomata)-Jawless Fishes; Myxiniformes-Myxinidae-Hagfishes; Petromyzontiformes-Lampreys; Petromyzontidae-Northern Lampreys; Gnathostomata-Jawed Vertebrates. Chondrichthyes-Cartilaginous FishesHolocephali-Chimaeras; Chimaeriformes-Chimaeras; Chimaeridae-Ratfishes, Shortnose Chimaeras; Elasmobranchii-Sharks and Rays; Selachii-Sharks; Heterodontiformes-Heterodontidae: Bullhead Sharks; Orectolobiformes-Carpet Sharks; Ginglymostomatidae-Nurse Sharks; Rhincodontidae-Whale Sharks; Lamniformes-Mackerel Sharks; Alopiidae-Thresher Sharks; Lamnidae-Mackerel Sharks; Lamniform Diversity; Carcharhiniformes-Ground Sharks; Triakidae-Hound Sharks; Carcharhinidae-Requiem Sharks; Sphyrnidae-Hammerhead Sharks; Hexanchiformes-Six-gill Sharks; Hexanchidae-Cow Sharks. Echinorhiniformes-Echinorhinidae: Bramble SharksSqualiformes-Dogfish Sharks; Squalidae-Dogfish Sharks; Dalatiidae-Kitefin Sharks; Squatiniformes-Squatinidae-Angel Sharks; Pristiophoriformes-Pristiophoridae-Saw Sharks; Batoidea-Skates and Rays; Torpediniformes-Electric Rays; Narcinidae-Numbfishes; Pristiformes-Pristidae-Sawfishes; Rajiformes-Skates; Rhinobatidae-Guitarfishes; Rajidae-Skates; Myliobatiformes-Stingrays; Urotrygonidae-American Round Stingrays; Dasyatidae-Whiptail Stingrays; Gymnuridae-Butterfiy Rays; Myliobatidae-Eagle Rays; Osteichthyes-Bony Fishes. Sarcopterygii-Lobe-finned FishesCoelacanthiformes-Latimeriidae-Coelacanths; Ceratodontiformes-Lungfishes; Actinopterygii-Ray-finned Fishes; Actinopterygii I-Lower Ray-finned Fishes; Polypteriformes-Polypteridae-Bichirs; Acipenseriformes-Sturgeons and Paddlefishes; Acipenseridae-Sturgeons; Polyodontidae-Paddlefishes; Holostei-Gars and Bowfins; Lepisosteiformes-Lepisosteidae-Gars; Amiiformes-Amiidae-Bowfins; Teleostei-Teleosts; Osteoglossomorpha-Bonytongues and Mooneyes; Osteoglossiformes-Bonytongues; Hiodontiformes-Hiodontidae-Mooneyes; Elopomorpha; Elopiformes-Tenpounders and Tarpons. Elopidae-Tenpounders and LadyfishesMegalopidae-Tarpons; Albuliformes-Bonefishes; Albulidae-Bonefishes; Notacanthiformes-Spiny Eels and Halosaurs; Anguilliformes-Eels; Anguillidae-Freshwater Eels; Muraenidae-Moray Eels; Ophichthidae-Snake Eels and Worm Eels; Congridae-Conger Eels; Anguilliform Diversity; Saccopharyngiformes-Swallowers and Gulper Eels; Otocephala; Clupeiformes-Herrings, Anchovies, and Relatives; Engraulidae-Anchovies; Clupeidae-Herrings; Ostariophysi; Gonorynchiformes-Milkfishes and Relatives; Cypriniformes-Carps and Relatives; Cyprinidae-Carps and Minnows; Catostomidae-Suckers.

"This is a coursebook and reference guide for ichthyology courses that will also serve as a tool for ichthyologists, fisheries scientists, marine biologists, and vertebrate zoologists. It will cover the basic anatomy and diversity of all 62 orders of fishes, focusing on the distinguishing characteristics of approximately 180 of the most commonly encountered fish families. Each family will be diagnosed with easily observed characteristics and clear photos--many in color and from living specimens. This guide will be distinctive through the use of photographs of preserved specimens primarily from the Scripps Institution of Oceanography Marine Vertebrate Collection, supplemented by radiographs and additional illustrations of key characters. The goal is to give ichthyology students, fisheries scientists, marine biologists, vertebrate zoologists, and others with an interest or stake in the diversity of fishes a broad overview of the morphological diversity of fishes, arranged in a modern classification system. For students, it's a natural complement to primary ichthyology textbooks, which don't cover the breadth of morphological characteristics necessary to identify fish"--Provided by publisher.

9780520959330 9781785391330 9781322198231



Electronic Books.

QL615 / .F574 2014